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Plant Sci:WRKY46参与调控植物的抗菌性


中科院西双版纳热带植物园余迪求研究员领导的植物分子生物学组的初步研究发现,拟南芥WRKY46基因受抗病相关激素水杨酸SA和细菌Pseudomonas syringae的强烈诱导。高表达WRKY46基因提高了植物对该病原菌的抗性;而在WRKY46相关的三突变体(wrky46/70/53)中抗性下降。进一步研究表明,WRKY46介导的植物抗性部分依赖于内源性SA和NPR1。


相关研究结果于近日发表于植物学期刊Plant Science上。该研究得到农业部转基因植物专项基金资助。

Arabidopsis WRKY46 coordinates with WRKY70 and WRKY53 in basal resistance against pathogen Pseudomonas syringae

Yanru Hua, b, Qiuyan Donga, Diqiu Yua, ,

The WRKY transcription factors are involved in plant resistance against both biotrophic and necrotrophic pathogens. Arabidopsis WRKY46 is specifically induced by salicylic acid (SA) and biotrophic pathogen Pseudomonas syringae infection. To determine its possible roles in plant defense and elucidate potential functional redundancy with structurally related WRKY70 and WRKY53, we examined loss-of-function T-DNA insertion single, double and triple mutants, as well as gain-of-function transgenic WRKY46 over-expressing plants in response to P. syringae. WRKY46 over-expressing plants were more resistant to P. syringae. In contrast, pathogen-infected wrky46wrky70, wrky46wrky53 double mutants and wrky46wrky70wrky53 triple mutants showed increased susceptibility to this pathogen, with increased bacterial growth and more severe disease symptoms. The contrasting responses of gain-of-function plants and loss-of-function mutants were correlated with increased or reduced expression of defense-related PR1 gene. Expression studies of WRKY46, WRKY70, and WRKY53 in various defense-signaling mutants suggested that they are partially involved in SA-signaling pathway. In addition, our findings demonstrated negative cross-regulation among these three genes. These results indicate that WRKY46, WRKY70, and WRKY53 positively regulate basal resistance to P. syringae; and that they play overlapping and synergetic roles in plant basal defense.