
紫竹Phyllostachys nigra (Lodd.) Munro

紫竹Phyllostachys nigra (Lodd.) Munro

别名:毛坯竹;紫竹秆;黑竹;金竹;乌竹;淡竹;观音竹;簵;水竹子;乌竹仔;油竹;竹茹;墨竹;菌;black bamboo;

科名:禾本科 Gramineae

属名:刚竹属 Phyllostachys

  Phyllostachys nigra (Lodd.ex Lindl.) Munro in Tran. Linn.Soc.26:38.1868;陈嵘,中国树木分类学81页.1937;McClure in Agr. Handb. USDA No. 114: 45, ff. 34,35. 1957;中国主要植物图说·禾本科105页.图75. 1959;华东禾本科植物志46页.图14. 1962;秦岭植物志1 (1):64页. 1976;江苏植物志,上册158页,图249. 1977; Fl.Taiwan 5:730. pl. 1493. 1978;S. Suzuki,Ind. Jap. Bambusac. 5 (f. 5-1),78,79 (pl. 5),337. 1978;香港竹谱71页.1985;广西竹种及其栽培129页.图69. 1987;中国竹谱73页.1988;云南树木图志下册,1460页,图688. 1991.——Bambusa nigra Lodd. ex Lindl.,Penny Cyclop. 3:357. 1835.——Phyllostachys nana Rendle in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 36: 441 1904.——P. puberula (Miq.) Munro var. nigra(Lodd.) H. de Leh. in Act. Congr. Int. Bot. Brux. 2: 223. 1910.——P. nigripes Hayata,Icon. Pl. Form. 6: 142. f. 53. 1916.——P. filifera McClure in Lingnan Univ. Sci. Bull. No. 9:42. 1940.
形态特征:灌木状或小乔木状,高7-18米。地下茎横走,节间长2-4厘米,直径约1厘米,节上有芽和须根。秆直立,直径约2厘米,中空部分直径约1厘米,秆环及箨环均隆起。箨鞘背面无毛或上部稍有细毛,黄绿色至淡黄色,并有灰黑色斑点和条纹;箨鞘顶端有箨叶和箨耳;叶互生,狭披针形,质薄质,淡绿色无毛;叶鞘长2-3厘米,鞘口无毛;叶舌长0.5-1毫米。穗状花序;花枝具叶,含有多数小穗 ,基部托被4-6佛焰苞;每小穗有花2-3朵,顶端的花常退化;花两性,颖1-2片,长8-10毫米,有细柔毛;外稃膜质,先端尖,有细毛;内稃长1.2-1.5厘米;鳞被1-3或缺,披针状,无毛;雄蕊3枚,花丝细长;子房上位,尖卵状;花柱丝状,柱头3,长约5毫米。花期4-5月,果期6-7月。
分    布:各地均有
生    境:山坡或住宅附近
习    性:阳生

《Flora of China》 Vol. 22 (2006)
Phyllostachys nigra  (Loddiges ex Lindley) Munro
紫竹   zi zhu
Culms 4–8(–10) m, to 5 cm or more in diam.; internodes green or gradually developing purple-brown to black spots or turning uniform purple-brown or black, 25–30 cm, initially white powdery, densely puberulent; wall ca. 3 mm thick; nodal ridge slightly more prominent than or equaling sheath scar; sheath scar initially brown hairy on margin. Culm sheaths red-brown, sometimes tinged with green, unmarked or densely extremely minutely and imperceptibly dark brown spotted, spots aggregating into a distal dark brown patch, thinly white powdery, brown strigose; auricles and oral setae well developed, purple-black; ligule purple, arcuate to acutely so, long ciliate; blade erect or gradually deflexed, green or tinged with purple on both sides, triangular to triangular-lanceolate, navicular, ± wavy. Leaves 2 or 3 per ultimate branch; auricles weak or absent; oral setae deciduous; ligule slightly exserted; blade thin, 7–10 × ca. 1.2 cm. Flowering branchlets shortly spicate, 3.5–5 cm, scaly bracts 4–8. Spathes 4–6, glabrous or puberulous; auricles absent; oral setae few or absent; blade usually subulate or ovate-lanceolate, small. Pseudospikelets 1–3 per spathe. Spikelets lanceolate, 1.5–2 cm; florets 2 or 3. Glumes (absent or)1–3, abaxially ± distally pubescent; rachilla pubescent; lemma 1.2–1.5 cm, densely pubescent; palea shorter than lemma. Anthers ca. 8 mm. Stigmas 3. New shoots late Apr, fl. May.
* Open forests on slopes and in valleys; 1100–1200 m. S Hunan, widely cultivated elsewhere in China [introduced in many other countries].
This species has a very extensive synonymy, as is often the case with such popular garden plants. At the time of writing, W. D. Clayton lists a total of 79 synonyms in his grass synonymy database.