
林地乌头Aconitum nemorum Popov

林地乌头Aconitum nemorum Popov

科名:毛茛科 Ranunculaceae

属名:乌头属 Aconitum

  151. 林地乌头 图版71: 7-10
  Aconitum nemorum M. Pop. in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. , ser. biol. 44 (3) : 131. 1935; Steinb. in Fl. URSS 7: 236. 1937; 中国高等植物图鉴1: 695, 图1389. 1972.

《Flora of China》 Vol. 6 (2001)
Aconitum nemorum  Popov
林地乌头   lin di wu tou
Caudex 1--3 cm, 5--8 mm in diam., chainlike. Stem 40--90 cm, apically branched or simple, basally sparsely retrorse pubescent or nearly glabrous, with leaves equally arranged along stem. Proximal cauline leaves withered at anthesis, and middle ones long petiolate; petiole 3.5--6 cm; leaf blade pentagonal, 3.8--5.6(--7.2) × 4.5--8(--10) cm, both surfaces sparsely pubescent or nearly glabrous, 3-sect or -parted nearly to base; central segment broadly rhombic, subpinnatifid; lateral segments obliquely flabellate. Inflorescence terminal, 2--6-flowered; rachis and pedicels sparsely spreading pubescent; bracts linear or lanceolate. Pedicels 0.6--1.5(--4.5) cm, distally with 2 bracteoles, rarely at middle; bracteoles narrowly linear, 3.4--4.5 mm. Sepals purple, abaxially sparsely spreading pubescent; lateral sepals 1.2--1.3 cm; upper sepal galeate, 1.4--1.7 cm high, lower margin arciform-curved; lower sepals 0.8--1 cm. Petals nearly glabrous; limb ca. 7 mm; lip ca. 4 mm; spur incurved, ca. 1 mm. Stamens glabrous; filaments entire. Carpels 3, glabrous. Fl. Jul--Aug.
Grassy slopes, Picea forests; 2600--3000 m. Xinjiang [C Asia].