
榧树Torreya grandis Fort. ex Lindl.

榧树Torreya grandis Fort. ex Lindl.


科名:红豆杉科 Taxaceae

属名:榧树属 Torreya

  1. 榧树(本草纲目) 圆榧、芝麻榧、了木榧、米榧、栾泡榧、细圆榧、大圆榧(浙江),野杉(江西、浙江),药榧(安徽黄山),钝叶榧树、小果榧树(中国树木分类学),榧、凹叶榧、小果榧(中国裸子植物志) 图版105
  Torreya grandis Fort. ex Lindl. in Gard. Chron. 788. 1857, ibidem 588. f. 1-3. 1858, ibidem n. ser. 22: 681. f. 117. 1884; Gord. Pinet. 326. 1858; Parl. in DC. Prodr. 16(2): 505. 1868; Beissn. Handb. Nadelh. ed. 2. 58. 1909, Beissn. u. Fitsch. ibidem ed. 3. 52. 1930; Clinton-Baker, Illustr. Conif. 3. t. 61. 1913; Chun, Chinese Econ. Trees 47. 1921, pro parte; Dallimore and Jackson Handb. Conif. 75. 1923, ed. 3. 102. f. 10 c-f. 1948, pro parte, rev. Harrison, Handb. Conif. and Ginkgo. ed. 628. f. 124 c-f. 1966, pro parte; 胡先骕, 科学社生物所论文集 3(5): 5. t. 3-11. 13-18. 1927; 钱崇澍, ibidem 27. 1927; Rehd. Man. Cult. Trees and Shrubs 4. 1927, ed. 2. 4. 1940, et Bibliogr. 4. 1949; 郑万钧, 科学社生物所论文集 8: 302. 1933; 陈嵘, 中国树木分类学 8. 图5. 1937; Metcalf, Fl. Fukien 1: 22. 1942; 刘玉壶, 中研汇报 1(2): 145. f. 1. 1947; 郝景盛, 中国裸子植物志 17. 图3. 1945, 再版15. 图3. 1951; 裴鉴、单人骅等, 江苏南部种子植物手册 5. 图5. 1959; 郑万钧等, 中国树木学 1: 287. 图136. 1961; S. Y. Hu in Taiwania 10: 23. 1964; 中国科学院植物研究所, 中国高等植物图鉴 1: 335. 图669. 1972. ——Caryotaxus grandis Henkel et Hochst. Syn. Nadelh. 367. 1865. ——Tumion grandis Greene in Pittonia 2: 194. 1891. ——Torreya nucifera (Linn.) Sieb. et Zucc. var. grandis (Fort.) Pilger in Engler, Pflanzenr. 18 Heft, 4(5): 107. 1903. ——Torreya grandis Fort. f. majus Hu; 科学社生物所论文集 3(5): 6. t. 9. 1927. ——Torreya grandis Fort. f. non-apiculata Hu, 1. c. 6. t. 10. ——Torreya grandis Fort. var. dielsii Hu, 1. c. 7. t. 4. ——Torreya grandis Fort. var. Chingii Hu, 1. c. 8. t. 8. Torreya grandis Fort. var. sargentii Hu, 1. c. 7. t. 7.
  乔木,高达25米,胸径55厘米;树皮浅黄灰色、深灰色或灰褐色, 不规则纵裂;一年生枝绿色,无毛,二、三年生枝黄绿色、淡褐黄色或暗绿黄色,稀淡褐色。叶条形,列成两列,通常直,长1.1-2.5厘米,宽2.5-3.5毫米,先端凸尖,上面光绿色,无隆起的中脉,下面淡绿色,气孔带常与中脉带等宽,绿色边带与气孔带等宽或稍宽。雄球花圆柱状,长约8毫米,基部的苞片有明显的背脊,雄蕊多数,各有4个花药,药隔先端宽圆有缺齿。种子椭圆形、卵圆形、倒卵圆形或长椭圆形,长2-4.5厘米,径1.5-2.5厘米,熟时假种皮淡紫褐色,有白粉,顶端微凸,基部具宿存的苞片,胚乳微皱;初生叶三角状鳞形。花期4月,种子翌年10月成熟。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 4 (1999)
Torreya grandis  Fortune ex Lindley
榧树   fei shu
Trees to 25 m tall; trunk to 0.5(-2) m d.b.h.; bark light yellowish gray, dark gray, or grayish brown, with irregular vertical fissures. Leafy branchlets oblong-obovate in outline, 4-7 × 2.5-4 cm, axis green and glabrous in 1st year, thereafter yellowish green, light brownish yellow or pale brown. Leaves borne at (50-)60-90° to branchlet axis; petiole 0.5-1 mm; blade bright green and glossy adaxially, linear-lanceolate, usually straight, (0.7-)1.1-2.5(-4.5) cm × 2-3.5 mm, with no conspicuous grooves, midvein indistinct adaxially, (0.2-)0.5-0.7 mm wide abaxially, stomatal bands (0.2-)0.3-0.4 mm wide, marginal bands 0.5-0.7 mm wide, base obtuse or broadly rounded, ± symmetric, margin flat or very narrowly revolute, apex symmetrically or slightly asymmetrically tapered, cuspidate, cusp 0.3-1 mm. Pollen cones columnar, ca. 8 mm; bracts conspicuously ridged. Aril pale purplish brown and white powdery when ripe, apex obtuse-rounded or rounded and cuspidatae. Seed ellipsoid to ovoid, elongate-ellipsoid, obovoid, or obovoid-conical, 2-4.5 × 1.2-2.5 cm; female gametophyte tissue slightly wrinkled, not ruminate. Pollination Apr, seed maturity Sep-Nov of 2nd year.
* Mountains, open valleys, often by streams, on yellow, red, and dark soils; 200-1400 m. S Anhui, N Fujian, NE Guizhou, W Hunan, S Jiangsu, N Jiangxi, Zhejiang
The wood is used in constructing buildings, bridges, and furniture. The seed, known as "xiangfei," is edible and also yields an edible oil; the essential oil "torreya oil" is extracted from the aril.
Numerous variants have been recognized at the rank of variety, form, or cultivar (cf. S. Y. Hu, Taiwania 10: 23-25. 1964). Torreya grandis var. sargentii Hu appears very distinct, leaf blade: midvein very narrow, ca. 0.2 mm wide, with green belt on either side ca. 0.3 mm wide, stomatal bands very narrow, 0.2-0.25 mm wide; seed strongly obovoid, 40-45 × 18-20 mm); however, very few specimens have been seen, so the distinctions are probably not genuine; it is included here in the synonymy of var. grandis.