
狭叶甜茅Glyceria spiculosa (Schmidt.) Roshev.

狭叶甜茅Glyceria spiculosa (Schmidt.) Roshev.


科名:禾本科 Gramineae

属名:甜茅属 Glyceria

  Glyceria spiculosa (Schmidt) Roshev. in Fedtsch. Fl. Zabaik. 1: 85. 1929; Kom. in Fl. URSS 2: 457, Pl. 34. f, 12. 1934; Tzvel. in Pl. Asiae Centr. 4: 150. 1968; Probat. io Nov. Syst. Pl. Vasc. 10: 76. 1973; Tzvel. in Fed. Poac. URSS 543. 1976;东北植物检索表468, 图版172. 图7. 1959;内蒙古植物志7: 58, 图版22. 1983. ——Scolochloa spiculosa Fr. Schmidt in Mem. Acad. Sci. Petersb. ser. 7, 12. 2: 201. 1868. ——Glyceria paludificans Kom. in Bull. Jard. Bot. 16: 152. 1916. ——Glyceria angustifolia Skvortz. in Acta Soc. Harbin. Investig. Nat. Ethnogr. Bot. No. 12: 29. 1954.——Glyceria longiglumis Hand.-Mazz. in Osterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 87: 130. 1938, syn. nov.
  多年生,具长而粗的根茎,节处密生须根。秆单生或基部分枝呈疏丛,直立,高50-120厘米,径2.5-7毫米,具9-12节。叶鞘闭合几达口部,无毛,具横脉纹,上部者短于节间;叶舌透明膜质,顶端钝圆,长约1毫米;叶片坚硬,扁平或常纵卷,长20-30厘米,宽3-5毫米,稍带灰色,上面及边缘稍粗糙,下面光滑。圆锥花序大型,花期稍紧缩,成熟时伸展,长15-25厘米,每节具3-4分枝;分枝细长,平滑无毛;小穗含5-9小花,长4-8 (-10)毫米,黄绿色带灰白色或带紫色;颖膜质,披针形,顶端尖,具1脉,第一颖长3-4毫米,第二颖长4-4.5毫米;外稃草质,长圆状披针形,有时带紫色,顶端尖,膜质,第一外稃长3.2-4.5毫米,具7脉;内稃短于或等长于外稃,顶端微凹或尖,长3-4毫米;雄蕊3,花药黄色或带紫色,长1-2毫米。花期6-7月。染色体2n=40(Sokolovskaya et Probatova 1973b)。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 22 (2006)
Glyceria spiculosa  (F. Schmidt) Roshevitz
狭叶甜茅   xia ye tian mao
Scolochloa spiculosa F. Schmidt, Reis. Amur-Land., Bot. 201. 1868; Glyceria longiglumis Handel-Mazzetti; G. paludi-ficans Komarov.
Perennial, rhizomatous. Culms erect, rooting and sometimes branching from lower nodes, 50–120 cm tall, 2–7 mm in diam. Leaf sheaths smooth or slightly scabrid; leaf blades flat or margins rolled, stiff, 20–30 cm × 3–5 mm, abaxial surface green, smooth, adaxial surface grayish green, scabrid, apex acuminate; ligule 0.8–3 mm. Panicle somewhat contracted before flowering, becoming laxer, 10–25 cm, exserted; branches 2–4 per node, obliquely ascending, slender, smooth or sparsely scabrid. Spikelets elliptic to ovate, 4–8(–10) mm, florets 5–8, yellowish green, whitish gray or purplish; glumes lanceolate, membranous, 1-veined, lower glume 2.7–4 mm, upper glume 3.5–4.5 mm, ca. 3/4 as long as adjacent lemma or more, acuminate; lemmas narrowly oblong-lanceolate, 3.5–4.8 mm, thinly herbaceous, often minutely granular, 7-veined, veins scabrid, apex membranous, acute; palea as long as or slightly shorter than lemma, keels wingless, scabrid. Stamens 3, anthers 1–2 mm. Fl. Jun–Jul. 2n = 40.
Wet meadows, lake shores, swamps. Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Nei Mongol [N Korea, Russia (Far East, E Siberia)].