
黄花石斛Dendrobium dixanthum Rchb.

黄花石斛Dendrobium dixanthum Rchb.


科名:兰科 Orchidaceae

属名:石斛属 Dendrobium

  21. 黄花石斛(中国兰花全书)
  Dendrobium dixanthum Rchb. f. in Gard. Chron.: 674. 1865, et l. c. 1: 814. 1883; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 746. 1890; Seidenf. in Opera Bot. 83: 50, fig. 25. 1985, et l. c. 114: 229. 1992. ——D. moulmeinense auct. non Rchb. f.: S. C. Chen et Z. H. Tsi in Orch. China: 156. 1998.
  茎直立或下垂,细圆柱形,长50-100厘米,粗3-6毫米,不分枝,具多节,节间长2.5-3厘米,干后淡黄色,具多数纵条棱。叶革质,卵状披针形,长8-11 (-13) 厘米,宽约1厘米,先端长渐尖,基部具抱茎的鞘。总状花序常2-4个,从去年生落了叶的茎上发出,具2-5朵花;花序柄纤细,长1-2厘米,基部被2-3枚短的膜质鞘;花苞片膜质,卵形,长约2毫米,先端锐尖;花梗和子房纤细,长约2厘米;花黄色,开展,质地薄;中萼片长圆状披针形,长约2.3厘米,宽6毫米,先端急尖,具5条脉;侧萼片与中萼片相似,等大,基部稍歪斜;萼囊近圆筒形,长4毫米;花瓣近长圆形,长2.3厘米,宽1厘米,先端急尖,基部收狭,边缘具不规则的细齿,具5条脉;唇瓣深黄色,基部两侧具紫红色条纹,近圆形,长2.2厘米,宽2.5厘米,先端凹缺,边缘具啮蚀状细齿,上面密布短毛;蕊柱很短,长5毫米,具长约4毫米的蕊柱足;药帽圆锥形,顶端钝,密布细乳突,前端边缘具不整齐的齿。蒴果长圆柱形,长6-7厘米,粗5-6毫米,具长约1厘米的柄。花期3月,果期7月。
参考文献:Dendrobium dixanthum Rchb.F,in Gard.Chron.:674.1865,et 1.C.1:814.1883;Hook.F,F1.Brit.Ind.5:746.1890;Seidenf.In Opera Bot.83:50,fig.25.1985,et 1.C.114:229.1992.BD.moulmeinense auct.Non Rchb.F.:S.C.ChenetZ.H,Tsi in Orch.China:156.1998.

《Flora of China》 Vol. 25 (2009)
Dendrobium dixanthum  H. G. Reichenbach Gard. Chron. 1865: 674. 1865.
黄花石斛   huang hua shi hu
Callista dixantha (H. G. Reichenbach) Kuntze.
Stems erect or pendulous, cylindric, 50-100 cm, slender, 3-6 mm in diam., unbranched, deciduous, with many nodes, internodes 2.5-3 cm, with many longitudinal ridges, pale yellow when dry. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, 8-11(-13) × ca. 1 cm, leathery, base with clasping sheath, apex long acuminate. Inflorescences often 2-4, from old leafless stems, 2-5-flowered; peduncle 1-2 cm, slender; basal sheaths 2 or 3, short, membranous; floral bracts ovate, ca. 2 mm, membranous, acute. Pedicel and ovary ca. 2 cm, slender. Flowers spreading, thinly textured, deep yellow, lip with purplish red stripes on either side at base. Dorsal sepal oblong-lanceolate, ca. 23 × 6 mm, 5-veined, apex acute; lateral sepals equal in size to dorsal sepal, base slightly oblique; mentum subcylindric, ca. 4 mm. Petals suboblong, ca. 23 × 10 mm, 5-veined, base contracted, margin irregularly denticulate, apex acute; lip suborbicular, ca. 22 × 25 mm, adaxially densely barbellate, margin erose, apex emarginate. Column very short, ca. 5 mm, foot ca. 4 mm; anther cap conic, densely finely papillate, front margin irregularly dentate, apex obtuse. Capsule narrowly cylindric, 6-7 × 0.5-0.6 cm, with a stalk ca. 1 cm.
Epiphytic on tree trunks in mountain forests; 800-1200 m. S Yunnan [Laos, Myanmar, Thailand].
This species was misidentified by S. C. Chen and Z. H. Tsi (Orchids China, 156. 1998) as Dendrobium moulmeinense (a synonym of D. devonianum in the present treatment).This species was misidentified by S. C. Chen and Z. H. Tsi (Orchids China, 156. 1998) as Dendrobium moulmeinense (a synonym of D. devonianum in the present treatment).