
龙溪四轮香Hanceola mairei (Lévl.) Sun

龙溪四轮香Hanceola mairei (Lévl.) Sun

科名:唇形科 Labiatae

属名:四轮香属 Hanceola

  Hanceola mairei (Levl.) Sun,科学社生物所论文集12(3): 123. 1942, in nota——Hancea mairei Levl. in Fedde, Repert. Sp. Nov. 11: 297. 1912.
  产云南东北部。模式标本采自云南龙溪海拔750米处。注:尚有2种,即高坡四轮香H. labordei(Levl.)Sun及龙街四轮香H. mairei(Levl.)Sun,

《Flora of China》 Vol. 17 (1994)
Hanceola mairei  (H. Léveillé) Sun
龙溪四轮香   long xi si lun xiang
Hancea mairei H. Léveillé, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 11: 297. 1912.
Stems striate, glabrous. Leaves long petiolate, lanceolate, adaxially dark green, glabrous, abaxially gray, sparsely villous, margin entire except crenate apically. Flowers bluish, in terminal spicate racemes. Calyx glabrescent, veined. Corolla very short, finely pilose, tube much exserted. Style very elongated (specimens not seen).
* Yunnan (Longxi)
"The specimen is insufficient for definite identification but it bears a close resemblance to Plectranthus macranthus J. D. Hooker (= Siphocranion macranthum (J. D. Hooker) C. Y. Wu) and may belong to that species." (D. R. McKean, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 40: 166. 1982).