
网眼瓦韦Lepisorus clathratus (C. B. Clarke) Ching

网眼瓦韦Lepisorus clathratus (C. B. Clarke) Ching


科名:水龙骨科 Polypodiaceae

属名:瓦韦属 Lepisorus

  58.网眼瓦韦(中国蕨类植物图谱)图版17: 2-3
  Lepisorus clathratus (C. B. Clarke) Ching in Bull. Fan. Mem. Inst. Biol. 4: 71. 1933 et Ic. Fil. Sin. 2: 67. 1934; 傅书遐, 中国主要植物图说·蕨类植物门212.图282. 1957; Ic. Corm. Sin. 1: 254. f. 508. 1972; Fl. Tsingling 2: 184. 1974; De Vol etC. M. Kuo in H. L. Li et al., Fl. Taiwan 1: 185. 1975, pro parte; Ching et S. K. WuinC. Y. Wu, Fl. Xizang. 1: 307. f. 78: 1-7. 1982; Ching et al. in Acta Bot. Yun. 5 (1): 4. 1983: Nakaike, New Fl. Jap. 663. f. 663a. b. 1992; Shing in W. T.Wang, Vasc. Pl. Hengduan Mts. 1: 165. 1993; S. L. Yu et al. in Bull. Bot. Res. 16 (1): 28. 1996. ——Polypodium clathratum C. B. Clarke, Ferns N. Ind. in Trans.Linn. Soc. Bot. 2: 559. Pl. 82. f. i. 1880; C. Chr., Ind. Fil. 517. 1905; Takeda, OP. Cit. 281 (Excl. var.) ; C. Chr., Acta Hort. Goteberg. 1: 100. 1924. ——Lepisorus nepalensis K. Iwats., Fl. E. Himal. 3: 198. 1975.

《Flora of China》 Vol. 2-3 (2013)
Lepisorus clathratus  (C. B. Clarke) Ching Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 4: 71. 1933.
网眼瓦韦   wang yan wa wei
Polypodium clathratum C. B. Clarke, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 2: 559. 1880; Lepisorus clathratus var. namegatae Sa. Kurata; L. namegatae (Sa. Kurata) Ching & Y. X. Lin; L. nepalensis K. Iwatsuki; L. petiolatus Ching & Y. X. Lin; L. pseudoclathratus Ching & S. K. Wu; L. soulieanus (Christ) Ching & S. K. Wu; L. variabilis Ching & S. K. Wu; Platygyria kongtingensis Ching & Y. X. Lin; P. muliensis Ching & S. K. Wu; P. soulieana (Christ) X. C. Zhang & Q. R. Liu; P. variabilis Ching & S. K. Wu; Pleopeltis clathrata (C. B. Clarke) Beddome; P. clathrata var. namegatae (Sa. Kurata) Ohwi; Polypodium soulieanum Christ.
Plants 5-17 cm tall. Rhizomes long and creeping, 1.5-3 mm in diam., densely scaly; scales ± deep brown, lanceolate to ovate, 3.5-7 × 0.7-1 mm, brittle, transparent, base ovate, margins shortly dentate, apex shortly acute; basal lumina isodiametric, ± square, distal ones subrectangular. Fronds remote or ± closely spaced; stipe straw-colored, 0.7-6.3 cm, slender, less than 1 mm in diam.; lamina greenish or brownish green on both surfaces when dried, lanceolate, both ends attenuate, 4-20 × 0.8-1.5(-2) cm, widest at or below middle, herbaceous to submembranous, almost glabrous, base cuneate, slightly decurrent, margin flat and straight, apex bluntly acuminate to gradually long attenuate; costa slightly raised on both sides, veinlets ± visible. Sori along 7/8 of length, midway between costa and margins, suborbicular, 2-2.5 mm in diam.; paraphyses dark brown, stellate or lanceolate, margin with long spines; lumina large and transparent. Sporangia leptosporangiate: dehiscent with narrow annulus of very thick-walled cells, or platygyroid: indehiscent with wide annulus of thin-walled cells.
On tree trunks in broad-leaved evergreen forests, in rock crevices on open slopes, or stony riverbanks; 2000-4300 m. Guangxi, Qinghai, Sichuan, Xizang [Bhutan, India, Japan, Kashmir, Nepal].
A very wide interpretation has been taken for Lepisorus clathratus ± following Fraser-Jenkins (Taxon. Revis. Indian Subcontinental Pteridophytes, 41-42. 2008) as accepted by Li Wang et al. (Phylogeography of the Sino-Himalayan Fern Lepisorus clathratus on “The Roof of the World.” 2011. PLoS ONE 6(9): e25896. doi:10.1371/journal.pone. 0025896; accessed 28 May 2012).Lepisorus soulieanus had been placed in a different genus, Platygyria, on the basis of the distinctive sporangium annulus of broad, pale, thin-walled cells, but this is not a consistent feature with some collections showing a range from these to normal leptosporangiate annuli. There are no other characters that allow a clear separation between the two taxa. Lepisorus petiolatus was primarily separated on the basis of the long slender stipe, but this also is a very variable feature with no obvious discontinuity to justify the recognition of distinct taxa.


【来源】 蕨类水龙骨科网眼瓦韦Lepisorus clathratus (Clarke) Ching,以全草入药。
【生境分布】 河北、山西、内蒙古、陕西、甘肃、青海、新疆、河南、四川、西藏。
【性味】 苦、平。
【功能主治】 利水通淋,凉血,止血,解毒消肿。主治淋病,水肿,痈肿,瘰疬,咳嗽,吐血,赤白痢疾,外伤肿胀,或出血等症。
【用法用量】 1~3钱,水煎服或研末外用。
【摘录】 《全国中草药汇编》