
粤瓦韦Lepisorus obscure-venulosus (Hayata) Ching.

粤瓦韦Lepisorus obscure-venulosus (Hayata) Ching.

科名:水龙骨科 Polypodiaceae

属名:瓦韦属 Lepisorus

  Lepisorus obscure-venulosus (Hayata) Ching in Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 4: 76. 1933 et Ic. Fil. Sin. 2: 66. 1934; Tardieu et C. Chr., Fl, Indo-Chine 7 (2): 457. 1939; 傅书遐, 中国主要植物图说·蕨类植物门214图248. 1957; Ching et al. in W. Y. Chun, Fl. Hainan. 1: 171. f. 79. 1964; Ic. Corm. Sin. 1: 254. 1972; Y. L. Zhang et al., Sporae Pterid. Sin. 355. t. 78. f. 8-11. 1976; DeVol et C. M. Kuo in H. L. Li et al., Fl. Taiwan 1: 187. 1975; 陈仁钧, 安徽植物志 1: 188. 图. 192. 1985; Fl. Fujian 1: 229. f. 216. 1982; S. X. Xu in J. F. Cheng et G. F. Chu, Fl. Jiangxi 1: 311. f. 319. 1993; Z. F. Zhang et S. Y. Zhang, Fl. Zhejiang 1: 316. f. 332. 1993; Shieh,. DeVol et C. M. Kuo, Fl. Taiwan 2nd ed. 1: 492. photo. 72. 1994; S. L. Yu et al. in Bull. Bot. Res. 16 (1): 16. 1996. ——Polypodiuyn obscure-zvenulosus Hayata, Ic. Pl. Form. 5: 322. 1915; C. Chr., Ind. Sup. 27. 1913-1916; Ogata, Ic. Fil. Jap. 3. Pl. 141. 1930.
  植株高10-25 (30)厘米。根状茎横走,密被阔披针形鳞片;鳞片网眼大部分透明,只有中部一条褐色不透明的狭带,全缘。叶通常远生;叶柄长1-5 (7)厘米,通常褐栗色或禾秆色;叶片披针形或阔披针形,通常在下部1/3处为最宽,约1-3.5厘米,先端长尾状,向基部渐变狭并下延,长12-25 (30)厘米,干后淡绿色或淡黄绿色,近革质,下面沿主脉有稀疏的鳞片贴生。主脉上下均隆起,小脉不见。孢子囊群圆形,体大,直径达5毫米,成熟后扩展,彼此近密接,幼时被中央褐色圆形隔丝覆盖。
  产台湾 (宜兰、桃园、新竹、台中、南投、高雄、屏东、台东、花莲) 、福建 (连城、德化、建阳、崇安) 、浙江 (临安、淳安、江山、遂昌、松阳、龙泉、庆元、缙云、丽水、瑞安、泰顺) 、安徽 (休宁、盐田) 、江西 (庐山、玉山、铅山、井冈山、遂川、石城、寻乌) 、广东 (乳源、仁化、连南、乐昌、翁源) 、广西 (龙胜、武鸣、凤山、大苗山、临桂、平南、贺县、百色) 、湖南 (洞口、新宁、江永、衡山、武岗、宜章) 、四川 (南川) 、重庆 (缙云山) 、贵州 (安龙、梵净山、江口、雷山、凯里) 、云南 (麻栗坡、新平、马关、西畴、屏边) 。附生林下树干或岩石上, 海拔400-1700米。日本也产。模式标本采自我国台湾。
种拉丁名:Lepisorus obscure-venulosus (Hayata) Ching.
国内分布:产台湾、福建、浙江、安徽、广东 、广西、湖南、四川、云南、重庆

【药 名】:粤瓦韦


【来 源】:为蕨类植物药水龙骨科植物粤瓦韦的全草。

【功 效】:利咽解毒,清热利尿,止痛敛伤。

【主 治】:治咽喉肿痛,声音嘶哑,肾炎,尿道炎,虫蛇咬伤,水火烫伤。



【别 名】:小金刀、叶下子、大茅镰、骨脾伸筋(《湖南药物志》)、独立枝生、剑丹、一枝枪(广西)。


【拉丁名】:原植物粤瓦韦 Lepisorus Obscure-venuiosus (Hayata) Ching.

【考 证】:始载于《中国蕨类植物图谱》。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 2-3 (2013)
Lepisorus obscurevenulosus  (Hayata) Ching Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 4: 76. 1933.
粤瓦韦   yue wa wei
Polypodium obscurevenulosum Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formosan. 5: 322. 1915 [“obscure-venulosus“].
Plants 10-20(-30) cm tall. Rhizomes creeping, 2-2.5 mm in diam., densely scaly when young, soon naked; scales brown when young, becoming dark with age, broadly lanceolate, 2-4 × 0.9-1.3 mm, margin entire, scales with narrow central band of deep brown and opaque lumina, most other lumina transparent. Fronds ca. 1 cm apart; stipe usually chestnut-brown or straw-colored, 1-5(-7) cm, 1-1.3 mm in diam.; lamina greenish or yellowish green when dried, lanceolate or broadly lanceolate, 12-30 × 1-2.5(-3.5) cm, normally widest 1/3 from base, thinly leathery when dried, abaxially sparsely scaly along sides of main veins, base cuneate, decurrent, apex long caudate; costa raised on both sides, veinlets obscure. Sori orbicular, up to 5 mm in diam. when mature, very closely spaced, slightly contracted after maturity; paraphyses pale brown at middle, orbicular, 0.15-0.3 mm in diam.; lumina large.
On tree trunks or rocks in forests; 300-2500 m. Anhui, Chongqing, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Vietnam].
The chestnut-brown stipes often used to distinguish this species are not reliable as the stipes are sometimes straw-colored. The rhizome scales fall off to leave dark long-creeping naked rhizomes; the young scales have only a narrow dark band in the center and broad transparent light brown margins; and the paraphyses are quite small, light brown, 0.15-0.3 mm in diam.“Polypodium suprapunctatum” (Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 4: 76. 1933) belongs here but was merely cited as a synonym and was not therefore validly published (Melbourne Code, Art. 36.1(c)). Goniophlebium caudiceps T. Moore (Gard. Chron., n.s., 25: 234. 1886; Polypodium caudiceps (T. Moore) G. Nicholson), described from cultivated material supposed to have come from Taiwan, was treated as a synonym of Lepisorus obscurevenulosus in the first edition of Fl. Taiwan but was not mentioned in the second edition. If this placement is correct then a new combination in Lepisorus based on G. caudiceps would have priority.