
巴戟天Morinda officinalis How

巴戟天Morinda officinalis How


科名:茜草科 Rubiaceae

属名:巴戟天属 Morinda

  26c. 密梗巴戟天(栽培变种)
  26. 巴戟天(植物分类学报)大巴戟(中国通邮地方物产志),巴戟、巴吉、鸡肠风(广东)
  Morinda officinalis How in Acta Phytotax. Sinica 7: 325. 1958; 海南植物志3: 332. 1974; 中国高等植物图鉴4: 243, 图5899. 1975.
  cv. uniflora in Addenda 337. 1999.
种拉丁名:Morinda officinalis How
命名来源:(植物分类学报)[Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 7(4): 326-327, pl. 64 & 65 1958]
巴戟天 RadixMorindaeOfficinalis
(英) MedicinalIndianmulberryRoot
[别名] 鸡肠风、鸡眼藤、三角藤。
[来源] 为茜草科植物巴戟天MorindaofficinalisHow的根。
[植物形态] 缠绕藤本。叶对生,膜质,长圆形,先端尖,背脉及叶柄被短粗毛。托叶干膜质。花序头状,有花2~10朵,生于小枝端或排成伞形花序,花梗被毛;萼管半球形,先端不规则齿裂;花冠白色;喉部收缩,4裂,雄蕊4,花丝短;子房下位,4室,花柱细短,2深裂。聚花果常单个,近球形,每室一种子。花期4~6月,果期7~11月。
[采制] 全年均可采挖,除去须根,晒至六七成干,轻轻捶

[性状] 根呈扁圆柱形,略弯曲。表面灰黄色或暗灰色,具纵纹及横裂纹,皮部有时横向断离,露出木部,呈串节状。质韧,断面皮部厚,紫色或淡紫色,易与木部剥离,木部黄棕色或黄白色。无臭,味甜而微涩。
[化学成份] 预试根含蒽醌、黄酮类化合物。
[性味] 性微温,味甘、辛。
[功能主治] 补肾阳,强筋骨,祛风湿。用于阳痿遗精、宫冷不孕、月经不调、少腹冷痛、风湿痹痛、筋骨痿软。用量3~9g。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 19 (2011)
Morinda officinalis  F. C. How Acta Phytotax. Sin. 7: 326. 1958.
巴戟天   ba ji tian
Lianas; branches surrounded at base by persistent leafless stipules, when young strigillose, hirtellous, or pilose, becoming glabrescent and scabrous, angled, brown or bluish black. Leaves opposite; petiole 4-11 mm, densely puberulent, strigillose, hirtellous, or hirsute to glabrescent; blade drying papery, on both surfaces brown to yellow-brown, shiny to matte adaxially, matte abaxially, ovate-oblong, obovate-oblong, or elliptic, 6-13 × 3-6 cm, adaxially sparsely strigillose, hirtellous, or hirsute to glabrescent, abaxially glabrous or sparsely hirtellous along principal veins, base obtuse, rounded, cuneate, or acute, apex acute, obtuse, or rounded and abruptly mucronulate; secondary veins (4 or)5-7 pairs, with small pilosulous domatia; stipules fused into a spathe or tube, 3-5 mm, membranous, puberulent to hirtellous, truncate, on each side 2-denticulate. Inflorescence terminal; peduncles 1-7 or 15-25, umbellate or fasciculate, 0.1-1 cm, densely hirtellous to strigillose, as a group usually subtended by 1 or 2 stipuliform bracts; heads 1 per peduncle, subglobose to hemispherical, 5-7 mm in diam., 1-3- or 4-10-flowered. Flowers fused for ca. half of hypanthium, biology not noted. Calyx puberulent to glabrous; limb 1-1.5 mm, lobed for ca. 1/2; lobes 2-4, triangular, sometimes markedly unequal on an individual flower, obtuse to acute. Corolla white, campanulate or urceolate, outside puberulent, hirtellous, or glabrescent; tube 3-4 mm, inside densely villosulous from middle of tube to throat; lobes (2-)4, lanceolate or narrowly oblong, 3-4 mm, apically thickened and rostrate. Drupecetum globose to oblate, 5-11 mm in diam. Drupes fully fused, red, subglobose, 4-5 mm. Fl. May-Jul, fr. Oct-Nov.
● Sparse or dense forests and thickets on mountains, also cultivated; 100-500 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan.
According to the protologue, the species is apparently cultivated and used medicinally. The roots were described by Y. Z. Ruan (in FRPS 71(2): 199. 1999) as fleshy, irregularly intestine-like constricted, slightly purplish red, purplish blue when dry; they are illustrated in the protologue figure. The roots of almost no other Morinda species have been described by Y. Z. Ruan or any other authors seen.According to the protologue, the species is apparently cultivated and used medicinally. The roots were described by Y. Z. Ruan (in FRPS 71(2): 199. 1999) as fleshy, irregularly intestine-like constricted, slightly purplish red, purplish blue when dry; they are illustrated in the protologue figure. The roots of almost no other Morinda species have been described by Y. Z. Ruan or any other authors seen.


