
绿春悬钩子Rubus luchunensis Yü et Lu

绿春悬钩子Rubus luchunensis Yü et Lu


科名:蔷薇科 Rosaceae

属名:悬钩子属 Rubus

  Rubus luchunensis Yu et Lu, 植物分类学报20 (4): 456, pl. 3, f. 2. 1982.
形态特征:攀援灌木;枝姿色褐色,具浅黄色长柔毛和短腺毛(长约1毫米),疏生钩状皮刺。单叶,近革质,宽卵形或圆,卵形,长;7-11厘米,宽6-8厘米,顶端急尖至短渐尖;基部心形,上,面疏生长柔毛和短腺毛,老时腺毛脱落,下面密被浅黄色绒毛,沿叶脉具长柔毛;边缘不分裂或波状,有不整·齐锐锯齿,,锯齿顶端具长1-2:毫米的突尖头,侧脉4-5对,基部有5出;掌状脉;叶柄长2.5-4厘米,有浅黄色绒毛状柔毛和短腺毛;疏生钩状小皮刺;托叶早落.大型圆锥花序顶生,花序枝开展呈金字塔形,长15—20厘米,被浅黄色柔毛和短腺毛;、花梗长1—2厘米;苞片小,长4—6毫米,顶端分裂,裂片线形,具柔毛和短腺毛;花直径不到1厘米;花萼外密被浅黄色绒毛和短腺毛;萼片披针形,长0.6—1厘米,顶端渐尖,全缘,花后直立;花瓣小,椭圆形,顶端急尖,基部具爪,无毛,比萼片短很多。雄蕊多数。花丝线形,稍短或几与花柱等长;雌蕊10-16, 无毛。果实小,直径不到1厘米;由少数小核果组成,紫红色;无毛。 花期4—5月,果期6一7月。
产地分布:产云南(绿春)。生常绿阔叶林林缘,海拔;1700米 。
本种提示:木种介于黔桂悬钩子R.Feddei L4V1. Er.Vant 。和怒江悬钩子R.Salwinensis Hand.·Mazz.之间,但其叶片近革质,下面密被浅黄色绒毛;枝、叶柄’、花序及花萼均被较短腺毛;花萼外具绒毛,可以区分。
参考文献:Rubus liichunensis YI c(Lu,植物分类学报20(4):456,pl.3 f.2.1g82. R.1iichunensis.Var. lilchunensis
亚组概述:Subsect. Elongati(Focke)Yu et Lu植物分类学报20(4):454.1982.--Sect.Moluccani Focke,Bibl.Bot.72(1):71.1910 et 83:28.1914.p.p--Sect.Elongati Focke,1.c.72(1):49.1910 et 83:24.1914.p.p

《Flora of China》 Vol. 9 (2003)
Rubus luchunensis  T. T. Yu & L. T. Lu
绿春悬钩子   lu chun xuan gou zi
Shrubs scandent. Branchlets purplish brown, yellowish villous, with short glandular hairs, with sparse, curved prickles. Leaves simple; petiole 2.5–4 cm, yellowish tomentose, with intermixed short glandular hairs and sparse, curved prickles; stipules caducous, 5–8 mm, palmately lobed, lobes linear, with soft hairs and intermixed short glandular hairs; blade broadly ovate to orbicular-ovate, 7–11 × 6–8 cm, palmately 5-veined, lateral veins 4 or 5 pairs, thickly leathery or subleathery, abaxially densely yellowish tomentose, intermixed villous along veins, adaxially sparsely villous, with intermixed short glandular hairs, glandular hairs deciduous in age, base cordate, margin undivided or undulate, unevenly sharply serrate, teeth abruptly pointed, to 1–2 mm, apex acute to shortly acuminate or obtuse. Inflorescences terminal, pyramidal cymose panicles with spreading branches, to 20 cm, many flowered; rachis and pedicels yellowish villous, with intermixed short glandular hairs; bracts 4–6 mm, with soft hairs and intermixed short glandular hairs, apex lobed; lobes linear. Pedicel 1–2 cm. Flowers not more than 1 cm in diam. Calyx abaxially densely yellowish tomentose, with intermixed short glandular hairs; tube pelviform; sepals erect after anthesis, lanceolate, 6–10 mm, margin entire, apex acuminate. Petals elliptic, small, much shorter than sepals, glabrous, base clawed, apex acute. Stamens numerous, slightly shorter than or nearly as long as petals; filaments linear. Pistils 10–16, slightly longer than or nearly as long as stamens, glabrous. Aggregate fruit purplish red, less than 1 cm in diam., glabrous, with few drupelets. Fl. Apr–May, fr. Jun–Jul.
Broad-leaved evergreen forest margins, moist places along roadsides, thickets on sunny slopes; 1700--2000 m. S Yunnan.