
多苞蔷薇Rosa multibracteata Hemsl. et Wils.

多苞蔷薇Rosa multibracteata Hemsl. et Wils.


科名:蔷薇科 Rosaceae

属名:蔷薇属 Rosa

  Rosa multibracteata Hemsl. et Wils. in Kew Bull. 1906: 157. 1906; Willmott, Gen, Ros. 1: 209. 1911; Rehd. et Wils. in Sarg. Pl. Wils. 2:328. 1915; Hand.-Mazz. Symh. Sin. 7:527. 1933. ——R. reducta Baker in Willmott, Gen. Ros. 2:489. t. 158. 1914.——R. rotundibracteata Card. in Lecomte, Not. Syst. 3: 270. 1914. ——R. orbicularis Baker in Willmott, Gen. Ros. 2: 493. 1914. ——R. latibracteata Bouleng. in Bull. Jard. Bot. Bruxell. 14:124. f. 15. 1936.
  灌木,高达2.5米;小枝圆柱形,细弱,无毛,有散生或成对皮刺。小叶(5-)7-9,连叶柄长5-9厘米;小叶片卵形、倒卵形或近圆形,长8-15毫米,宽5-10毫米,先端圆钝或急尖,基部近圆形或宽楔形,边缘有尖锐单锯齿,近基部全缘,上面无毛,下面中脉和侧脉均突起,无毛或沿脉有稀疏短柔毛;小叶柄和叶轴无毛或有稀疏腺毛和短柔毛;托叶大,大部贴生于叶柄,离生部分卵形,先端短渐尖,无毛,边缘有腺齿。花2-3朵或数朵成伞房花序,稀单生,在花序基部有3-5,或8-10苞片,常分两层,外层卵形,内层披针形,先端突尖,边缘有细腺齿,无毛;花梗长0.5-3厘米,花梗和萼筒外有腺毛;花直径(2-)3 -5厘米,萼片三角状披针形,长11-15毫米,顶端稍扩大成叶状,全缘,外面无毛或有稀疏腺毛,内面密被柔毛,花瓣淡红色,先端微凹,比萼片稍短;花柱离生,被长柔毛,稍外伸,与雄蕊近等长。果近球形,直径6-10毫米,红色,有腺毛,萼片直立,宿存。花期5-7月,果期7-10月。
  本种近似小叶蔷薇R. willmottiae Hemsl., 但后者小叶通常为单或重锯齿,花单生,苞片1-2片,果实成熟后萼片脱落。
  本种变异性强,花由单生到数朵伞房花序,花梗长5-30毫米,但花序下面均有3-5(-10)苞片,苞片多宽卵形至卵状披针形,稀近圆形,边缘有腺;小叶片5-7,稀3-9,宽卵形,倒卵形或近圆形,边缘有尖锐单锯齿,近基部全缘。有人按照花序及苞片形状划分为不同种,在大量标本中甚多中间类型,同一植株有时具单花或多花者,因此合为一种比较合适。芮德手册Rehder, Manual Cult. Trees&Shrubs 444. 1949. 记本种为重锯齿,而将与本种近似的滇边蔷薇记为单锯齿,显系错误,应予改正。G. S. Boulenger发表R. fargesiana Bouleng. in Bull Jard. Bot. Bruxell. 14: 182. 1936. 采自四川城口,小叶7-11片,花单生有苞片,花直径1.5-2厘米,花梗萼筒均光滑,疑与本种为近缘或系同物异名。
形态特征:灌木,高达2.5米;小枝圆柱形,细弱,无毛,有散生或成对皮刺。小叶(5--)7—9,连 叶柄长5--9厘米;小叶片卵形、倒卵形或近圆形,长8—15毫米,宽5--10毫米,先端圆钝 或急尖;基部近圆形或宽楔形,边缘有尖锐单锯齿;近基部全缘,上面无毛,下面中脉和侧 脉均突起,无毛或沿脉有稀疏短柔毛;小叶柄和叶轴无毛或有稀疏腺毛和短柔毛;托叶大; 大部贴生于叶柄,离生部分卵形,先端短渐尖,无毛,边缘有腺齿。花2--3朵或数朵成伞 房花序,稀单生,在花序基部有3—5,或8—10苞片,常分两层,外层卵形,内层披针形,先 端突尖,边缘有细腺齿,无毛;花梗长0.5—3厘米,花梗和萼筒外有腺毛;花直径(2--)3— 5厘米,萼片三角状披针形,长11--15毫米,顶端稍扩大成叶状,全缘,外面无毛或有稀疏 腺毛,内面密被柔毛,花瓣淡红色,先端微凹,比萼片稍短;花柱离生,被长柔毛,稍外伸,与 雄蕊近等长。幂近球形,直径6—10毫米,红色,有腺毛,萼片直立,宿存。花期5—7 月,果期7--10月。
产地分布:产四川、云南。生林边旷地,海拔2100—2500米。模式标本采自四川岷江河谷茂县 至松潘。
本种提示:本种近似小叶蔷薇R.Willmottiae Hemsl,但后者小叶通常为单或重锯齿,花单生, 苞片1—2片,果实成熟后萼片脱落。 本种变异性强,花由单生到数朵伞房花序,花梗长5—30毫米,但花序下面均有3一 5(一10)苞片,苞片多宽卵形至卵状披针形,稀近圆形,边缘有腺;小叶片5--7,稀3—9, 宽卵形,倒卵形或近圆形,边缘有尖锐单锯齿,近基部全缘。有人按照花序及苞片形状划 分为不同种,在大量标本中甚多中间类型,同一植株有时具单花或多花者,因此合为一种 比较合适。 芮德手册Rehder,Manual Cult.Trees & Shrubs 444.1949.记本种为重锯齿,而将与 本种近似的滇边蔷薇记为单锯齿,显系错误,应予改正。 G.S.Boulefiger发表R.fargesiana Bouleng in Bull Jard.Boc.Bruxell.14:182.1936. 采自四川城口,小叶7--11片,花单生存苞片,花直径1.5—2厘米,花梗萼筒均光滑,疑与 本种为近缘或系同物异名。
参考文献:Rosa multibracteata Hemsl.Et Wils.In Kew Bull.1906:157.1906;Willmott,Gen. Ros.1:209.1911;Rehd.Er Wils in Sarg Pl,Wils.2:328.1915;Hand.—Mazz.Symb. Sin.7:527.1933.——R.Reducta Baker in Willmott,Gert.Ros.2:489.T,158.1914.—— R.Rrotundibracteata Card in Lecomte,Not.Syst.3:270.1914.---R.Orbicularis Baker in Willmott,Gen.Ros.2:493.1914.——R.latibracteata Bouleng;in Bull.Jard.Bot.Bruxell. 14:124 f.15;1936.

