
菰Zizania latifolia (Griseb.) Stapf

菰Zizania latifolia (Griseb.) Stapf

别名:Manchurian wildrice;奥存-查干-苏牙;芒婆草;苇茎;茭白筍;雕胡;茭儿莱;茭白;茭笋;茭包;奥存-查干-苏乐;菰蒋草;菰茭白;茭粑;茭儿菜;茭儿茶;茭耳菜;茭瓜;蒋草;菱笋;野茭瓜;茭草;白草;

科名:禾本科 Gramineae

属名:菰属 Zizania

  Zizania latifolia (Griseb.) Stapf in Kew Bull. 1909: 385. 1909; Hitchc. in Lingnan Sci. Journ. 7: 206. 1931; Man. Grass. U. S. 561. 1951; Bor, Grass. Burma Ceyl. India Pakist. 606. 1960; Baker et al. , Fl. Java 3: 546. 1968; Gill. Grass. Malaya 104. 1971; Hsu in Taiwania 16: 223. 1971; 台湾的禾草221. Pl. 50. 1975; 台湾植物志5: 381. 1987. ——Hydrophyum latifolium Griseb. in Ledeb. Fl. Ross. 4: 466. 1953. ——Zizania caduciflora(Turcz. )Hand.-Mazz. Symb. Anthophyta 3: 1278. 1936; Ohwi in Journ. Jap. Bot. 17: 499. 1941;中国主要植物图说·禾本科634, 图574. 1959.
  多年生,具匍匐根状茎。须根粗壮。秆高大直立,高1-2米,径约1厘米,具多数节,基部节上生不定根。叶鞘长于其节间,肥厚,有小横脉;叶舌膜质,长约1.5厘米,顶端尖;叶片扁平宽大,长50-90厘米,宽15-30毫米。圆锥花序长30-50厘米,分枝多数簇生,上升,果期开展;雄小穗长10-15毫米,两侧压扁,着生于花序下部或分枝之上部,带紫色,外稃具5脉,顶端渐尖具小尖头,内稃具3脉,中脉成脊,具毛,雄蕊6枚,花药长5-10毫米;雌小穗圆筒形,长18-25毫米,宽1.5-2毫米,着生于花序上部和分枝下方与主轴贴生处,外稃之5脉粗糙,芒长20-30毫米,内稃具3脉。颖果圆柱形,长约12毫米,胚小形,为果体之1/8。染色体2n=34(Hirayoshu 1937)。
  菰的经济价值大,秆基嫩茎为真菌Ustilago edulis寄生后,粗大肥嫩,称茭瓜,是美味的蔬菜。颖果称菰米,作饭食用,有营养保健价值。全草为优良的饲料,为鱼类的越冬场所。也是固堤造陆的先锋植物。古代菰生长正常,秋季结实,称雕胡米,为六谷之一,后因黑穗菌寄生成畸形,不能开花结实,成为蔬菜利用。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 22 (2006)
Zizania latifolia  (Grisebach) Turczaninow ex Stapf
菰   gu
Hydropyrum latifolium Grisebach in Ledebour, Fl. Ross. 4: 466. 1853; Zizania aquatica Linnaeus var. latifolia (Grisebach) Komarov; Z. caduciflora Handel-Mazzetti, nom. illeg. superfl.; Z. dahurica Turczaninow ex Steudel.
Perennial, rhizomatous. Culms erect, 1–2.5 m, ca. 1 cm thick, rooting at lower nodes, nodes glabrous. Leaf sheaths longer than internodes, thickened, lower sheaths tessellate; leaf blades broadly linear, 50–90 × 1.5–3.5 cm, abaxial surface scabrous, adaxial surface glabrous, tapering to base, apex abruptly narrowed to a long point; ligule triangular, 1–1.5 cm. Panicle 30–50 × 10–15 cm, lower branches with male spikelets, upper branches with female spikelets, middle branches mixed; branches semiverticillate, many at each node, sparsely spinulose; pedicel apex disk-shaped with spinulose margin. Male spikelet 0.8–1.5 cm; lemma elliptic-oblong, margin ciliate; awn 2–8 mm, scabrous; anthers 5–8 mm. Female spikelet 1.5–2.5 cm; lemma linear, scabrous on veins; awn 1.5–3 cm, scabrous. Caryopsis ca. 1 cm. Fl. and fr. Jun–Sep. 2n = 30, 34.
Shallow water of lake margins and swamps, forming large patches. Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Jilin, Liaoning, Shaanxi, Shandong, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [NE India, Japan, Korea, Myanmar, Russia; cultivated in SE Asia].
This species is cultivated as a vegetable in China. The young shoots and rhizomes are edible when infected, swollen, and softened by the fungus Ustilago esculenta. The presence of the fungus prevents flowering. The grains were used for food by the Emperor in ancient China, and are currently being used by fishermen.

【拼音名】 Gū
【别名】 茭白、茭儿菜、茭笋、菰实、菰米
【来源】 禾本科菰属植物Zizania caduciflora (Turcz.)Hand.-Mazz.,以茭白、根果实(菰实、菰米)入药。夏秋采,分别晒干。
【原形态】 多年生浅水草本,高达2米。根状茎粗短肥厚,生有多数匍枝及粗壮须根,埋于泥中。嫩茎秆被黑粉菌Ustilago esculenta P. Tenn.寄生而肥大成茭白
【性味】 茭白:甘,凉。
【功能主治】 茭白:清热除烦,止渴,通乳,利大小便。用于热病烦渴,酒精中毒,二便不利,乳汁不通。
【用法用量】 茭白0.5~1两;菰根2~3两;菰实3~5钱。
【摘录】 《全国中草药汇编》