
直立婆婆纳Veronica arvensis LInn.

直立婆婆纳Veronica arvensis LInn.

别名:玄桃;脾寒草;corn speedwell;

科名:玄参科 Scrophulariaceae

属名:婆婆纳属 Veronica

  Veronica arvensis L. Sp. Pl. 13, 1753; Benth. in DC. Prodr. 10: 483. 1846; 中国高等植物图鉴, 4: 729. 1975.
  小草本,茎直立或上升,不分枝或铺散分枝,高5-30厘米,有两列多细胞白色长柔毛。叶常3-5对,下部的有短柄,中上部的无柄,卵形至卵圆形,长5-15毫米,宽4-10毫米,具3-5脉,边缘具圆或钝齿,两面被硬毛。总状花序长而多花,长可达20厘米,各部分被多细胞白色腺毛;苞片下部的长卵形而疏具圆齿至上部的长椭圆形而全缘;花梗极短;花萼长3-4毫米,裂片条状椭圆形,前方2枚长于后方2枚;花冠蓝紫色或蓝色,长约2毫米,裂片圆形至长矩圆形;雄蕊短于花冠。蒴果倒心形,强烈侧扁,长2.5-3.5毫米,宽略过之,边缘有腺毛,凹口很深,几乎为果半长,裂片圆钝,宿存的花柱不伸出凹口。种子矩圆形,长近1毫米。花期4-5月。2n=14, 16、18

《Flora of China》 Vol. 18 (1998)
Veronica arvensis  Linnaeus
直立婆婆纳   zhi li po po na
Annuals. Stems erect or ascending, simple or branched and diffuse, 5-30 cm tall, with white multicellular hairs often concentrated along 2 lines. Leaves often 3-5 pairs, lower ones short petiolate, upper sessile; leaf blade ovate-orbicular, 5-15 X 4-10 mm, hirsute, margin crenate, veins 3-5. Racemes terminal, lax, elongated to 20 cm, many flowered, with multicellular glandular hairs; bracts alternate, leaflike, lower ones narrowly ovate and sparsely crenate, upper ones narrowly elliptic and entire. Pedicel less than 2 mm. Calyx 4-lobed, 3-4 mm; lobes linear-lanceolate, lower 2 lobes longer than upper 2. Corolla blue to blue-purple, rotate, ca. 2 mm, shorter than calyx; lobes orbicular to narrowly oblong. Stamens shorter than corolla. Capsule obcordate, strongly compressed, 2.5-3.5 X 3-4 mm, glabrous, margin glandular ciliate, apex notch very deep; lobes rounded-obtuse. Style less than 1 mm, shorter than to equalling notch. Seeds oblong, ca. 1 mm, smooth. Fl. Apr-May. 2n = 16.
Naturalized in waste grassy places and along roads; below 2000 m. Anhui, Fujian, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shandong, Taiwan [native to S Europe and SW Asia, naturalized over most of the world].