
丰花草Borreria stricta (Linn. f.) G. Mey.

丰花草Borreria stricta (Linn. f.) G. Mey.


科名:茜草科 Rubiaceae

属名:丰花草属 Borreria

  4. 丰花草(海南植物志)长叶鸭舌癀(台湾),波利亚草(中国种子植物科属辞典)图版49:1-5
  Borreria stricta (Linn. f.) G. Mey. Prim. Fl. Esseq. 83, Pl. 1. fig. 1-3. 1818; Merr. in Lingnan Sci. Journ. 5: 178. 1927; 广州植物志517. 1956; 海南植物志3: 361, 图773. 1974; 中国高等植物图鉴4: 274, 图5961. 1975; 台湾植物志4: 253. 1978. ——Spermacoce stricta Linn. f. Supl. 120. 1781; Hayata, Ic. Pl. Formos. 2: 101. 1912. ——Scleromitrion sinense Miq. Journ. Bot. Neerl. 1: 108. 1861; Hemsl. in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 23: 375. 1888, in nota.

《Flora of China》 Vol. 19 (2011)
Spermacoce pusilla  Wallich in Roxburgh Fl. Ind. 1: 379. 1820.
丰花草   feng hua cao
Borreria pusilla (Wallich) Candolle.
Herbs, apparently annual, slender, erect, to 60 cm tall; stems subterete to 4-angled, glabrous to densely scaberulous at least along angles or ridges. Leaves subsessile; blade drying papery to leathery, linear-oblong, 12-50 × 2.5-6 mm, adaxially densely scaberulous to hispidulous, abaxially glabrous or often pilosulous, hirtellous, or hispidulous along midrib, base generally straight (i.e., not tapering), margins often revolute at least when dry, apex acute to acuminate; secondary veins 2 or 3 pairs or not visible; stipules densely pilosulous or scaberulous often with unusual clavate trichomes, sheath 1-2.5 mm, with 5-7 bristles 2-6.5 mm. Inflorescences terminal and axillary at most stem nodes, 5-12 mm in diam., several to many flowered; bracts filiform, 1-4 mm. Calyx glabrescent to densely puberulent or hirtellous; hypanthium portion turbinate, ca. 0.5 mm; lobes 4, linear-lanceolate, 1-1.5 mm. Corolla funnelform, white tinged red on upper parts, outside glabrous; tube 1.2-1.5 mm, glabrous in throat; lobes linear-lanceolate to triangular, 0.8-1.5 mm, sometimes pubescent inside near tips. Capsules sometimes shortly stipitate, oblong or subobovate to ellipsoid, usually weakly flattened perpendicular to septum, 1-2 × 1-1.5 mm, glabrescent at base, glabrescent to densely hirtellous near apex, septicidal from apex with valves often remaining connected at base, then both valves loculicidal through septum and often partially splitting abaxially; seeds dark brown, narrowly oblong in outline, 1.3-2.2 × ca. 0.5 mm, obtuse at both ends, shiny, smooth. Fl. and fr. Aug-Dec.
Grasslands and grassy slopes at lower elevations; 100-1500 m. Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Jiangxi, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Bhutan, India, ?Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam; introduced in tropical Africa].
This species was discussed and well illustrated for Taiwan by Chaw and Peng (J. Taiwan Mus. 40(2): 57-59. 1987); its seeds were illustrated in detail by Chaw and Sivarajan (Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin., n.s., 30: 18, f. 10-11. 1989).This species was discussed and well illustrated for Taiwan by Chaw and Peng (J. Taiwan Mus. 40(2): 57-59. 1987); its seeds were illustrated in detail by Chaw and Sivarajan (Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin., n.s., 30: 18, f. 10-11. 1989).

【拼音名】 Fēnɡ Huā Cǎo
【别名】 假蛇舌草、波利亚草
【来源】 药材基源:为草科植物丰花草的全草。
拉丁植物动物矿物名:Borreria stricta (L.f.) G.F.W.Mey.[B.pusilla(Wall.)DC.]
【原形态】 一年生直立草本,高15-60cm。茎纤细,单一或下部分枝;枝有4棱,棱上被毛。叶对生;近无柄;托叶与叶柄合生,宽而短,顶有数条棕红色长刺毛;叶条形或披针状条形,长2.5-5cm,宽2.5-6mm,先端渐尖,基部渐狭,两面粗糙,干时边缘背卷。球状聚伞花序腋生;无总花梗;小花数朵至多朵;小苞片丝状,长于花萼;萼筒长约1mm,顶部4裂,裂片线状披针形;花冠白色,近漏斗形,花冠筒长1.5-2.5mm,里面无毛,顶部4裂,裂片线状长圆形,长不到1mm;雄蕊4,花药心形,伸出。蒴果长圆形或倒卵形,长约2mm,直径1.5mm,先端被柔毛,成熟时从先端向下开裂;种子狭椭圆形,腹面有沟槽,暗褐色。生于空旷草地、山坡或路边。
【生境分布】 生态环境:生于空旷草地、山坡或路边。
【化学成份】 种子含脂肪酸(fatty acid),氨基酸(amino acid),β-谷甾醇(β-sitosterol,熊果酸(ursolic acid),芸香甙(rutin)和槲皮素(quercetin)。
【性味】 苦;凉
【功能主治】 活血祛瘀;消肿解毒。主跌打损伤;骨折;痈疽肿毒;毒蛇咬伤
【用法用量】 外用:适量,捣敷。内服:煎汤,10-15g。
【摘录】 《中华本草》