
抽葶藁本Ligusticum scapiforme Wolff

抽葶藁本Ligusticum scapiforme Wolff

科名:伞形科 Umbelliferae

属名:藁本属 Ligusticum

  12. 抽葶藁本 图版104: 1-4
  Ligusticum scapiforme Wolff in Fedde, Repert. Sp. Nov. 27: 308. 1930; Shan in Sinensia 12: 175. 1941; Hiroe, Umbell. Asia 1: 112. 1958; 中国高等植物图鉴2: 1084. 图3898. 1972.——Ligusticum pseudo-modestum Wolff in Fedde, Repert. Sp. Nov. 27: 325. 1930; Hiroe, Umbell. Asia 1: 114. 1958. ——Ligusticopsis scapiformis (Wolff) Leute in Ann. Naturhistor. Mus. Wien 73: 77. Abb. 3. fig. 5. 1969.
  多年生草本,高5-30厘米。根多分叉;根颈被纤维状枯萎叶鞘。茎多条,常于基部分枝,圆柱形,中空,有细条纹,上部无叶而呈花葶状。基生叶具柄,柄长2-3厘米,基部扩大成鞘;叶片轮廓长圆状披针形,长3-5厘米,宽2-3厘米,2回羽状全裂,第一回羽片4-5对,长卵形至卵形,第二回羽片3-4对,不裂或3裂,末回裂片线形至披针形,长2-3毫米。复伞形花序顶生,直径3-6厘米,花序下常具毛环;总苞片1-3,长1厘米,先端羽状分裂,早落;伞辐9-13,不等长,长1-3厘米;小总苞片10,长0.5-1厘米,上部羽状分裂,裂片线形;萼齿明显,长0.5毫米;花瓣白色,倒卵形,先端具内折小尖头,基部具爪;花柱基隆起,柱头2,成熟时外弯。分生果背腹扁压,长圆状卵圆形,长5毫米,宽4毫米,背棱稍突起,侧棱扩大成翅,翅宽0.6毫米;背棱槽内油管1,侧棱槽内油管1-2或3-4,合生面油管4-6 (8);胚乳腹面平直。花期6-8月,果期9-10月。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 14 (2005)
Ligusticum scapiforme  H. Wolff
抽葶藁本   chou ting gao ben
Plants 5–30 cm. Root cylindrical, elongate, branched. Stems 2–3, unbranched, subscapose, base clothed in fibrous remnant sheaths. Basal petioles 2–3 cm; blade oblong-lanceolate, 3–5 × 2–3 cm, 2–3-pinnate, primary pinnae 4–5(–10) pairs; ultimate segments linear to lanceolate, 2–3 × 0.5–1 mm. Cauline leaves absent or occasionally 1, reduced. Umbels terminal, 3–6 cm wide, pilose at base; bracts 1–3, linear, pinnate or apex 3-lobed, rarely entire; rays (7–)9–15, unequal, 1–3 cm; bracteoles 8–10, 1–2-pinnate or apex 3-lobed, ca. equaling umbellules. Calyx teeth conspicuous. Petals white or purplish, obovate, base shortly clawed. Styles ca. equaling stylopodium. Fruit oblong-ovoid, 4–5 × 3–4 mm; dorsal and intermediate ribs filiform, lateral ribs winged; vittae 1–4 in each furrow, 4–6(–8) on commissure. Seed face plane. Fl. Jun–Aug, fr. Sep–Oct.
Coniferous forests, montane thickets, grassland at forest margins, alpine scrub and meadows, river banks; 2700–4800 m. W Sichuan, S Xizang, NW Yunnan.
This species has reputed medicinal value. The original description and a cited isotype of Ligusticum maxonianum (Yunnan: Lijiang, J. F. Rock 10380, E) possess a combination of characters in common with L. scapiforme.