
喙花姜Rhynchanthus beesianus W. W. Smith

喙花姜Rhynchanthus beesianus W. W. Smith


科名:姜科 Zingiberaceae

属名:喙花姜属 Rhynchanthus

  1. 喙花姜(中国高等植物图鉴)图版36
  Rhynchanthus beesianus W. W. Smith in Not. R. B. G. Edinb. 10: 189. 1918; Hand. -Mazz. , Symb. Sin. 7: 1322. 1936.
  产云南;生于疏林、灌丛或草地上或附生于树上,海拔 1,500-1,900米,缅甸亦有分布。模式标本采自云南腾冲。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 24 (2000)
Rhynchanthus beesianus  W. W. Smith
喙花姜   hui hua jiang
Rhizomes with stout, hairy roots. Pseudostems 0.5--1.5 m. Leaves 3--6; ligule membranous; petiole red adaxially, ca. 4 mm; leaf blade elliptic-oblong, 15--30 × 4.5--9 cm, glabrous, base rounded or acute, margin brown when dry, apex caudate-acuminate. Spikes erect, 10--15 cm, ca. 12-flowered; peduncle short; bracts red, purple when dry, linear-lanceolate, 3--7 cm, membranous. Calyx red, ca. 3 cm, apex with 2 green points. Corolla tube red, 2--4.5 cm, slightly widened distally; lobes pale red at base, yellowish distally, ovate-lanceolate, 1.5--3 cm. Lateral staminodes and labellum absent. Filament yellow, lanceolate, ca. 4.5 cm, base widened and folded; anther ca. 8 mm. Ovary ca. 5 mm, pubescent. Style linear. Fl. Jul. 2 n = 44*.
* Forests, scrub, grasslands, epiphytic on trees; 1500--1900 m. Yunnan [?Myanmar].
The presence of this species in Myanmar requires confirmation.