
假楼梯草Lecanthus peduncularis (Wall. ex Royle) Wedd.

假楼梯草Lecanthus peduncularis (Wall. ex Royle) Wedd.


科名:荨麻科 Urticaceae

属名:假楼梯草属 Lecanthus

  2.假楼梯草(中国高等植物图鉴)长梗盘花麻(台湾植物志),头花荨麻(四川洪溪),水苋菜(四川凉山)图版35: 1-3
  Lecanthus peduncularis (Wall. ex Royle) Wedd. in DC. Prodr. 16 (1): 164. 1869, p. p.; Hand.-Mazz. Symb. Sin. 7: 142. 1929; Backer et Bakh. f. Fl. Java 2: 41. 1965; Hara, Fl. East. Himal. 60. 1966; 中国高等植物图鉴1: 512, 图1024. 1972; 福建植物志1: 471.图427-1982; 西藏植物志1: 546, 图175 (1-3 (. 1983; Grierson et Long, Fl. Bhutan 1(1: 116. 1983; 云南种子植物名录, 上册725. 1984; 贵州植物志4 : 37, 图版13. 1989. ——Procris peduncularis Wall. Cat. 1634, p. p.,nom. nud.; Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. t. 83. 1839-40. P. obtusa Royle, 1. c. t. 83, fig. 3.——Elatostema ovatum Wight, Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. 5: 11, t. 1985. 1853.——Lecanthus wallichii Wedd. in Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 4, 1: 187. 1854; C. H. Wright in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 26: 480. 1899.——L. wightii Wedd. in 1. c. 187; C. H. Wright in 1. c. 480.——L. sasakii Hayata, Ic. Pl. Formos. 6: 52. 1916; T. S. Liu et W. D. Huang in Fl. Taiwan 2: 196, Pl. 263. 1976, excl. Pl. ——L. obtusus (Royle) Hand.-Mazz. 1. c. 143. ——Pilea monilifera auct. non Hand. -Mazz.: 湖北植物志1: 115.图211-1976, p. p., quoad fig.
  草本。茎肉质,下部常匍匐,高25-70厘米,常分枝,上部有短柔毛。叶同对的常不等大,卵形,稀卵状披针形,长4-15厘米,宽2-6.5厘米,先端渐尖,基部稍偏斜,圆形,有时宽楔形,边缘有牙齿或牙齿状锯齿,上面疏生透明硬毛,下面脉上疏生短柔毛,钟乳体条形,两面明显,具基出3脉,其侧生的一对弧曲,其中一条达近顶部齿尖,另一条仅达中部与一条二级脉在中部环结,二级脉多数,在上部近边缘环结;叶柄长2-8厘米,疏生短柔毛;托叶膜质,长圆形或狭卵形,长3-8毫米,顶端钝。花序雌雄同株或异株,单生于叶腋,具盘状花序托,花着生其上;雄花序托盘状,径8-18毫米,花序梗长5-20厘米;雌花序托盘径5-10毫米,花序梗长3-12厘米,在分枝上的花序托较小,总花梗较短而纤细;总苞片生于序托盘的边缘,膜质,卵形或近三角形,长约1毫米。雄花具梗:花被片5,外面近先端常有角状突起;雄蕊5;退化雌蕊很小,近圆锥形。雌花具短梗,长约1毫米:花被片(-3) 4 (-5),近等大(生于盘状花序边缘的花被片不等大),长圆状倒卵形,其中2枚外面先端的下面有短角状突起;退化雄蕊明显,椭圆状长圆形,长约0.8毫米。瘦果椭圆状卵形,长0.8-1毫米,熟时褐灰色,表面散生疣点,上部背腹侧有一条略隆起的脊。花期7-8月,果期9-10月。
  产西藏南部至东南部、云南、四川、湖南、广西、广东、江西、福建和台湾。生于山谷林下阴湿处,海拔1 300-2 700米。印度、尼泊尔、锡金、中南半岛、印度尼西亚爪哇、斯里兰卡和埃塞俄比亚有分布。
  本种植物的植株大小、叶形、花序长短等变异颇大,L. obtusa (Royle) Hand. -Mazz.正是本种植物生长在不良环境下的贫瘦类型,故并入本种。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 5 (2003)
Lecanthus peduncularis  (Wallich ex Royle) Weddell
假楼梯草   jia lou ti cao
Procris peduncularis Wallich ex Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. t. 83. 1839; Elatostema ovatum Wight; Lecanthus obtusus (Royle) Handel-Mazzetti; L. sasakii Hayata; L. wallichii Weddell; L. wightii Weddell; Procris obtusa Royle.
Herbs perennial, stoloniferous, monoecious or dioecious. Stems often branched, 25-70 cm tall, pubescent distally. Stipules oblong, 3-9 mm, membranous, apex obtuse; petiole 2-8 cm, sparsely pubescent; leaf blade unequal in same pair, ovate to lanceolate, 4-15 × 2-6.5 cm, 3-veined, lateral basal pair often unequal, 1 reaching to middle, anastomosing with adjacent secondary veins before margin, other reaching to tooth of distal margin, lateral veins numerous, sparsely hirsute adaxially, sparsely pubescent on veins abaxially, base slightly obliquely rounded, rarely broadly cuneate, margin dentate-serrate, apex usually acuminate; cystoliths linear, conspicuous on both surfaces. Male inflorescences capitate, receptacle discoid, 8-35 mm in diam.; peduncle 5-30 cm. Female inflorescences on discoid receptacles 5-10 mm in diam.; peduncle 3-12 cm; involucral bracts in 1 or 2 rows, ovate or triangular, ca. 1 mm, membranous. Male flowers pedicellate; perianth lobes 5, unequal, obovate-oblong, corniculate below apex; stamens 5; rudimetary ovary minute, conic. Female flowers shortly pedicellate: perianth lobes (3 or)4(or 5), subequal or lobes by the margin of discoid receptacle unequal, oblong-obovate, 2 lobes corniculate below apex; staminodes conspicuous, elliptic-oblong, ca. 0.8 mm. Achene brownish gray, ellipsoid-ovoid, 0.8-1 mm, U-shaped elevated appendix along dorsi-ventral edge, verrucose. Fl. Jul-Oct, fr. Sep-Nov.
Shady, moist places in forests, along streams; 1300-2700 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, E and S Xizang, Yunnan [Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Sikkim, Vietnam; Africa].