
陆地棉Gossypium hirsutum Linn.

陆地棉Gossypium hirsutum Linn.

别名:upland cotton;土黄芪;墨西哥棉;棉花根;棉花;美洲棉;美棉;高地棉;改良棉;棉;大陆棉;

科名:锦葵科 Malvaceae

属名:棉属 Gossypium

  3.陆地棉(种子植物名称)高地棉(广州常见经济植物),大陆棉(中国树木分类学),美洲棉(经济植物手册),墨西哥棉(华北经济植物志要),美棉 图版25: 4
  Gossypium hirsutum Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 2, 975, 1763; Watt Wild Cult. Co. tton Pl. 183, t. 29-31, 1907; 陈嵘, 中国树木分类学768,图656, 1937; 崔友文, 华北经济植物志要316, 1953; S. Y. Hu Fl. China Family 153: 67, pl. 11-4,221, 1955; 侯宽昭, 广州植物志255, 1956; 陈焕镛, 海南植物志2: 105, 1965; 昆明植物研究所, 云南植物志2: 237, 1979.——Gossypium, mexicanum Todaro Ind. Sem. Hort. Bot. Panorm. 20-31, 1,867; Relaz. Cult. Cot. 193, t. 6, 12, f. 32, 1877; Watt Wild Cult. Cotton 226,t. 39-41, 1907; S. Y. Hu Fl. China Fami1y 153: 67, pl. 11-5, 22-6, 1955.
  一年生草本,高0.6-1.5米,小枝疏被长毛。叶阔卵形,直径5-12厘米,长、宽近相等或较宽,基部心形或心状截头形,常3浅裂,很少为5裂,中裂片常深裂达叶片之半,裂片宽三角状卵形,先端突渐尖,基部宽,上面近无毛,沿脉被粗毛,下面疏被长柔毛;叶柄长3-14厘米,疏被柔毛;托叶卵状镰形,长5-8毫米,早落。花单生于叶腋,花梗通常较叶柄略短;小苞片3,分离,基部心形,具腺体1个,边缘具7-9齿,连齿长达4厘米,宽约2.5厘米,被长硬毛和纤毛;花萼杯状,裂片5,三角形,具缘毛;花白色或淡黄色,后变淡红色或紫色,长2.5-3厘米;雄蕊柱长1. 2厘米。蒴果卵圆形,长3.5-5厘米,具喙,3-4室;种子分离,卵圆形,具白色长棉毛和灰白色不易剥离的短棉毛。花期夏秋季。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 12 (2007)
Gossypium hirsutum  Linnaeus
陆地棉   lu di mian
Gossypium hirsutum f. mexicanum (Todaro) Roberty; G. mexicanum Todaro; G. religiosum Linnaeus.
Herbs, annual, 0.6-1.5 m tall. Branchlets sparsely villous. Stipules ovate-falcate, 5-8 mm, caducous; petiole 3-14 cm, pilose; leaf blade broadly ovate, 3(-5)-lobed, 5-12 cm in diam., lobes broadly triangular to ovate-orbicular, base broad, central lobe usually 1/2 as long as leaf blade, abaxially sparsely villous, adaxially nearly glabrous, scabrously hairy on veins, base cordate or cordate-truncate, apex acuminate. Flowers solitary, axillary. Pedicel usually slightly shorter than petiole. Epicalyx lobes 3, free, to 4 × 2.5 cm (including teeth), hirsute and ciliate with long hairs, base cordate, with 1 gland, 7-9-toothed near apex, teeth 3 or 4 × as long as wide. Calyx cup-shaped, 5-lobed, lobes triangular, ciliate. Corolla white or yellowish, fading to reddish or purple, funnelform; petals 4-5.5 × 3.5-4.5 cm. Staminal column 1-2 cm; filaments lax, upper ones longer. Capsule 3- or 4-celled, ovoid, 3.5-5 cm, apex beaked. Seeds free, ovoid, with white wool and gray-white moderately persistent short fuzz. Fl. summer-autumn.
Widely cultivated in China [probably of American origin (?Mexico), now cultivated throughout warmer parts of the world].
Gossypium hirsutum has replaced G. arboreum and G. herbaceum in the cotton-producing areas of China.