
鳞瓦韦Lepisorus oligolepidus (Baker) Ching.

鳞瓦韦Lepisorus oligolepidus (Baker) Ching.


科名:水龙骨科 Polypodiaceae

属名:瓦韦属 Lepisorus

  Lepisorus oligolepidus (Baker) Ching in Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 4: 80. 1933 et Ic. Fil. Sin. 2: 70. 1934; 傅书遐, 中国主要植物图说.蕨类植物门214.图285. 1957; Fl. Tsingling 2: 182, T. 45. f. 2-4. 1974; Y. L. Zhang et al., Sporae Pterid. Sin. 355, T. 79, f. 1-2. 1976; Nakaike, Ill. Pterid. Jap. 2: 394. f. 395. 1981 et New Fl. Jap. 666. f. 666a. b. 1992; B. Z. Ding et al., Fl. Honan 1: 105. f. 125. 1981; Fl. Fujian 1: 230. 1982; Ching et al. in C. Y. Wu, Fl. Xizang 1: 310. 1982; R. J. Cheng, 陈仁钧, 安徽植物志 1: 105. 图125. 1985; Shing in W. T. Wang, Vasc. Pl. Hengduan Mts. 1: 165. 1993; S. X. Xu in J. F. Cheng et G. F. Chu, Fl. Jiangxi 1: 312. f. 320. 1993; Z. F. Zhang et S. Y. Zhang, Fl. Zhejiang 1: 317. f. 335. 1993; S. L. Yu et al. in Bull. Bot. Res. 16 (1): 13. 1996. ——Polypodium oligolepidum Baker, Gard. Chron. n. s. 14: 494. 1880; Takeda, Op. Cit. 276; C. Chr. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 26: 316. 1931 (Partim). ——Polypodium lineare var. oligolepidum Christ in Bull. Soc. Bot. France 52. Mem. 1: 15. 1905; C. Chr., Ind. 548. 1905. ——Polypodium trabeculatum Copel. Phil. J. Soc. Bot. 3: 283. 1908.
  植株高10-20厘米。根状茎横走,密被披针形鳞片; 鳞片中部褐色,不透明,边缘1-2行网眼淡棕色,透明,具锯齿。叶略近生; 叶柄长2-3厘米,禾秆色,粗壮; 叶片披针形到卵状披针形,中部或近下部1/3处为最宽,约1.5-3. 5厘米,长8-18厘米,渐尖头,向基部渐变狭并下延,下面被有深棕色透明的披针形鳞片,上面光滑,干后淡黄绿色,软革质。主脉粗壮,上下均隆起,小脉不见。孢子囊群圆形或椭圆形,其直径达5毫米,彼此密接,聚生于叶片上半部狭缩区域,最先端不育,位于主脉与叶边之间,幼时被圆形深棕色隔丝覆盖。
  产福建 (崇安) 、浙江 (安吉、临安、淳安、富阳、开化、江山、东阳、遂昌、龙泉、庆元、缙云和乐清) 、江西 (庐山、彭泽、武宁、萍乡) 、安徽 (黄山、九华山、陵阳和蓝田) 、湖南 (黔阳) 、河南 (伏牛山和大别山) 、陕西 (周至、眉县) 、四川 (宝兴、峨眉山、南川、奉节、巫山、越西、灌县、涪陵) 、贵州 (罗甸、安顺) 、广东、广西 (龙胜) 、云南 (西畴、文山、维西、弥勒、彝良、屏边、丽江、平坝、元阳、蒙自、德钦) 、西藏 (易贡、察隅) 。附生山坡荫处或林下树干上或岩石缝中, 海拔170-2300米。日本也有分布。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 2-3 (2013)
Lepisorus kawakamii  (Hayata) Tagawa Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 5(2): 109. 1936.
鳞瓦韦   lin wa wei
Polypodium kawakamii Hayata, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 23: 77. 1909.
Rhizome long creeping, 2-3 mm in diam., with scales caducous, mainly at apex and near phyllopodia; scales ovate or acuminately ovate, 1-1.2 × 1-1.1 mm, basifixed, margin entire, apex acuminate; lumina uniformly small. Fronds 0.5-1.5 cm apart; stipe 7-15 cm, 1.5-2 mm in diam.; lamina linear-lanceolate, 25-40 × 1-2 cm, widest at or below middle, leathery or softly leathery, scales orbicular or lanceolate; veinlets obscure. Sori medial or sometimes nearer margin, 3-4.5 mm in diam.; paraphyses orbicular, 0.5-0.7 mm in diam., usually very thin.
● On tree trunks in forests; 1700-2700 m. Taiwan.
Lepisorus kawakamii has often been treated as a synonym of L. megasorus. The two species can be distinguished as follows: in L. kawakamii the lamina is linear-lanceolate, the rhizome scales are usually ovate or acuminately ovate with entire margins, and the paraphyses are small, thin, and pale brown, while in L. megasorus the lamina is lanceolate, widest near the base, the rhizome scales are lanceolate with denticulate margins, and the paraphyses are relatively large, thick and brown. Sometimes, the scales in L. kawakamii are lanceolate, but the linear-lanceolate lamina, thin paraphyses, and much closer sori are reliable markers for this species.

【拼音名】 Lín Wǎ Wéi
【别名】 剑刀草、镰刀草、两面刀、龙骨牌、七枝剑、大叶骨牌草、毛镰
【来源】 药材基源:为水龙骨科植物多鳞瓦韦的全草。
拉丁植物动物矿物名:Lepisorus oligolepidus(Bak.)Ching[Polyndium oligolepidum Bak.]
【原形态】 植株高15-22cm。根茎横生,密被中间黑色、边缘淡棕色透明的钻形鳞片,边缘有齿。叶远生;叶柄长2-3cm,禾秆色,基部疏被鳞片,向上光滑;叶片薄革质,披针形,长8-28cm,宽0.5-1.2cm,中部以下较宽,先端短渐尖,基部短下延,背面被黑色鳞片;中脉在两面突出,侧脉不明显。孢子囊群圆形或椭圆形,成熟时彼此接近,背生,且靠近中脉各成1行;隔丝圆形。
【生境分布】 生态环境:生于海拔600-2300m的山坡林缘树干或岩石上。
【性味】 苦;涩;平;无毒
【功能主治】 清肺止咳;健脾消疳;止痛;止血。主肺热咳嗽;头痛;腹痛;风湿痛;小儿疳积;外伤出血
【用法用量】 内服:煎汤,9-15g。外用:适量,捣敷。
【摘录】 《中华本草》