
大果巴戟Morinda cochinchinensis DC.

大果巴戟Morinda cochinchinensis DC.


科名:茜草科 Rubiaceae

属名:巴戟天属 Morinda

  9. 大果巴戟(中国高等植物图鉴)酒饼藤、黄心藤(海南),大果巴戟天(海南植物志)
  Morinda cochinchinensis DC. Prodr. 4: 449. 1830; Pitard in Lecomte, Fl. Gen. Indo-Chine 3: 420. 1924; Merr. in Lingnan Sci. Journ. 6: 332. 1928. et in Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. new ser. 24 (2): 373. 1935; Merr. et Chun in Sunyatsenia 1: 80. 1930; 海南植物志3: 331. 1974; 中国高等植物图鉴4: 242, 图5898. 1975. ——M. villosa auct. non Hook. f.: Hemsl. in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 23: 386. 1888. pro parte——M. trichophylla Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 23: 267. 1923. et in Lingnan Sci. Journ. 5: 178. 1927.

《Flora of China》 Vol. 19 (2011)
Morinda cochinchinensis  Candolle Prodr. 4: 449. 1830.
大果巴戟   da guo ba ji
Morinda trichophylla Merrill.
Lianas; branches at base with persistent leafless stipules, when young densely ferruginous- or yellow villosulous, terete to weakly quadrangular. Leaves opposite; petiole 3-10 mm, densely villosulous; blade drying papery, yellowed, matte to shiny adaxially, matte abaxially, elliptic, elliptic-oblong, obovate-oblong, or oblanceolate, 5.5-14 × 2-6 cm, adaxially sparsely strigose to strigillose, abaxially densely ferruginous- or yellow hirtellous to villosulous with pubescence denser along veins, base rounded to truncate, subcordate, or cordulate, apex caudate-acuminate or shortly acuminate; secondary veins 7-10 pairs, with pilosulous domatia; stipules fused into a tube or spathe, 5-9 mm, densely hispidulous to hispid, broadly triangular to truncate, on each side with 2 bristles 1-4 mm, usually quickly deciduous. Inflorescence terminal; peduncles 3-12, fascicled or umbellate, 1-3 cm, densely ferruginous- or yellow hirtellous, as a group subtended by 2 to several bracts 1-3 mm, 2- to several lobed; heads 1 per peduncle, subglobose, 5-6 mm in diam., 5-15-flowered; bracteoles linear, 0.2-1 mm. Flowers with hypanthia partially fused, biology not noted. Calyx with hypanthium portion densely strigose to strigillose; limb 1-2.5 mm, puberulent to strigillose, lobed for ca. half, lobes 4 or 5, narrowly triangular, 1-2 mm, sometimes unequal on an individual flower, often reflexed. Corolla white, rotate to salverform, outside hirtellous, pilosulous, or glabrescent, inside densely villous throughout tube and onto lobes; tube 1.5-2 mm; lobes 4 or 5, narrowly oblong to lanceolate, 4-4.5 mm, apically thickened and rostrate. Drupecetum subglobose, oblong-globose, or irregular, 1-2 cm in diam., with peduncles elongating to 4 cm. Drupes mostly fused, orange-yellow to orange-red, subglobose, 4-6 mm. Fl. May-Jul, fr. Jul-Nov.
Forests or thickets on mountain slopes, in valleys, or at streamsides or roadsides; 100-1200 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan [Vietnam].
The names Morinda umbellata and M. villosa were synonymized with M. cochinchinensis by Merrill and Chun (Sunyatsenia 1(1): 80-81. 1930) but were separated by Y. Z. Ruan (in FRPS 71(2): 187, 190. 1999) as provisionally treated here.The names Morinda umbellata and M. villosa were synonymized with M. cochinchinensis by Merrill and Chun (Sunyatsenia 1(1): 80-81. 1930) but were separated by Y. Z. Ruan (in FRPS 71(2): 187, 190. 1999) as provisionally treated here.

【拼音名】 Dà Guǒ Bā Jǐ
【别名】 扣灯、防己、越南鸡眼藤、白鸡屎藤
【来源】 药材基源:为茜草科植物大果巴戟天的根。
拉丁植物动物矿物名:Morinda cochinchinensis DC.
【原形态】 大果巴戟天,攀援大灌木,被于后变淡黄色、广展的长柔毛。叶对生;叶柄极短;托叶膜质,长6-10mm,有时具刚毛状附属体2-3条;叶椭圆形或长圆形,长7-12cm,宽3-5(-6.5)cm,先端短渐尖,基部圆或浅心形、上面被疏粗毛,下面密被长柔毛,纸质。花序顶生,伞形花序式排列,由4-10个小头状花序组成,头状花序直径6-8mm,有花10-20朵;总花梗长1-3cm,被毛;萼筒近半球形,长约2mm,先端4-5裂,裂片线形或三角形,长短不等,外弯;花冠高脚碟形,长4-5mm,裂片4-5,长圆形,长2-3mm;雄蕊与花冠裂片同数。聚合果近球形,直径1-1.5cm,先端平压,熟时红色。花期5月。
【生境分布】 生态环境:生于中海拔沟谷潮湿地。
【性味】 辛;微苦;凉
【功能主治】 祛风除湿;宣肺止咳。主风湿痹痛;感冒;支气管炎;上呼吸道感染
【用法用量】 内服:煎汤,10-15g。
【摘录】 《中华本草》