【拼音名】 Bā Jǐ Tiān
【别名】 鸡肠风、鸡眼藤、黑藤钻、兔仔肠、三角藤、糠藤
【来源】 本品为茜草科植物巴戟天Morinda officinalis How 的干燥根。全年均可采挖,洗净,除去须根,晒至六、七成干,轻轻捶扁,晒干。
【性状】 本品为扁圆柱形,略弯曲,长短不等,直径0.5~2cm。表面灰黄色或暗灰色,具纵纹及横裂纹,有的皮部横向断离露出木部;质韧,断面皮部厚,紫色或淡紫色,易与木部剥离;木部坚硬,黄棕色或黄白色,直径1~5mm。无臭,味甘而微涩。
【鉴别】 本品横切面:木栓层为数列细胞。皮层外侧石细胞单个或数个成群,断续排列成环;薄壁细胞含有草酸钙针晶束,切向排列。韧皮部宽广,内侧薄壁细胞含草酸钙针晶束,轴向排列。形成层明显。木质部导管单个散在或 2~3 个相聚,呈放射状排列,直径至 105μm;木纤维较发达;木射线宽 1~3 列细胞;偶见非木化的木薄壁细胞群。
粉末淡紫色或紫褐色。石细胞淡黄色,类圆形、类方形、类长方形、长条形或不规则形,有的一端尖,直径21~96μm,壁厚至 39 μm,有的层纹明显,纹孔及孔沟明显,有的石细胞形大,壁稍厚。草酸钙针晶多成束存在于薄壁细胞中,针晶长至 184 μm。具缘纹孔导管淡黄色,直径至 105μm,具缘纹孔细密。纤维管胞长梭形,具缘纹孔较大,纹孔口斜缝状或相交成人字形、十字形。
【炮制】 巴戟肉:取净巴戟天,照蒸法(附录Ⅱ D)蒸透,趁热除去木心,切段,干燥。盐巴戟天:取净巴戟天,照盐蒸法(附录Ⅱ D)蒸透,趁热除去木心,切段,干燥。制巴戟天:取甘草,捣碎,加水煎汤,去渣,加入净巴戟天拌匀,照煮法(附录ⅡD )煮透,趁热除去木心,切段,干燥。每100kg巴戟天,用甘草6kg。
【性味】 甘,辛,微温。
【归经】 归肾、肝经。
【功能主治】 补肾阳,强筋骨,祛风湿。用于阳痿遗精,宫冷不孕,月经不调,少腹冷痛,风湿痹痛,筋骨痿软。
【用法用量】 3~9g。
【贮藏】 置通风干燥处,防霉,防蛀。
【摘录】 《中国药典》