
红大戟Knoxia valerianoides Thorel ex Pitard

红大戟Knoxia valerianoides Thorel ex Pitard


科名:茜草科 Rubiaceae

属名:红芽大戟属 Knoxia

  Knoxia valerianoides Thorel ex Pitard in Lecomte, Fl. Gen. Indo-Chine 3: 288. 1923; 全国中草药汇编, 上册第二版: 390. 1996.
  其根入药,主治水肿、腹胀、痰饮积聚。使用时注意用量,因其有微毒。其根含虎刺醛 (damnacanthal)、甲基异茜草素 (rubiadin)、轻基巴戟醌 (3-hydrotylmorindone)和红芽大戟素 (Knotadin) 等3种蒽醒成分。
种拉丁名:Knoxia valerianoides Thorel ex Pitard
种别名  :红芽戟,紫大戟、广大戟、南大戟(中国药用植物简编),假大芽大戟
命名来源:(全国中草药汇编)[Lecmote, Fl.Gen .Indo-Chine 3: 228. 1923]
规 格

供 货 量
价 格
产 地
药材性状 本品略呈纺锤形或圆柱形,偶有分校,稍弯曲,长3— 10厘米,直径o.6一1.2厘米,上端常有细小的茎痕,红褐色或红棕色, 粗糙,有扭曲的纵皱纹质坚实,可折断,断面皮部红褐色,木质部棕 黄色。无臭,味甘、微辛。以个大、质坚实、色红褐者为佳。
性味和功用 苦,寒。归肺、脾、肾经。有小毒。泻水,解毒散结。 用于胸水,腹水,痈肿c用量1,5—3克。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 19 (2011)
Knoxia roxburghii  (Sprengel) M. A. Rau Bull. Bot. Surv. India. 10(Suppl. 2): 40. 1969.
红大戟   hong da ji
Spermacoce roxburghii Sprengel, Syst. Veg. 1: 404. 1824; Knoxia valerianoides Thorel ex Pitard.
Erect herbs, 30-70 cm tall; root sometimes purple, rather enlarged, fleshy, fusiform; branches subquadrate, becoming channeled, puberulent or villosulous becoming glabrescent. Leaves sessile or subsessile, opposite or often ternate; blade drying papery, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, 7-10 × 3-5 cm, both surfaces glabrescent or usually hispidulous to pilosulous or strigillose at least on principal veins, base acute to rounded, apex obtuse to acuminate; secondary veins 5-7 pairs, usually indistinct; stipules persistent, shortly fused to petioles or united around stem, linear to narrowly triangular or sometimes shortly to deeply 2- or 3-lobed, 8-10 mm, villosulous to glabrescent, acute. Inflorescences congested-cymose to subcapitate, puberulent or villosulous to glabrescent, ebracteate; peduncles 3-12 cm; dense flower groups 1-1.5 × 1-2.5 cm, borne singly or 3-5 on cymose axes; pedicels 0.5-1 mm. Calyx glabrescent; ovary portion ellipsoid, ca. 0.5 mm; limb deeply lobed; lobes triangular, 0.1-0.5 mm, often unequal on an individual flower. Corolla red, purplish red, or white, salverform or tubular, externally densely villosulous or glabrous; tube 3-4 mm; lobes triangular to ovate, ca. 1 mm. Schizocarps oblong-ellipsoid, somewhat didymous, laterally somewhat flattened, ca. 1.5 mm; mericarps separating from each other and carpophore; carpophore persistent, linear, ca. 1.3 mm.
Grasslands on mountain slopes. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Cambodia, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand].
Bhattacharjee and Deb (J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 6(1): 85. 1985) apparently included the Chinese plants within their circumscription of Knoxia roxburghii var. brunonis (Wallich ex G. Don) R. Bhattacharjee & Deb, which falls into K. roxburghii as circumscribed by Puff and Robbrecht (Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 110: 511-558. 1989). This name is based on Spermacoce brunonis Wallich ex G. Don (Gen. Hist. 3: 621. 1834). W. C. Ko (in FRPS 71(2): 4. 1999, as K. valerianoides) described the corollas of this species as salverform and densely pubescent externally; however, the corollas of Thai plants of this species are more tubular and are glabrous externally.Bhattacharjee and Deb (J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 6(1): 85. 1985) apparently included the Chinese plants within their circumscription of Knoxia roxburghii var. brunonis (Wallich ex G. Don) R. Bhattacharjee & Deb, which falls into K. roxburghii as circumscribed by Puff and Robbrecht (Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 110: 511-558. 1989). This name is based on Spermacoce brunonis Wallich ex G. Don (Gen. Hist. 3: 621. 1834). W. C. Ko (in FRPS 71(2): 4. 1999, as K. valerianoides) described the corollas of this species as salverform and densely pubescent externally; however, the corollas of Thai plants of this species are more tubular and are glabrous externally.


【拼音名】 Hónɡ Dà Jǐ
【别名】 红牙大戟、红牙戟、紫大戟、广大戟、南大戟、将军草、野黄萝卜
【来源】 本品为茜草科植物红大戟Knoxia valerianoides Thorel et Pitard 的干燥块茎。秋、冬二季采挖,除去须根,洗净,置沸水中略烫,干燥。
【性状】 本品略呈纺锤形,偶有分枝,稍弯曲,长3~10cm,直径0.6~1.2cm。表面红褐色或红棕色,粗糙,有扭曲的纵皱纹。上端常有细小的茎痕。质坚实,断面皮部红褐色,木部棕黄色。无臭,味甘、微辛。
【鉴别】 (1) 本品横切面:木栓细胞数列。韧皮部宽广。形成层成环。木质部导管束断续径向排列,近形成层处者由数列导管组成,渐向内呈单列或单个散在。射线较宽。薄壁组织中散存含草酸钙针晶束的黏液细胞及含红棕色物的分泌细胞。
(2) 取本品粉末1g,置试管中,加水10ml,煮沸10分钟,滤过,滤液加氢氧化钠试液 1滴,显樱红色,再滴加盐酸酸化后,变为橙黄色。
(3) 取本品粉末3g,加甲醇30ml,浸渍1小时,滤过,滤液蒸干,加水10ml使溶解,再加盐酸1ml,加热回流30分钟,立即冷却,用氯仿振摇提取2次,每次20ml,合并氯仿液,蒸干,残渣加无水乙醇1ml使溶解,作为供试品溶液。另取红大戟对照药材3g,,同法制成对照药材溶液。照薄层色谱法(附录Ⅵ B)试验,吸取上述两种溶液各5μl,分别点于同一以羧甲基纤维素钠为黏合剂的硅胶G薄层板上,以石油醚(30~60℃)-甲酸乙酯-甲酸(15:5:1)的上层溶液为展开剂,展开,取出,晾干,置氨蒸气中熏后,日光下检视。供试品色谱中,在与对照药材色谱相应的位置上,显相同颜色的主斑点。
【炮制】 醋大戟:将原药材拣净,加醋浸拌,放锅内煮至醋被吸尽,取出切段,晒干即可(每100斤药材用醋30~50斤)。
【性味】 苦,寒;有小毒。
【归经】 归肺、脾、肾经。
【功能主治】 泻水逐饮,功毒消肿散结。用于胸腹积水,二便不利,痈肿疮毒,瘰疬痰核。
【用法用量】 1.5~3g。
【贮藏】 置阴凉干燥处。
【摘录】 《中国药典》