
扁担杆Grewia biloba G. Don

扁担杆Grewia biloba G. Don

别名:bilobed grewia;圪柏麻;山络麻;哨儿菜;娃娃拳;葛荆麻;铁扁担;版筒柴;厚叶捕鱼木;(土/乞)柏麻;二裂解宝木;葛妃麻;狗栾子;孩儿拳头;光叶扁担杆;扁担木;沙糖果;扁担杆子;土/乞;岩劲麻;小花扁担杆;裂果扁担杆子;孩儿拳;光叶扁担格子;麻糖果;疙纠麻;茶干子;扁担秆;小叶扁担杆;棉筋条;小孩拳;麻汤果;月亮皮;黄鳝皮;二裂解宝叶;

科名:椴树科 Tiliaceae

属名:扁担杆属 Grewia

  6. 扁担杆(中国高等植物图鉴)图版24:5-9
  Grewia biloba G. Don Gen. Syst. 1:549. 1831; Burret in Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Mus. Berlin.9:708. 1926: Hand. -Mazz. Symb. Sin. 7:612. 1933: H. L. Li, Woody Fl. Taiwan 539. 1963——G. glabrescens Benth. Fl. Hongk. 42. 1861——G. parviflora Bunge var. glabrescens Rebd. et Wils. in Sarg. Pl. Wils. 2:371. 1916——G. esquirolii Levl. Fl. Kouy-Tcheou 419. 1915——Celostrus euonymoidea Levl. l. c.——Grewia tenuifolia Kanehira et Sasaki in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 13:377. 1928.
用    途:茎皮纤维白色,质软,为野生物中较好的一种,可作人造棉,去去皮茎杆可作编织用。根及全株入药,能健用益气,固精止带、祛风除湿,主治小儿疳积、虚久泻、遗精、红崩、白带、子宫脱垂、脱肛、风湿关节痛。
分    布:产阳日湾、马湾一带。
生    境:生于海拔800米以下山坡灌木丛中。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 12 (2007)
Grewia biloba  G. Don
扁担杆   bian dan gan
Shrubs or small trees 0.5-1(-4) m tall, many branched. Branchlets pubescent or nearly glabrous. Stipule subulate, 3-4 mm; petiole 4-8 mm, densely puberulent; leaf blade ovate-orbicular or obovate-elliptic, sometimes shallowly 3-lobed, 4-9 × 2.5-4 cm, thinly leathery, abaxially sparsely stellate hairy to stellate tomentose, adaxially more sparsely stellate hairy, lateral basal veins more than 1/2 as long as leaf blade, lateral veins 3-5 pairs, base cuneate or obtuse, margin serrulate, apex acute. Cymes axillary, many flowered; peduncle less than 1 cm. Pedicel 3-6 mm. Bracts subulate, 3-5 mm. Sepals narrowly oblong, 4-7 mm, abaxially hairy, adaxially white and glabrous. Petals 1-1.5 mm. Androgynophore ca. 0.5 mm, hairy. Stamens ca. 2 mm. Ovary hairy; style as long as sepals. Drupe red, 2-4-lobed; drupelets 1 per lobe. Fl. May-Jul.
Anhui, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Korea].

【拼音名】 Biǎn Dɑn Gǎn
【别名】 娃娃拳、麻糖果、月亮皮、葛荆麻
【来源】 椴树科扁担杆属植物扁担杆Grewia biloba G. Don,以全株入药。夏秋采挖,洗净切片晒干。
【性味】 辛、甘,温。
【功能主治】 健脾益气,固精止带,祛风除湿。用于小儿疳积,脾虚久泻,遗精,红崩,白带,子宫脱垂,脱肛,风湿关节痛。
【用法用量】 0.5~1两;亦可适量浸酒服。
【摘录】 《全国中草药汇编》