《Flora of China》 Vol. 9 (2003)
Rosa multibracteata  Hemsley & E. H. Wilson
多苞蔷薇   duo bao qiang wei
Rosa latibracteata Boulenger; R. orbicularis Baker; R. reducta Baker; R. rotundibracteata Cardot.
Shrubs to 2.5 m tall. Branchlets terete, slender, glabrous; prickles scattered and in pairs below leaves, terete, straight, to 1 cm, abruptly tapering to turgid base. Leaves including petiole 5–9 cm; stipules large, mostly adnate to petiole, free parts ovate, glabrous, margin glandular serrate, apex shortly acuminate; rachis and petiole glabrous or sparsely glandular-pubescent and puberulous, sparsely shortly prickly; leaflets (5–)7–9, ovate, obovate, or suborbicular, 8–15 × 5–10 mm, glabrous or abaxially sparsely pubescent along veins, sometimes glandular, with prominent midvein and lateral veins, base subrounded or broadly cuneate, margin simply serrate, entire near base, apex rounded-obtuse or acute. Flowers 2 or 3, or several in corymb or panicle, rarely solitary, (2–)3–5 cm in diam.; pedicel 0.5–3 cm, densely stipitate glandular; bracts 3–5 or 8–10 in two whorls at base of corymb, those of external whorl ovate, those of internal one lanceolate, glabrous, margin glandular serrulate. Hypanthium subglobose, stipitate glandular. Sepals 5, triangular-lanceolate, 1.1–1.5 cm, leaflike, abaxially glabrous or sparsely to densely stipitate pubescent, adaxially densely pubescent, margin entire. Petals 5, reddish, obovate, base broadly cuneate, apex emarginate. Styles free, slightly exserted, nearly equaling stamens, villous. Hip red, subglobose, 6–10 mm in diam.; stipitate glandular, with persistent, erect sepals. Fl. May–Jul, fr. Jul–Oct.
Open places near forest margins; 2100--2500 m. Sichuan, Yunnan.