
池杉Taxodium ascendens Brongn

池杉Taxodium ascendens Brongn

科名:杉科 Taxodiaceae

属名:落羽杉属 Taxodium

  Taxodium ascendens Brongn. in Ann. Sci. Nat. 30: 182. 1833; Rehd. Man. cult. Trees and Shrubs 24. 1927, ed. 2. 49. 1940, et Bibliogr. 42. 1949; Bailey, Cult. Conif. 139. 1933;陈嵘, 中国树木分类学52. 1937; Dallimore and Jackson, Handb. Conif. ed. 3. 605. 1948, rev. Harrison, Handbr. Conif. and Ginkgo ed. 4. 584. 1966;郑万钧等, 中国树木学1: 223. 1961;郑万钧等, 植物分类学报13 (4): 72. 图43. 6-7. 1975.
  乔木,在原产地高达25米;树干基部膨大,通常有屈膝状的呼吸根(低湿地生长尤为显著);树皮褐色,纵裂,成长条片脱落;枝条向上伸展,树冠较窄,呈尖塔形;当年生小枝绿色,细长,通常微向下弯垂,二年生小枝呈褐红色。叶钻形,微内曲,在枝上螺旋状伸展,上部微向外伸展或近直展,下部通常贴近小枝,基部下延,长4-10毫米,基部宽约1毫米,向上渐窄,先端有渐尖的锐尖头,下面有棱脊,上面中脉微隆起,每边有2-4条气孔线. 球果圆球形或矩圆状球形,有短梗,向下斜垂,熟时褐黄色,长2-4厘米,径1.8-3厘米;种鳞木质,盾形,中部种鳞高1.5-2厘米;种子不规则三角形,微扁,红褐色,长1.3-1.8厘米,宽0.5-1.1厘米,边缘有锐脊。花期3-4月,球果10月成熟。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 4 (1999)
Taxodium distichum var. imbricatum  (Nuttall) Croom
池杉   chi shan
Cupressus disticha var. imbricata Nuttall, Gen. N. Amer. Pl. 2: 224. 1818; ?C. disticha var. nutans Aiton; Glyptostrobus lineatus (Poiret) Druce; Taxodium ascendens Brongniart; ?T. ascendens var. nutans (Aiton) Rehder; ?T. distichum var. nutans (Aiton) Sweet (1827), not Carriere (1867); T. imbricatum (Nuttall) R. M. Harper; Thuja lineata Poiret.
Main branches ascending. Leaves on annual branchlets not 2-ranked, mostly subulate, a few linear and flat.
Used for afforestation on marshy soils. Anhui, Fujian, Henan (Jigong Shan), Hubei (Wuhan Shi), Jiangsu (Nanjing Shi, Nantong Shi), Jiangxi, Zhejiang (Hangzhou Shi) [native to SE United States]
Vegetative material of var. imbricatum is superficially almost indistinguishable from Glyptostrobus pensilis. However, the appressed, subulate leaves of the former are more distinctly alternate, softer in texture, and with an incurved apex; while the spreading, linear leaves lack the thin, winglike margin along their trailing edge that is a feature of G. pensilis.