
细秆甘蔗Saccharum barberi Jesw.

细秆甘蔗Saccharum barberi Jesw.


科名:禾本科 Gramineae

属名:甘蔗属 Saccharum

  4. 细秆甘蔗(台湾的禾草)
  Saccharum barberi Jesw. in Arch. Sukerind. Nederland. Ind. 33: 404. 1925; Ohwi in Acta Phytotax. et Geobot. 11: 151. 1942; Hitchc. Man. Grass. U. S. 743. 1951; Bor, Grass. Burma Ceyl. Ind. Pakist. 213. 1960; Backer et al. Fl. Malay. 3: 585. 1968; Hsu in Taiwania 16: 331. 1971; 台湾的禾草755. 1975; 台湾植物志5: 688. 1978.
  根状茎粗壮而较短,宿根性好,分蘖多。秆较细瘦,直立,实心,高约2米,直径1-2厘米。叶鞘长于其节间,鞘口具柔毛;叶片发达,长50厘米以上,宽1-2厘米。圆锥花序主轴及其花序以下的部分秆密生长丝状柔毛;小穗柄向上扩大呈漏斗形,成熟时与总状花序轴节间同落,藉风传播;小穗孪生,同形;无柄小穗长圆形,基盘具长于小穗的丝状柔毛;颖片不具柔毛;第一颖边缘内卷;第一外稃膜质,短于其小穗,第一内稃不存在;第立外稃狭线形,膜质,无芒,正常发育;第二内稃常存在。染色体2n=82- 124(Bremer,1931-1934;Moriya A.,1940)。花果期秋冬季。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 22 (2006)
Saccharum barberi  Jeswiet
细秆甘蔗   xi gan gan zhe
Saccharum officinarum Linnaeus subsp. barberi (Jeswiet) Burkill.
Perennial with short stout rhizomes. Culms solid, up to 2 m tall, 1–2 cm in diam., solid, nodes bearded, softly pilose below inflorescence. Leaf sheaths longer than internodes; leaf blades ca. 50 × 1–2 cm, margins serrate; ligule well developed. Panicle very large, axis with white silky hairs. Spikelets oblong; callus hairs longer than spikelet; lower glume oblong, glabrous, margin infolded; lower lemma slightly shorter than glumes; upper lemma narrowly linear, awnless. Fl. and fr. summer and autumn. 2n = 82–124.
Cultivated. Guangxi, Taiwan, Yunnan [originating in Bangladesh and India].
This name covers a group of slender, relatively hardy, cultivated sugarcane clones originating in subtropical N India. These are ancient types not far removed from wild Saccharum spontaneum and now usually included in S. officinarum under cultivar names. They have mostly been superseded by modern, commercial varieties.