
柔毛委陵菜Potentilla griffithii Hook. f.

柔毛委陵菜Potentilla griffithii Hook. f.


科名:蔷薇科 Rosaceae

属名:委陵菜属 Potentilla

  44.柔毛委陵菜 红地榆(四川)
  Potentilla griffithii Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 2: 351. 1878; Hand.-Mazz. in Acta Hort Gothob. 13: 315. 1939; H. R. Fletcher in Not. Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 20: 212. 1950. ——P. leschenaultiavza Ser. var. reticulata Franch. Pl. Delav. 212. 1890 et var. puinila Franch 1. c.——P. sikkimensis Wolf in Bibl. Bot. 71: 169. 1908. ——P. potaninii Wolf in Bibl. Bot. 71: 166. 1908, p. p——P. leschenaultiana auct. non Ser. 1825: Franch. Pl. Delav 212. 1890: Wolf in Bibl. Bot. 71: 167. 1908. p. p. ; Diels in Not. Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb 7:235. 1912. ——p. kleiniana auct. non Wight & Arn. 1834: Diels in Not. Roy. Bot. Card. Edinb. 7: 234. 1912.
种拉丁名:Potentilla griffithii Hook. f.
种别名  :红地榆(四川)
海    拔:2000-3600
系拉丁名:Ser.Discolorae Yu et Li,ser.nov.
亚科拉丁名:ROSOideae Pocke
参考文献:Potentilla griffithii Hook.F.F1.Brit.Ind.2:351.1878;Hand.-Mazz.In Acta Hort. Gothob.13:315.1939;H.R.Fletcher in Not.Roy Bot.Gard.Edinb.20:212.1950.—— P.Leschenaultiana Ser.var.Reticulata Franch.Pl.Delav.212.1890 et var.Pumila Franch. L.C.——P.Sikkimensis Wolf in Bibl.Bot.71:169.1908.——P.Potaninii Wolf in Bibl. Bot.71:166.1908,p.p.——P.Leschenaultiana auct.Non Ser.1825:Franch.Pl.Delay. 212.1890;Wolf in Bibl.Bot.71:167.1908.p.p.;Diels in Not.Roy Bot.Gard.Edinb. 7:235.1912.——P.Kleiniana auct.non Wight & Arn.1834:Diels in Not.Roy Bot., Gard,Edinb.7:234.1912.
本系概述:Se?Discolorae Yu et L? se?no? 本系有下列4种。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 9 (2003)
Potentilla griffithii  J. D. Hooker
柔毛委陵菜   rou mao wei ling cai
Herbs perennial. Roots robust, terete, sometimes much branched. Flowering stems erect or ascending, 10–60 cm tall, together with petioles spreading villous and pubescent or tomentose. Radical leaves 3–10 cm including petiole; stipules brown, membranous, abaxially villous or glabrescent; leaf blade pinnate with 2 or 3(or 4) pairs of leaflets; leaflets usually opposite, rarely proximal ones alternate, at intervals of 0.8–1.2 cm, sessile or subsessile, adaxially green, elliptic or obovate-elliptic, 0.5–3 × 0.5–1.5 cm, abaxially white tomentose and villous, densely villous on veins, sometimes white tomentum deciduous, adaxially appressed pilose, base cuneate or broadly so, margin obtusely or acutely incised serrate, apex obtuse, rarely acute; cauline leaves: stipules herbaceous, sometimes abaxially densely white tomentose and villous, margin 2- or 3-fid, dentate-lobed, or entire; leaf blade pinnate with 2 pairs of leaflets, or 3-foliolate; leaflets resembling those of radical leaves. Inflorescence corymbose-cymose, laxly few flowered. Flowers 1.5–2.5 cm in diam. Sepals triangular-ovate, apex acute to acuminate; epicalyx segments lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate, or oblong-elliptic, shorter than or nearly equaling sepals, green and pilose or sometimes white tomentose abaxially. Petals yellow, rarely white, obovate, 1–2 × as long as sepals, apex emarginate. Style subterminal, conic, base thickened; stigma minute, not dilated. Achenes smooth. Fl. and fr. May–Oct.
Forests, forest margins, meadows on mountain slopes; 2000--4000 m. Guizhou, Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan [Bhutan, Nepal, Sikkim].