
排钱树Phyllodium pulchellum (Linn.) Desv.

排钱树Phyllodium pulchellum (Linn.) Desv.


科名:豆科 Leguminosae

属名:排钱树属 Phyllodium

  3. 排钱树 圆叶小槐花(台湾植物志),龙鳞草(生草药性备要),排钱草〔广东),尖叶阿婆钱、午时合、笠碗子树(海南),亚婆钱(江西寻邬)图版2: 3
  Phyllodium pulchellum (Linn.) Desv. in Journ. de Bot. ser. 2. 1: 124. t. 5. f 24. 1815; et in Mem. Soc. Linn. Paris 4: 324. 1825; Benth. in Miq. PL. Jungh. 217. 1852; Schindl. in Fedde, Repert. Sp. Nov. 20: 270. 1924; 广州植物志 333. 1956; Ohashi in Hara, Fl. E. Himal. 161. 1966, et in Ginkgoana 1:276. 1973;台湾植物志 3: 353. pl. 627. 1977.——Hedysarum pulchellum Linn. Sp. Pl. 747. 1753.——Desmodium pulchellu (Linn.) Benth. Fl. Hongk. 83. 1861; 中国主要植物图说·豆科480. 图467. 1955; 海南植物志2: 272. 1965; 中国高等植物图鉴2: 445. 图2620. 1972.

《Flora of China》 Vol. 10 (2010)
Phyllodium pulchellum  (Linnaeus) Desvaux J. Bot. Agric. 1: 124. 1813.
排钱树   pai qian shu
Hedysarum pulchellum Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 747. 1753; Desmodium pulchellum (Linnaeus) Bentham; Dicerma pulchel-lum (Linnaeus) Candolle.
Shrubs, 0.5-2 m tall. Branchlets white or gray pubescent. Petiole 5-7 mm; terminal leaflet blade ovate, elliptic, or obo-vate, 6-10 × 2.5-4.5 cm, ca. 2 × as long as lateral leaflets, abax-ially densely pubescent on veins, adaxially sparsely pubescent, lateral veins 6-10 on each side of midvein. Flowers 5 or 6, enclosed by pair of leaflike bracts; bracts orbicular, 1-1.5 cm in diam., both surfaces slightly pubescent, ciliate. Pedicel 2-3 mm, pubescent. Calyx ca. 2 mm. Corolla white or pale yellow; standard 5-6 mm, base attenuate, shortly and broadly clawed; wings ca. 5 × 1 mm, auriculate, clawed; keel ca. 6 × 2 mm, clawed, not auriculate. Pistil 6-7 mm; style 4.5-5.5 mm. Leg-ume ca. 6 × 2.5 mm, slightly constricted on both sutures, usu-ally 2-jointed; articles glabrous or sparsely pubescent and cili-ate. Seed broadly elliptic or nearly orbicular, 2.2-2.8 × ca. 2 mm. Fl. Jul-Sep, fr. Oct-Nov. 2n = 22.
Wastelands on hills, roadsides, sparse forests on mountain slopes; 200-2000 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, S Jiang-xi, Taiwan, S Yunnan [throughout tropical Asia to Australia and New Guinea].
The roots and leaves are used medicinally for reducing fever and as an antiphlogistic and diuretic.The roots and leaves are used medicinally for reducing fever and as an antiphlogistic and diuretic.

【拼音名】 Pái Qián Shù
【别名】 排钱草、虎尾金钱、钱串草、串钱草、叠钱草、阿婆钱、龙鳞草、午时合
【来源】 豆科山蚂蝗属植物排钱树Desmodium pulchellum (L.)Benth.,以入药。夏秋采收,夏季切碎,晒干或鲜用。
【性味】 淡、涩,平。有小毒。
【功能主治】 清热利湿,活血祛瘀,软坚散结。用于感冒发热,疟疾,肝炎,肝硬化腹水,血吸虫病肝脾肿大,风湿疼痛,跌打损伤。
【用法用量】 枝、叶3~6钱;根0.5~1两。
【注意】 孕妇忌服。
【备注】 (1)同属植物毛排钱树(连里尾树)Desmodium blandum Van Meeuwen,形态、功能、主治、用法与排钱草大致相同。
【摘录】 《全国中草药汇编》