
茸毛委陵菜Potentilla strigosa Pall. ex Pursh

茸毛委陵菜Potentilla strigosa Pall. ex Pursh


科名:蔷薇科 Rosaceae

属名:委陵菜属 Potentilla

  41.茸毛委陵菜 灰白委陵菜(东北草本植物志)
  Potentilla strigosa Pall. ex Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 1: 356. 1814; Juzep. in Fl. URSS 10:128. pl. 9.f. 7. 1941; 东北草本植物志5: 25. 图版11. 图4-5. 1976. ——P. Pennsylvanica L. var. strigosa Lehm. Monogr. Potent. 55. 1820. ——P. sibirica Wolf var. genuina Wolf in Bibl. Bot. 71: 188. 1908. ——P. agrimonioides auct. non M. Bieb. 1808: Bge. in Ldb. Fl. Alt. 2: 239. 1830. ——P. conferta auct. non Bge. 1830: Hand.-Mazz. in Acta Hort. Gothob. 13: 305. 1939. p. p.
形态特征:多年生草本。根圆柱形,粗壮,木质化。花茎直立,高10—50厘米,被短茸毛及开展 疏柔毛,淡黄色或灰色。基生叶羽状复叶,有小叶3--4对,间隔1—1.5厘米,连叶柄长 5—10厘米,叶柄被淡黄色或灰色短茸毛;小叶片对生或互生,长圆形,倒卵长圆形,或倒 卵披针形,长2—5厘米,宽0.5—1.5厘米,顶端圆钝,基部楔形或阔楔形,边缘中裂,裂片 带状长圆形,或长圆披针形,顶端圆钝或急尖,上面黄绿色或灰绿色,密被茸毛及短柔毛, 沿主脉及侧脉密生长柔毛;茎生叶与基生叶相似,向上叶柄逐渐缩短,小叶对数减少;基生 叶托叶膜质,黄褐色,外面被茸毛及短柔毛,茎生叶托叶草质,淡黄绿色,边缘齿牙状深裂。 花序为伞房状聚伞花序,多花,较密集,花梗长0.8—1.5厘米,外被茸毛及短柔毛;花直径 约1厘米;萼片三角卵形,顶端急尖,副萼片椭圆披针形,顶端急尖,长几与萼片近相等,果 时常增大,外面密被茸毛及短柔毛;花瓣黄色,倒卵形,顶端圆钝或微凹,比萼片稍长;花柱 近顶生,基部膨大。瘦果呈椭圆状肾形,表面有明显皱纹。 花果期6—8月。
产地分布:产黑龙江、内蒙古、新疆。生沙丘、山坡草地,海拔600—700米。苏联、蒙古也有分 布。
参考文献:Potentilla strigosa Pall.ex Pursh,Fl.Am;Sept.1:356.1814;Juzep.In;Fl.URSS 10:128.Pl.9.f.7.1941;东北草本植物志5:25.图版11.图4—5.1976. ——P.pe- nnsylvanica L.Var.Strigosa Lehm.Monogr.Potent.55.1820.——P.Sibirica Wolf var genuina Wolf in Bibl.Bot.,71:188.1908.----P.agrimonioides auct non M.,Bieb.,1808: Bge.In Ldb.Pl.Alt.2:239.1830.——P.Conferta auct.Non Bge.1830:Hand.Cmazz. In Acta:Hort.Gothob;13:305.1939 p.P.

《Flora of China》 Vol. 9 (2003)
Potentilla strigosa  Pallas ex Pursh
茸毛委陵菜   rong mao wei ling cai
Potentilla pensylvanica Linnaeus var. strigosa (Pallas ex Pursh) Lehmann; P. sibirica Th. Wolf.
Herbs perennial. Roots robust, terete, woody. Flowering stems erect, tinged yellow or gray, 10–50 cm tall, together with petioles spreading pilose and strigose. Radical leaves 5–10 cm including petiole; stipules yellow-brown, membranous, abaxially strigose and pubescent; leaf blade pinnate with 3 or 4 pairs of leaflets; leaflets opposite or alternate, at intervals of 1–1.5 cm, adaxially yellowish or grayish green, oblong, obovate-oblong, or obovate-lanceolate, 2–5 × 0.5–1.5 cm, adaxially densely strigose and pubescent, densely villous along midvein and lateral veins, base cuneate or broadly so, margin pectinate, apex obtuse; lobes fasciated oblong or oblong-lanceolate; cauline leaves resembling radical ones but petiole shorter and leaflets fewer higher up stem; stipules yellowish green, herbaceous, margin dentate-parted. Inflorescence corymbose-cymose, compact, many flowered. Flowers ca. 1 cm in diam.; pedicel 0.8–1.5 cm, strigose and pubescent. Sepals triangular-ovate, apex acute; epicalyx segments elliptic-lanceolate, nearly equaling sepals, markedly dilated in fruit, abaxially densely strigose and pubescent, apex acute. Petals yellow, obovate, slightly longer than sepals, apex rounded or emarginate. Style subterminal, base thickened. Achenes ellipsoid-reniform, markedly rugose. Fl. and fr. Jun–Aug.
Grassy mountain slopes, dunes; 600--700 m. Heilongjiang, Nei Mongol, Xinjiang [Mongolia, Russia].