
宽叶荨麻Urtica laetevirens Maxim.

宽叶荨麻Urtica laetevirens Maxim.


科名:荨麻科 Urticaceae

属名:荨麻属 Urtica

  Urtica laetevirens Maxim. in Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. 22: 236. 1877; C. H. Wright in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 26: 472. 1899; Kom. Fl. Mansh. 2: 96. 1903, p. p.; Nakai, Fl. Kor. 2: 196. 1911; Hand.-Mazz. Symb. Sin. 7: 112. 1929, p. p.; Kom. et Alis. Key Pl. Far East. Reg. URSS 1: 446. 1931; A. Jarmolenko in Kom. Fl. URSS 5: 388. 1936; Kitagawa, Lineam. Fl. Mansh. 172. 1939; Ohwi, Fl. Jap. 435. 1956; 东北草本植物志2: 14. 1959; 中国高等植物图鉴1: 504, 图1007. 1972, p. p.; 秦岭植物志1 (2): 102-1974; 湖北植物志1: 157, 图200. 1976; 河南植物志1: 286,图356. 1981;西藏. 植物志1: 528.1983; C. J. Chen in Bull. Bot. Res. (Harbin) 3 (2): 114. 1983; 内蒙古植物志1: 261, 图版79 (6-7). 1985; Peng et al. in Bull. Bot. Bor.——Occ. Sin: 5 (2): 123. 1985; 河北植物志1: 297, 图264. 1986; 安徽植物志2: 114, 图379. 1986.——U. pachyrrhachis Hand.-Mazz. Symb. Sin. 7: 113, Abb. 2, Nr. 3-4. 1929.——U. silvatica Hand.-Mazz. 1. c. 113, Abb. 1, Nr. 1-2. 1929. ——U. thunbergiana auct. non Sieb. et Zucc. : Diels in Bot. Jahrb. 29: 301. 1900, p. p.

《Flora of China》 Vol. 5 (2003)
Urtica laetevirens  Maximowicz
宽叶荨麻   kuan ye qian ma
Herbs perennial, monoecious, rarely dioecious. Rhizomes woody. Stems simple or few branched, 30-100 cm tall, subglabrous or sparsely hirtellous and with sparsely stinging hairs, particularly on nodes. Stipules free (sometimes partly connate with 2-lobed apex on upper parts of plant), lanceolate or oblong, 3-8 mm, puberulent; petiole slender, 1.5-7 cm, with sparse stinging and hirtellous hairs; leaf blade ovate, cordate or lanceolate, often gradually narrow distally, 4-10 × 2-6 cm, often membranous, 3-veined, lateral basal veins arcuate, reaching distal margin and anastomosing, secondary veins 2 or 3 on each side, both surfaces with sparse stinging and hirtellous hairs, base broadly cuneate, rounded, or cordate, margin dentate or serrate, apex short acuminate to caudate-acuminate; cystoliths often botuliform, sometimes punctiform. Inflorescences unisexual; male inflorescences in distal axils, spicate, to 8 cm; female ones in proximal axils, subspicate, slender, sometimes glomerules interruped along axis. Male flowers sessile or short pedicellate, in bud ca. 1 mm; perianth lobes connate 1/2 of length, puberulent. Female flowers: perianth lobes connate at base, dorsal-ventral lobes elliptic-ovate, ca. 1 mm, sparsely or densely setulose, lateral lobes narrowly ovate, 3-5 times as short as dorsal ones Achene gray-brown, ovoid or narrowly ovoid, slightly compressed, ca. 1 mm, inconspicuously verrucose or smooth, invested by persistent perianth lobes. Fl. Jun-Aug, fr. Aug-Oct.
Moist places in forests, thickets, along streams, river banks; 100-3500 m. Anhui, Gansu, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, E Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, SE Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, SE Xizang, Yunnan [Japan, Korea, Russia (Far East)].
Dmitry Geltman (pers. comm.) believes that Urtica silvatica should be treated as a separate species and not as a synonym of U. laetevirens. The former species has connate stipules, whereas the latter species always has free stipules.

【别名】 螫麻、哈拉海
【来源】 荨麻科荨麻属植物宽叶荨麻Urtica laetevirens Maxim.,以全草、根和种子入药。夏季茎叶茂盛时割取地上全草,去杂质,切段,鲜用或晒干。根和种子在秋冬采收。
【性味】 苦、辛,温。有小毒。
【功能主治】 祛风定惊,消食通便。用于风湿关节痛,产后抽风,小儿惊风,小儿麻痹后遗症,高血压,消化不良,大便不通;外用治荨麻疹初起,蛇咬伤。
【用法用量】 1~2钱,外用适量捣汁外搽或煎水洗患处。
【摘录】 《全国中草药汇编》