
无芒鸭嘴草Ischaemum muticum Linn.

无芒鸭嘴草Ischaemum muticum Linn.

科名:禾本科 Gramineae

属名:鸭嘴草属 Ischaemum

  6. 无芒鸭嘴草(台湾植物志)图版38:6
  Ischaemum muticum Linn. Sp. Pl. 1049. 1753; Ohwi in Acta Phytotax. et Geobot. 11: 172. 1942; Bar, Grass. Burma Ceyl. Ind. Pakist. 183. 1960; Backer et Brink, Fl. Java 3: 592., 1968; H. B. Gill et al. Fl. Malaya 3: 255. f. 562. 1971; 台湾植物志5 670. 1978.
  多年生草本,具匍匐茎,有时攀援于灌丛上。直立部分高15-40厘米,直径约2.5毫 米,一侧有浅槽,无毛。叶鞘具疏短柔毛,后脱落或仅存于边缘和鞘口部分,中脉隆起成脊;叶舌膜质,截平,长0.3-1毫米;叶片长卵形、披针形至线形,长2-8(-15)厘米,宽4-14毫米,基部圆形至浅心形,具短柄,先端急尖,两面具糙毛,常带褐红色,具0.5毫米的短柄。总状花序孪生,互相紧密贴合,下部常藏于顶生叶鞘中,长1.5-4.5厘米;总状花序轴具3棱,棱上有短纤毛,节间长约5毫米;无柄小穗披针形,长5.5-7毫米;第一颖宽披针形,等长于小穗,革质,无毛,上部两侧具窄翅,脉不明显;第二颖舟形,薄革质,3脉,中脉上部1/3处具龙骨状脊;第一小花雄性,略短于颖,内外稃透明膜质;鳞被楔形,长约0.7毫米,上缘不整齐;雄蕊3;有退化雌蕊;第二小花两性,外稃长卵形,先端具2微齿,中脉延伸为一短直尖;内稃先端钝;柱头白色,花柱基部离生。有柄小穗的第一颖与第二颖等长或第二颖稍长,均为舟形且中脉上部1/3处具龙骨状脊;第一小花雄性,不具退化雌蕊,外秤先端具短直尖;第二小花两性,余均与无柄小穗同。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 22 (2006)
Ischaemum muticum  Linnaeus
无芒鸭嘴草   wu mang ya zui cao
Perennial, strongly rhizomatous; rhizomes clothed in cataphylls. Culms often red, much branched, stoloniferous or scrambling, several meters long, flowering culms erect, up to 60 cm, nodes glabrous. Leaf sheaths ciliate along outer margin, otherwise glabrous or sparingly appressed hairy; leaf blades lanceolate, tinged reddish brown, 2–10(–18) × 0.3–1.7 cm, glabrous or abaxial surface sparingly pilose, margins smooth or scaberulous, base cordate, very shortly pseudopetiolate, apex acute; ligule 0.2–0.6 mm. Racemes usually paired, appressed back to back, 2–5 cm, base enclosed by subtending sheath; rachis internodes and pedicels oblong, triquetrous, outer angle narrowly winged, inner angles glabrous or ciliolate. Sessile spikelet lanceolate, 4.8–7 × 2.5–2.8 mm; lower glume leathery with expanded rounded flanks in lower 2/3, herbaceous, strongly veined and sharply 2-keeled below apex, glabrous, winged from near base, apex entire; upper glume winged on upper keel; upper lemma subentire, mucronate or with ca. 1 mm awnlet. Pedicelled spikelet laterally compressed, otherwise resembling sessile or smaller, awnless.
Sands near the sea; below 100 m. Taiwan [Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Japan (S Ryukyu Islands), Malaysia, Myanmar, New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam; Australia (Queensland)].
This seashore plant forms extensive colonies that bind the sand at the back of sandy beaches.