
心叶稷Panicum notatum Retz.

心叶稷Panicum notatum Retz.


科名:禾本科 Gramineae

属名:黍属 Panicum

  11. 心叶稷(禾本科图说)山黍(广州植物志),硬骨草(海南)图版63:10-13, 126:8
  Panicum notatum Retz. Obs. Bot. 4:18. 1786; Bor, Grass. Burm. Geyl. Ind. Pakist. 701. 1960; Hsu in Journ. Jap. Bot. 38(3):83. 1963;台湾的禾草561. 图175. 1975; 台湾植物志5: 576. 1978; H: B. Gill. et al. Fl. Malaya 142. 1971;中国高等植物图鉴5: 157. 图7143. 1976; 海南植物志4: 404. 1977.——Panicum montanum Roxb. Fl. Ind. 1: 315. 1820; Jansen in Renwardtia 2:316. 1953; 广州植物志803. 1956; Bor, Grass. Burm. Ceyl. Ind. Pakist. 329. 1960. ——Panicum cordatum auct. non Buse: Ohwi in Acta Phytotax. et Geobot. 11: 45. 1942;中国主要植物图说 禾本科649. 图586. 1959.
  多年生草本。秆坚硬,直立或基部倾斜,具分枝,高60-120厘米。叶鞘质硬,短于节间,边缘被纤毛;叶舌极短,为一圈毛;叶片披针形,长5-12厘米,宽1-2.5厘米,顶端渐尖,基部心形,无毛或疏生柔毛,边缘粗糙,近基部常具疣基毛,脉间具横脉,有时主脉偏斜,在下面明显。圆锥花序开展,长10-23厘米,分枝纤细,下部裸露,上部疏生小穗;小穗椭圆形,绿色,后变淡紫色,长2.3-2.5毫米,无毛或贴生微毛,具长柄;第一颖阔卵形至卵状椭圆形,几与小穗等长,具5脉,顶端尖;第一外稃与第二颖同形,具5脉,其内稃缺;第二外稃革质,平滑、光亮,具脊,椭圆形,顶端尖略短于小穗,灰绿色至褐色。鳞被长约0.35毫米,宽约0.26毫米,具5脉;局部折叠,透明;染色体2n=36(Chen et Hsu, 1961)。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 22 (2006)
Panicum notatum  Retzius
心叶稷   xin ye ji
Panicum montanum Roxburgh.
Perennial. Culms scrambling, often rooting at lower nodes, 1–2 m long, branched, terete, glabrous, nodes glabrous to puberulous. Leaves cauline; leaf sheaths striate, puberulous to subglabrous, ciliolate on margins toward throat; leaf blades lanceolate, 5–20 × 1–3 cm, subglabrous to pubescent, cross veins present, margins scabrid, base cordate, apex finely pointed to acuminate; ligule scarcely developed, ca. 0.5 mm, a ciliolate membrane. Panicle broadly ovate in outline, 10–40 cm, much branched; branches slender, spreading, glabrous, smooth or scabrid, bearing spikelets toward the extremities. Spikelets elliptic, 2–2.5 mm, puberulous; lower glume ovate or oblong, 3/4 as long to equaling the spikelet, 3–5-veined, separated by an internode; upper glume as long as spikelet, 3–5-veined; lower lemma similar to upper glume, palea absent; upper floret as long as spikelet, pale yellow or green, smooth, shiny. Fl. and fr. May–Nov. 2n = 36.
Forest margins. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Taiwan, Xizang, Yunnan [Bhutan, Borneo, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam].