
兴安悬钩子Rubus chamaemorus Linn.

兴安悬钩子Rubus chamaemorus Linn.


科名:蔷薇科 Rosaceae

属名:悬钩子属 Rubus

  Rubus ehamaemorus L. Sp. Pl. 494. 1753: Ldb. in Fl. Ross. 2: 71. 1844: Focke, Bibl. Bot. 72(1): 12. 1910; Juzep. in Fl. URSS 10:11. Pl. 1. f. 1. 1941: Nakai in Journ. Jap. Bot. 18: 11. 1941; Ohwi, Fl. Jap. 532. 1965.
形态特征:多年生低矮草本,雌雄异株,有长而分枝的匍匐根状茎;茎一年生,直立,高5—30厘 米,基部具少数鳞叶,被短柔毛或稀疏短腺毛;基生叶肾形或心状圆形,直径4—9厘米,顶 端圆钝,上面近无毛,下面具柔毛并幼时有疏密不等的短腺毛,边缘5--7浅裂,有不整齐 粗锐锯齿;叶柄长2—6厘米,有柔毛或幼时疏生短腺毛;托叶离生,叶状,棕色,长圆形,长 5—8毫米,宽4--7毫米,老时无毛,幼时边缘疏生短腺毛。花单生,顶生,单性,直径2— 3厘米,通常雄花较大,直径达3厘米;花梗长3.5—6厘米,被柔毛,幼时疏生短腺毛;花萼 外具柔毛和短腺毛;萼简短;萼片4—5枚,长圆形,长8—12毫米,顶端圆钝或急尖,在花 果期常直立开展;花瓣4--5,倒卵形,长1.4—1.8厘米,宽0.7—1厘米,顶端常有凹缺,白 色,比萼片长大很多;雌花中的雌蕊约20,花柱长,线形,但雄蕊不发达,壳花药;雄花中雄’ 蕊发达,花丝长线形,基部稍宽大,但雌蕊不发育。果实近球形,直径约1厘米,橙红色或 带黄色;无毛;核大,光滑或微皱。花期5--7月,果期8—9月。
用    途:果实味美,可供食用。
产地分布:产我国东北。生林中;茎稍带木质,埋在苔藓层下。日本、朝鲜、苏联;北欧、北美的北 极或近北极地区也有分布。
参考文献:Rubus chamaemorus L.Sp.Pl..494. 1753;Ldb.In Fl.Ross.2:71.1844;Focke, Bibl.Bot.72(1):12.1910;Juzep in Fl.URSS 10:11.pl.l.F.1.1941;Nakai in Journ. Jap Bot.18:11.1941;Ohwi,F1.Jap 532.1965

《Flora of China》 Vol. 9 (2003)
Rubus chamaemorus  Linnaeus
兴安悬钩子   xing an xuan gou zi
Herbs perennial, dwarf, 5–30 cm tall, dioecious, with long branched creeping rhizomes. Stems annual, somewhat woody, simple, erect, 30 cm tall, with few squamous leaves, pubescent, with intermixed sparse, short glandular hairs. Leaves simple; petiole 3–6(–9) cm, pubescent or with sparse, short glandular hairs when young; stipules free, leaflike, brownish, oblong, 5–10 × 4–7 mm, pubescent, with sparse, intermixed short glandular hairs when young, glabrescent; cauline leaf blade reniform or orbicular, 4–9 cm in diam., abaxially pubescent, ± with intermixed short glandular hairs when young, adaxially subglabrous or slightly pilose, base cordate, margin 5–7-lobed; lobes obtuse, with uneven coarse sharp serrations. Inflorescences terminal, 1-flowered. Pedicel 3.5–6 cm, pubescent, with sparse, intermixed short glandular hairs. Flowers unisexual, 2–3 cm in diam., usually staminate larger than pistillate, to 3 cm in diam. Calyx abaxially pubescent, sometimes with intermixed short glandular hairs; tube 1.5–2 mm; sepals erect, spreading, 4 or 5, oblong, 0.8–1.2 cm × 4–6 mm, apex obtuse or acute. Petals 4 or 5, white, obovate, 1.4–1.8 cm × 7–10 mm, apex retuse. Stamens shorter than petals; filaments long, linear, basally somewhat broadened. Pistils abortive in staminate flowers; in pistillate flowers ca. 20; styles linear, long, but stamens not developed or without anthers in pistillate flowers. Aggregate fruit orange-red or becoming yellowish brown, subglobose, ca. 1 cm in diam., glabrous; pyrenes smooth or slightly rugulose. Fl. May–Jul, fr. Aug–Sep. 2n = 56.
Forests, mossy bogs, mossy tundra. Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning. [Japan, Korea, Russia; C and N Europe, North America].
The edible fruit are harvested commercially and are used in preserves and juices.
The following taxa have been described from or reported for China, but we have seen no specimens and are therefore unable to treat them in this account. Further revisionary study is necessary.
Rubus calophyllus C. B. Clarke (J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 25: 19. 1889), described from India, reported for Xizang (“Tibet”): F. K. Ward 6321.
Rubus chui Handel-Mazzetti (Oesterr. Bot. Z. 90: 121. 1941), described from Sichuan: K. L. Chu 3019; K. L. Chu 3533.
Rubus hiemalis Focke (Annuaire Conserv. Jard. Bot. Genève 20: 105. 1917, not Kuntze, 1879), described from Taiwan: O. Warburg 10161.
Rubus nigricaulis Prochanov (Bot. Mater. Gerb. Glavn. Bot. Sada RSFSR 5: 54. 1924), described from Yunnan: A. Henry s.n.
Rubus parapungens H. Hara (Bull. Univ. Mus. Univ. Tokyo 2: 58. 1971; R. horridulus J. D. Hooker, Fl. Brit. India 2: 341. 1878, not P. J. Mueller, 1868; R. pungens Cambessèdes var. horridulus H. Hara): a specimen (at E, not seen) from SE Xizang has been identified as this taxon (Eona Aitken, pers. comm.).
Rubus pekinensis Focke (Annuaire Conserv. Jard. Bot. Genève 20: 104. 1917), described from Hebei: O. Warburg 6549.
Rubus rectangulifolius Kuntze (Meth. Sp.-Beschr. Rubus, 60, 78. 1879), described from China: G. Staunton s.n.
Rubus sinosudrei H. Léveillé (Bull. Acad. Int. Géogr. Bot. 24: 251. 1914), described from Guizhou: J. Esquirol 3506.
Rubus sweginzowianus Sivers ex Focke (Biblioth. Bot. 17(Heft 72): 188. 1911), described from Gansu: M. v. Sivers s.n.
Rubus viburnifolius Franchet (Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. (Paris) 1: 63. 1895, not Focke, 1910, nor (Greene) Rydberg, 1913), described from ?NE Yunnan (“Tchen-fong-chan”): Delavay s.n.