
长穗柽柳Tamarix elongata Ledeb.

长穗柽柳Tamarix elongata Ledeb.


科名:柽柳科 Tamaricaceae

属名:柽柳属 Tamarix

  1.长穗柽柳(中国高等植物图鉴)图版40: 1-5
  Tamarix elongata Lodeb. Fl. Alt. 1; 421. 1829; Rusan., Tamarisks of Centaral Asia 44. 1949; Gorschk. in Fl. USSR. 15: 300. 1949;
  大灌木,高l-3(-5)米,枝短而粗壮,挺直,末端粗钝,老枝灰色,去年生枝淡灰黄色或淡灰棕色;营养小枝淡黄绿色而有灰蓝色的色调。生长枝上的叶披针形,线状披针形或线形,长达4-9(-10)毫米,宽(0.3)1-3毫米,渐尖或急尖,向外伸,下面扩大,基部宽心形,背面隆起,半抱茎,具耳,营养小枝上的叶心状披针形或披针形,半抱茎,短下延,微.具耳,向上披针形紧缩。在生长枝的叶腋内,秋天生出长达5毫米的浅黄色花芽。总状花序侧生在去年生枝上,春天于发叶前或发叶时出现,单生,粗壮,长6-15(-25)厘米,通常长约12厘米,粗0.4-0.8(-1.5)厘米,基部有具苞片的总花梗,总花梗长1-2厘米,苞片线状披针形或宽线形,渐尖,淡绿色或膜质,长3-6毫米,明显地超出花萼(连花梗)或与花萼等长,宽0.3-0.7毫米,花时略向外倾,花末向外反折;花梗比花萼略短或等长。花较大,4 数,花萼深钟形,基部咯结合,萼片卵形,钝或急尖,边缘膜质,具牙齿;花瓣卵状椭圆形或长圆状倒卵形,两侧不等,先端圆钝,长2-2.5毫米,宽1-1.3毫米,盛花时充分张开向外折,粉红色,花后即落;假顶生花盘薄,4裂;雄蕊4(偶有6-7),与花瓣等长或略长,花丝基部变宽,逐渐过渡到花盘裂片;花药钝或顶端具小突起,粉红色;子房卵状圆锥形,长1.3-2毫米,几无花柱,柱头3枚。蒴果形为子房,长4-6毫米,宽2毫米,果皮枯草质,淡红色或橙黄色。春季4-5月开花。据记载秋季偶二次开花,二次花为5数。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 13 (2007)
Tamarix elongata  Ledebour
长穗柽柳   chang sui cheng liu
Shrubs large, 1-3(-5) m tall. Branches of previous year grayish yellow or grayish brown; vegetative branchlets yellowish green and tinged with gray-blue. Leaves of growing branches spreading toward outside, enlarged in lower part, lanceolate, linear-lanceolate, or linear, 4-9(-10) × (0.3-)1-3 mm, abaxially raised, base broadly cordate, semiamplexicaul, auriculate, apex acuminate or acute; those of vegetative branchlets cordate-lanceolate or lanceolate, semiamplexicaul, shortly decurrent, faintly auriculate, upward attenuate. Flower buds yellowish, to 5 mm, produced from leaf axils of growing branches in autumn. Racemes lateral in branches of previous year, appearing in spring before or when leaves occur, solitary, robust, 6-15(-25) cm, usually ca. 12 cm, 4-8(-15) mm in diam.; peduncles 1-2 cm; bracts linear-lanceolate or broadly linear, 3-6 mm, conspicuously exceeding calyx (including pedicels) or equaling calyx, 0.3-0.7 mm wide, greenish or membranous, apex acuminate, slightly curved toward outside at anthesis, reflexed after anthesis. Pedicels slightly shorter than or ca. as long as calyx. Flowers larger, 4-merous. Calyx deeply campanulate, base slightly united; sepals ovate, margin membranous, dentate, apex obtuse or acute. Petals open and reflexed when flowers in full bloom, pink, ovate-elliptic or oblong-obovate, inequilateral, 2-2.5 × 1-1.3 mm, apex obtuse, immediately deciduous after anthesis. Disk pseudo-terminal, thin, 4-lobed. Stamens 4, rarely 6 or 7, equaling or slightly exceeding petals; filaments dilated at base, gradually transitional to disk lobes; anthers pink, obtuse or with small protrusions at apex. Ovary ovoid-conic, 1.3-2 mm; styles nearly absent; stigmas 3. Capsule reddish or orange-yellow, ovoid-conic, 4-6 × ca. 2 mm. Fl. Apr-May, occasionally in autumn for second time. Flowers blooming in autumn 5-merous. 2n = 24*.
Salty soils of river valleys, river banks, sand dunes in desert regions. Gansu, Nei Mongol, Ningxia, Qinghai, Xinjiang [Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan].