
木蓝Indigofera tinctoria Linn.

木蓝Indigofera tinctoria Linn.

别名:true indigo;印度蓝;野蓝枝子;马蓝;大青叶;靛;豆靛;火蓝;木兰;青黛;野槐树;槐兰;小青;大蓝;野青靛;三叶木蓝;小柴兰子;槐蓝;蓝靛;

科名:豆科 Leguminosae

属名:木蓝属 Indigofera

  62.木蓝(本草纲目)蓝靛、靛(广东)图版91: 1-7
  Indigofera tinctoria Linn. Sp. Pl. 751. 1753; Lour. Fl. Cochinch. 458. 1790; DC. Prodr. 2: 224. 1825; Roxb. Fl. Ind. 3: 379. 1832; Baker in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 2: 99. 1876; Franch. Pl., David. 82. 1884; Dunn et Tutch. in Kew Bull. Add. ser. 10: 75. 1912; Gagnep. in Lecomte, Fl. Gen. Ind-Chine 2: 428. 1916; Merr. Enum. Philip. Fl. Pl. 2: 276. 1923, et in Lingnaam Agr. Rev. 2: 16. 1924; Merr. et Chun in Sunyatsenia 5: 80. 1940; 中国主要植物图说·豆科249.图239. 1955; Gillett in Kew Bull. Add. ser. 1: 106. 1958, Fl. Trop. E. Afr. Leg. 3, Pap. 1: 308. 1971; Ali. in Bot. Not. 3: 567. 1958, et Fl. W. Pakistan 100: 82. 1977; 海南植物志2: 257. 1965; 台湾植物志3: 309. 1977; de Kort et Thijsse in Blumea 30: 136. 1984; Sanjappa in Reinwardtia 10: 238. 1985. ——I. indica Lam. Encycl. Menth. 3: 245. 1789. ——I. sumatrana Gaertn. Fruct. 2: 317. t. 148. 1791.
  直立亚灌木,高0.5-1米;分枝少。幼枝有棱,扭曲,被白色丁字毛。羽状复叶长2.5-11厘米;叶柄长1.3-2.5厘米,叶轴上面扁平,有浅槽,被丁字毛,托叶钻形,长约2毫米;小叶4-6对,对生,倒卵状长圆形或倒卵形,长1.5-3厘米;宽0.5-1.5厘米,先端圆钝或微凹,基部阔楔形或圆形,两面被丁字毛或上面近无毛,中脉上面凹入,侧脉不明显;小叶柄长约2毫米;小托叶钻形。总状花序长2.5-5 (-9)厘米,花疏生,近无总花梗;苞片钻形,长1-1.5毫米;花梗长4-5毫米;花萼钟状,长约1.5毫米,萼齿三角形,与萼筒近等长,外面有丁字毛;花冠伸出萼外,红色,旗瓣阔倒卵形,长4-5毫米,外面被毛,瓣柄短,翼瓣长约4毫米,龙骨瓣与旗瓣等长;花药心形;子房无毛。荚果线形,长2.5-3厘米,种子间有缢缩,外形似串珠状,有毛或无毛,有种子5-10粒,内果皮具紫色斑点;果梗下弯。种子近方形,长约1.5毫米。花期几乎全年,果期10月。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 10 (2010)
Indigofera tinctoria  Linnaeus Sp. Pl. 2: 751. 1753.
木蓝   mu lan
Shrublets, erect, 50-100 cm tall. Young branches with ap-pressed white medifixed symmetrically 2-branched trichomes. Stipules narrowly triangular, ca. 2 mm. Leaves 2.5-11 cm, 9-13-foliolate; petiole and rachis adaxially grooved, with ap-pressed medifixed trichomes; petiole 1.3-2.5 cm; stipels mi-nute; petiolules ca. 2 mm; leaflet blades opposite, obovate-oblong to obovate, 1.5-3 × 0.5-1.5 cm, both surfaces with appressed medifixed trichomes, adaxially sometimes glabrous, midvein adaxially impressed, secondary veins not visible, base broadly cuneate to rounded, apex rounded to emarginate. Ra-cemes 2.5-5(-9) cm, laxly flowered; peduncle absent; bracts bristlelike, 1-1.5 mm. Pedicel 4-5 mm, reflexed in fruit. Calyx ca. 1.5 mm, with appressed medifixed trichomes; teeth triangu-lar, as long as tube. Corolla red; standard broadly obovate, 4-5 mm, outside with brown trichomes; wings ca. 4 mm; keel as long as wings. Stamens 4-5 mm; anthers cordate. Ovary gla-brous. Legume linear, deflexed and straight to semicircular but never falcate, 2.5-3 cm, hairy or glabrous; endocarp purplish red blotched. Seeds 5-12 per legume, cubic, ca. 1.5 mm. Fl. year-round, fr. Oct. 2n = 16.
Cultivated in SW Anhui, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Taiwan, and Yunnan [widely distributed in tropical Asia and Africa].
Indigofera tinctoria is widely used as the source of the dye indigo.Indigofera tinctoria is widely used as the source of the dye indigo.


【拼音名】 Mù Lán
【别名】 蓝靛、槐蓝、小青[福建]、野槐树
【来源】 为豆科木蓝属植物木蓝Indigofera tinctoria L.,以全株入药。夏季采叶制成青黛用。夏、秋采收全株,切碎晒干备用。
【性味】 微苦,寒。
【功能主治】 清热解毒。用于防治流行性乙型脑炎,腮腺炎;外用治痈疖肿毒,丹毒。
【用法用量】 0.5~1两;外用适量,鲜叶捣烂绞汁涂患处。
【摘录】 《全国中草药汇编》