
斜脉粗叶木Lasianthus obliquinervis Merr.

斜脉粗叶木Lasianthus obliquinervis Merr.


科名:茜草科 Rubiaceae

属名:粗叶木属 Lasianthus

  29. 斜脉粗叶木(新拟) 鸡屎树(台湾) 图版26: 1-6
  Lasianthus obliquinervis Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 Suppl. 136. 1906. et in Lingnan Sci. Journ. 5: 176. 1927; Yamazaki in Journ. Jap. Bot. 39: 351. 1964; Liu et Chao in Taiwania 10: 141, fig, 13. 1964; 台湾植物志 4: 301, 图1014. 1978. ——L. nigrocarpus Masamune in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 22: 222. 1932; Simizu in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 34: 240. 1944. ——L. obliquinervis Merr. var. nigrocarpus (Masamune) Hatusima in Sci. Bull. Univ. Ryukyus 3: 23. 1956; Liu, Ill. Nat. Intr. Lign. Pl. Taiwan 2: 1118, fig. 937. 1962. ——Mephitidia nigrocarpa (Masamune) Masamune in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 22: 461. 1932. ——Lasianthus chinensis auct. non Benth.: Henry, List Pl. Formos. 51. 1896; Matsum. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 15: 16. 1901; Matsum. et Hayata in Journ. Coll. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 22: 195. 1906; Hayata, Ic. Pl. Formos. 2: 98. 1912; Kanehira, Formos. Trees rev. ed. 669, fig. 622. 1936; Li, Woody Fl. Taiwan 855, fig. 345. 1963, p. p. ——Lasianthus trichophlebus auct. non Hemsl. 海南植物志 3: 336. 1974. ——L. terticillatus auct. non (Lour.) Merr.: H. Zhu in Acta Phytotax. Sinica 32(1): 68. 1994.
  灌木,高1-3米,很少呈小乔木状,高达5米;枝粗壮,近圆柱状,干时变黑色或深灰色,在放大镜下可见散生的贴伏微柔毛。叶厚纸质或近革质,长圆形或狭长圆形,间有椭圆形或卵状椭圆形,很少倒卵形,长通常10-20厘米,宽2.5-5.5厘米或稍过之,顶端骤尖或渐尖,基部近短尖或钝,常二侧稍不对称,边缘常微带皱波状,干时灰色或灰褐色,上面光亮无毛,下面中脉、侧脉和横行小脉上均被贴伏的柔毛;中脉在上面压入,下面凸起,侧脉每边约5-7条,有时可多至9条,横行小脉近平行,纤细;叶柄较粗壮,长通常不超过1厘米,很少达1.5厘米,密被贴伏的柔毛;托叶近三角形,长3.5-5毫米,被贴伏的柔毛。花无梗,数朵簇生叶腋,无苞片;萼近钟状,长4-5毫米,被柔毛,几近截平;花冠长约1厘米,多少被柔毛,其中冠管长约6毫米,里面中部以上被白色长柔毛,裂片5,长圆形或长圆状披针形,比管稍短,里面被长柔毛;雄蕊5,生冠管的中部,花丝短,花药线形,长约1.4-1.5毫米,内藏;花柱与冠管近等长。核果卵圆形,长(6-)7-9毫米,被柔毛,顶冠以短筒状、几截平的宿存萼檐,含5 (-6)个分核。
  本种与钟萼粗叶木 L. trichophlebus Hemsl. 确很相似,但后者的叶下面中脉和侧脉上被伸展长毛,核果具5个近等长的宿萼裂片,与本种的区别应是很明显的。▽刘棠瑞和赵哲明(Taiwania 10: 143-147. 1964)依据叶片的大小将本种区分为3变种,除模式变种外,尚有清水氏粗叶木 L. obliquinervis Merr. var. simizui Liu et Chao 和台中粗叶木 L. obliquinervis Merr. var. taitoensis (Simizu) Liu et Chao。据编者观察,本种叶片的大小有较大的变异,不宜作为划分变种的唯一依据,由于我们没有看见这两个变种的可靠标本,故暂不作定论。▽注:E. D. Merrill 在订正 L. verticillatus (Lour.) Merr. 一文中,认为它即 L. andamanicus Pitard 而疑其非 L. andamanicus Hook. f.;据我查阅文献,Hook. f. 的记载小脉近网状,故 Merrill 的怀疑是有根据的,L. obliqinervius 与 L. andamanicus Pitard. 虽有相似之处,但后者有短的苞片;侧脉9-10对;花冠长14-15毫米,有所不同。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 19 (2011)
Lasianthus verticillatus  (Loureiro) Merrill Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., n.s. 24: 372. 1935.
斜脉粗叶木   xie mai cu ye mu
Dasus verticillatus Loureiro, Fl. Cochinch. 1: 142. 1790; Lasianthus andamanicus J. D. Hooker; L. taitoensis Simizu; L. tamirensis Pierre ex Pitard.
Shrubs, 1.5-3 m tall; branches and branchlets appressed pubescent or strigillose to glabrescent. Petiole 7-10 mm, densely pubescent or strigillose to strigose; leaf blade leathery, oblong to elliptic-oblong, 8.5-18 × 3.5-7 cm, glabrous adaxially, thinly pubescent or strigillose abaxially, base acute to broadly obtuse, margins usually undulate, often thinly revolute, apex acute or acuminate; lateral veins 7-9 pairs; nervules parallel; nerves and nervules elevated conspicuously abaxially; stipules generally persistent, triangular to narrowly triangular, 3-5 mm, densely puberulent to strigillose. Inflorescences subcapitate to congested-cymose, sessile; bracts absent or reduced. Flowers sessile to subsessile. Calyx subglabrous or puberulent; hypanthium portion campanulate to subglobose, 2.5-3 mm; limb 2-2.5 mm, truncate or minutely dentate. Corolla 10-12 mm, hirtellous to villous outside, villous inside; lobes 5, ovate. Fruit blue, ellipsoid, up to 10 mm in diam., strigillose to glabrescent, smooth; pyrenes 4 or 5. Fl. Apr-May, fr. Oct-Nov.
Forests, shaded and wet places; 100-1000 m. Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Taiwan, Yunnan [Cambodia, India (Andaman and Nicobar Islands), Indonesia, Japan (Ryukyu Islands), Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam].
The relatively large flowers with the large globose to ellipsoid hypanthium (i.e., ovary) portion are distinctive; Lasianthus chinensis is similar in these characters but can be distinguished by its deeply lobed calyx limb and angled to ridged fruit.The relatively large flowers with the large globose to ellipsoid hypanthium (i.e., ovary) portion are distinctive; Lasianthus chinensis is similar in these characters but can be distinguished by its deeply lobed calyx limb and angled to ridged fruit.