
簸箕柳Salix suchowensis W. C. Cheng ex G. Zhu

簸箕柳Salix suchowensis W. C. Cheng ex G. Zhu


科名:杨柳科 Salicaceae

属名:柳属 Salix

  Salix suchowensis Cheng,林业科学8 (1): 4. 1963.
  灌木。小枝淡黄绿色或淡紫红色;无毛,当年生枝初有疏绒毛,后仅芽附近有绒毛;叶披针形,长7-11厘米,宽约1.5厘米,先端短渐尖,基部楔形,边缘具细腺齿,上面暗绿色,下面苍白色,中脉淡褐色,侧脉呈钝角或直角开展,两面无毛,幼叶有短绒毛;叶柄长约5毫米,上面常有短绒毛;托叶线形至披针形,长1-1.5厘米,边缘有疏腺齿。花先叶开放,花序长3-4厘米,无梗或近无梗,基部具鳞片,轴密被灰绒毛;苞片长倒卵形,褐色,先端钝圆,色较暗,外面有长柔毛;腺体1,腹生;雄蕊2,花丝合生,花药黄色;子房圆锥形, 密被灰绒毛,子房柄很短至无柄,花柱明显,柱头2裂。蒴果有毛。花期3月,果期4-5月。
  本种与北方的筐柳S. linearistipularis (Franch.) Hao很近似,但枝色较深,花序较细,花柱较长。此外,二者在生态习性和经济用途上都很相近,有待进一步研究。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 4 (1999)
Salix suchowensis  W. C. Cheng ex G. Zhu
簸箕柳   bo ji liu
Shrubs. Branchlets yellowish green or purplish red, glabrous; juvenile branchlets sparsely tomentose at first, becoming subglabrous. Stipules linear to lanceolate, 1-1.5 cm; petiole ca. 5 mm, margin remotely glandular dentate, usually tomentulose; leaf blade lanceolate, 7-11 × ca. 1.5 cm, abaxially pale, both surfaces glabrous, tomentulose when young, adaxially dull green, base cuneate, margin glandular denticulate, apex shortly acuminate; lateral veins diverging from brownish midvein at 45-90° . Flowering precocious. Male catkin terete, 3-4 cm × 4-5 mm, sessile or subsessile, with scalelike leaflets at base; rachis gray tomentose; bracts brown, long obovate, abaxially villous, apex obtuse-rounded, slightly darker. Male flower: glands adaxial; stamens 2, connate throughout. Female catkin ca. 4 mm thick. Female flower: ovary conical, densely gray tomentose; stipe short to absent; style conspicuous; stigma 2-cleft. Capsule pilose. Fl. Mar, fr. Apr-May.
* Plains, cultivated. E Henan, Jiangsu, S Shandong, N Zhejiang
Very similar to Salix linearistipularis but branchlets more richly colored; catkins thinner; style longer.
Used for weaving wicker articles.
The name Salix mongolica Siuz. var. suchowensis (Cheng) N. Chao & G. T. Gong (J. Sichuan. For. Sci. Technol. 27: 11. 2006) appeared after the corresponding Flora volume.