
绢毛木兰Magnolia albosericea Chun et C. Tsoong

绢毛木兰Magnolia albosericea Chun et C. Tsoong


科名:木兰科 Magnoliaceae

属名:木兰属 Magnolia

  5. 绢毛木兰(植物分类学报) 梭叶树
  Magnolia albosericea Chun et C. Tsoong in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 9: 118. 1964; 海南植物志1: 223.图107; 中国高等植物图鉴1: 790.图1580. 1972; 中国树木志1: 446. 1 983; 广东植物志1: 7. 1987.——-Magnolia fistulosa auct. non Dandy: Chun in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 8: 284. 1963. quoad specim. Hainan.
  常绿小乔木,高达8米,树皮灰白色,幼嫩部分密被白色绢毛。叶革质,椭圆形,狭椭圆形,倒披针状椭圆形,长18-30 (-40) 厘米,宽6-9 (15) 米,先端渐尖而钝头,基部楔形或狭楔形,上面暗绿色,下面苍白色,被白色柔毛;中脉两面有稀疏长绢毛;侧脉每边15-20条,叶柄粗壮,托叶痕达叶柄顶端。花蕾卵圆形,长4-5厘米,花梗长1.5-2厘米,密被绢毛,有约3苞片脱落痕。花被片9,白色,外轮3片较薄,近革质,长圆形,长4-4.6厘米,背面有稠密的乳头状突起,近基部有白色绢毛,内部两轮6片,厚肉质,倒卵形,有爪,中轮的长4-5厘米,背面基部有白色绢毛,内轮的长3-4厘米;雄蕊长9-12毫米,花药长6-8毫米,内向开裂,药隔伸出成短尖头;心皮狭椭圆体形,长8-13毫米,背面有褐色毛及不明显的乳头状突起,中部具浅纵沟直达顶端。聚合果暗褐色,椭圆体形或倒卵圆形,长4.5-8厘米;蓇葖革质,狭椭圆体形,长2-2.5厘米,顶端具向外弯的长5-7毫米的尖喙,背面具淡褐色短柔毛和乳头状突起;种子红色,三角形,不规则三角形,侧扁,宽与高7-10毫米,顶端具微细的小孔,腹面具浅狭纵沟,基部锐尖。花期4-5月,果期8-9月。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 7 (2008)
Lirianthe albosericea  (Chun & C. H. Tsoong) N. H. Xia & C. Y. Wu Fl. China. 7: 63. 2008.
绢毛木兰   juan mao mu lan
Basionym: Magnolia albosericea Chun & C. H. Tsoong, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 9: 117. 1964.
Trees, to 8 m tall. Bark grayish white, young part densely white sericeous. Stipular scar reaching apex of petiole. Petiole thick and strong; leaf blade elliptic, narrowly elliptic, or narrowly obovate-elliptic, 18-30(-40) × 6-9(-15) cm, abaxially glaucous and white villous, adaxially dark green, midvein sparsely long sericeous on both surfaces, secondary veins 15-20 on each side of midvein, base cuneate to narrowly cuneate, apex acuminate. Peduncle 1.5-2 cm, densely sericeous, with 3 bract scars. Flower buds ovoid, 4-5 cm. Tepals 9, white; tepals of outer whorl oblong, 4-4.6 cm, thinner, abaxially densely papillate, white sericeous near base; tepals of middle whorl 4-5 cm, abaxially white sericeous near base; tepals of inner 2 whorls obovate, thickly fleshy, base clawed; tepals of innermost whorl 3-4 cm. Stamens 0.9-1.2 cm; connective exserted and forming a mucro; anthers 6-8 mm, dehiscing introrsely. Carpels narrowly ellipsoid, 0.8-1.3 cm, abaxially with brown trichomes and inconspicuously papillate, shallow furrow reaching to apex in middle. Fruit dark brown, ellipsoid to obovoid, 4.5-8 cm; mature carpels narrowly ellipsoid, 2-2.5 cm, leathery, abaxially pale brown pubescent and papillate, apex with an outcurved 5-7 mm sharp beak. Seeds red, irregularly triangular, 7-10 × 7-10 mm, laterally flat, adaxially shallowly and narrowly furrowed, base cuneate, apex finely pitted. Fl. Apr-May, fr. Aug-Sep. 2n = 38*.
● Evergreen broad-leaved forests, slopes, ravines; 500-800 m. Hainan (Baoting, Diaoluo Shan).
This species is grown as an ornamental.This species is grown as an ornamental.