
马尾松Pinus massoniana Lamb.

马尾松Pinus massoniana Lamb.

别名:Chinese red pine;瓦通更;紫松;爬山松;青松树;松柏;松节;松树;黄松;铁甲松;丛树;康松;松香;青松、山松;青松;山松;厚皮松;台湾赤松;松萝;本松;柴松;枞柏;枞树;枞松;赤松;

科名:松科 Pinaceae

属名:松属 Pinus

  25. 马尾松(通用名) 青松、山松、枞松(广东、广西)
  Pinus massoniana Lamb. Descr. Gen. Pinus 1: 17. t. 12. 1803, ed. 2. 2. 16. t. 8. 1828, ed. 8. 2: 20. t. 8. 1832; Debx. in Acta Soc. Linn. Bordeaux 30: 109. 1875; Shaw in Sarg. Pl. Wilson. 1: l. 1911, ibidem 2: 14. 1914, et Gen. Pinus 52. t. 20. f. 176-178. 1914; Chun, Chinese Econ. Trees 14. 1921; Pax in Repert. Sp. Nov. Beih. 12: 304. 1922; Dallimore and Jackson, Handb. Conif. 414. 1923, ed. 3. 503. 1948, rev. Harrison, Handb. Conif. and Ginkgo. ed. 4. 443. 1966; 胡先骕、陈焕镛, 中国植物图谱 1: 6. 图版6. 1927; 钱崇澎, 科学社生物所论文集 3: 28. 1927, 中国森林植物志 1: 图版6. 1937; Rehd. Man. Cult. Trees and Shrubs 59. 1927, ed. 2. 41. 1940, Bibliogr. 35. 1949, et in Journ. Arn Arb. 10: 109. 1929, ibidem 17: 54. 1936; Merr. in Lingnan Sci. Journ. 5: 22. 1928, 中山大学农林植物所专刊 1: 4. 1930; 郑万钧, 科学社生物所论文集 6: 12. 1930, et apud Pei, ibidem 8: 83. 1932, ibidem 8: 306. 1933, 中山大学农林植物所专刊 2: 107. 1931, proparte; Beissn. u. Fitsch. Handb. Nadelh. ed. 3, 412, 1930; Hickel in Lec. Fl. Gen. Indo-Chine 5: 1079. 1931; Kanehira et Sasaki, in Journ. Soc. Trop. Agr. 4: 7. 1932; 金平亮三, 台湾树木志, 增补改版 44. 图12. 1936; 陈嵘, 中国树木分类学21. 1937,不包括山东的植物; A. Chev. in Rev. Bot. Appl. Agr. Trop. nos. 269-270-271: 29. t. 4. f. 6. 1944; 方文培, 峨眉植物图志 2(2): 图版180. 1946, 不包括山东的植物; 刘玉壶, 中研汇报 1(2): 151. 1947; Florin in Acta Hort. Berg. 14: 348. 1948; 郝景盛, 中国裸子植物志, 再版 60. 1951, 不包括山东的植物; Li et Keng in Taiwania 5: 57. t. 16: 1954; 广西林业厅, 广西的主要树木整理 59. 图4. 1955; 吴中伦, 植物分类学报 5(3): 150. 图版25. 图13. 1956; 侯宽昭等, 广州植物志69. 图12. 1956; 裴鉴、单人骅等, 江苏南部种子植物手册 8. 图10. 1959; 郑万钧等, 中国树木学 1: 197. 图88 (1-5). 1961; Li. Woody Fl. Taiwan 49. 1963; 中国科学院植物研究所, 中国高等植物图鉴 1: 309. 图618. 1972. ——Pinus sinensis Lamb. Descr. Gen. Pinus ed. minor 47. t. 29. 1832; Benth. Fl. Hongkong. 337. 1861. ——Pinus canaliculata Miq. in Journ. Bot. Neerland 1: 86. 1861. ——Pinus argyi Lamee et Levl. in Repert. Sp. Nov. 8: 60. 1910. ——Pinus argyi Lemee et Levl. var. longevaginans Levl. l. c. ——Pinus cavaleriei Lemee et Levl. l. c.
分    布:西南、秦岭、
生    境:海拔1500米以下山地
习    性:阳生

《Flora of China》 Vol. 4 (1999)
Pinus massoniana  Lambert
马尾松   ma wei song
Trees to 45 m tall; trunk to 1.5 m d.b.h.; bark red-brown toward apex of trunk, gray- or red-brown toward base, irregularly scaly and flaking; crown broadly pyramidal or umbrellalike; branchlets usually growing twice per year, yellowish brown, occasionally glaucous; winter buds brown, ovoid-cylindric or cylindric. Needles 2(or 3) per bundle, slightly twisted, 12-20 cm, stomatal lines present on all surfaces, resin canals 4-8, marginal, base with persistent sheath. Seed cones pendulous, shortly pedunculate, green, turning chestnut brown at maturity, ovoid, conical-ovoid, or ovoid-cylindric, 2.5-7 × 2.5-5 cm. Seed scales suboblong-obovoid or subsquare; apophyses rhombic, slightly swollen or flat, slightly transversely ridged; umbo flattened, slightly sunken, blunt or shortly mucronate in apical part of cone. Seeds narrowly ovoid, 4-6 mm; wing 1.6-2.1 cm. Pollination Apr-May, seed maturity Oct-Dec of 2nd year.
* Plains, hills, mountains; near sea level to 2000 m. Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, W Henan, Hubei, Hunan, S Jiangsu, Jiangxi, SE Shaanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, E Yunnan, Zhejiang
An important tree for afforestation in S China. The timber is used for construction, railway sleepers, mine timber, furniture, wood pulp, etc., and the trunk as a source of resin and tannin, and for cultivating fungi.