
天山假狼毒Stelleropsis tianschanica Pobed.

天山假狼毒Stelleropsis tianschanica Pobed.

科名:瑞香科 Thymelaeaceae

属名:假狼毒属 Stelleropsis

  2. 天山假狼毒(新疆植物名录) 图版72: 3-4
  Stelleropsis tianschanica Pobed. in Not. Syst. Herb. Inst. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS. 12. 153. 1950. Diarthron tianschanica (Pobed.) Kit Tan in Not. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 40 (1): 220. 1982.
  多年生草本,高15-30厘米;根茎木质,黄褐色或淡褐色;茎直立,10-20条自基部发出,不分枝,草质或近基部稍木质,无毛,具小的叶脱落后的痕迹,绿色,一年生,稍粗大。叶散生,草质,长圆状椭圆形至长椭圆形,长14-20毫米,宽3-5毫米,顶端急尖或稍渐尖,基部宽楔形,边缘全缘,不反卷或有时微反卷,通常散生少数白色细柔纤毛,绿色,两面无毛,中脉明显,两面扁平或下面稍隆起,侧脉3-5对,基部第2对较长,两面稍明显;叶柄短,粗壮,基部具关节,扁平,长约1毫米。花淡粉红色,多花组成头状或短穗状花序,顶生,无苞片;花梗短,无毛,长1-2毫米,顶端具明显的关节,花萼筒漏斗状圆筒形,长9-12毫米,无毛,花后在子房上部收缩,具关节,关节之下宿存,关节之上脱落,裂片4,长卵形或卵状披针形,长5-7毫米,宽1 .5-2.2毫米,先端钝尖;雄蕊8,2轮,着生于花萼筒关节之上,上轮生于喉部以下,花丝短,花药长圆形,长约1毫米,两端凹下;花盘环状,偏斜,围绕子房基部,边缘宽凸起,牙齿状;子房椭圆形或近长圆形,长约1.3毫米,顶端或中部以上具褐色长柔毛,花柱短,纤细,柱头球形。坚果绿色,包藏于宿存的花萼筒基部,椭圆形。花期6月,果期8月。
  本种与阿尔泰假狼毒 S. altaica (Thieb.) Pobed. 很相近,但不同之处在于茎高14-30厘米,头状花序或极短的穗状花序。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 13 (2007)
Diarthron tianschanicum  (Pobedimova) Kit Tan
天山假狼毒   tian shan jia lang du
Stelleropsis tianschanica Pobedimova, Bot. Mater. Gerb. Bot. Inst. Komarova Akad. nauk S.S.S.R. 12: 153. 1950.
Herbs perennial, 15-30 cm tall. Rhizome woody, yellowish brown or light brown. Stems 10-20, erect, unbranched, herbaceous or slightly woody near base, glabrous; leaf scars green, small. Leaves alternate; petiole ca. 1 mm; leaf blade oblong-elliptic to narrowly elliptic, 1.4-2 × 0.3-0.5 cm, herbaceous, both surfaces glabrous, base broadly cuneate, margin slightly revolute or not, sparsely white ciliate, apex acute or slightly acuminate; midrib conspicuous, flattened on both surfaces or raised abaxially; lateral veins 3-5 pairs, second proximal pair usually longer, ± visible on both surfaces. Inflorescences terminal, capitate or shortly racemose, to 1 cm, 15-20-flowered. Pedicel short, 1-2 mm, articulate at apex, glabrous. Calyx reddish; tube funnel-shaped-cylindric, 9-12 mm, articulate, contracted above ovary after anthesis, exterior glabrous; lobes 4, narrowly ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 5-7 × 1.5-2.2 mm, apex obtuse. Stamens 8, upper whorl on and slightly below throat; filaments short; anthers oblong, ca. 1 mm, base and apex retuse. Disk annular, oblique, enclosing base of ovary, margin usually toothed. Ovary ellipsoid, ca. 1.3 mm, brown pilose above middle or at apex, stipitate; style filiform, short; stigma globose. Drupe green, ellipsoid, enclosed in persistent calyx. Fl. Jun, fr. Aug.
Sunny and dry slopes, sandy places; 1700-2000 m. Xinjiang (Zhaosu) [C Asia].