
假鼠妇草Glyceria leptolepis Ohwi

假鼠妇草Glyceria leptolepis Ohwi


科名:禾本科 Gramineae

属名:甜茅属 Glyceria

  Glyceria leptolepis Ohwi in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 45: 381. 1931. et in Acta Phytotax. et Geobot. 10: 130. 1941. et in Fl. Jap. 144. 1978;中国主要植物图说·禾本科249, 图202. 1959; 东北植物检索表468, 图版172. 图6. 1959; Hsu in Taiwania 16: 245. 1971. et台湾的禾草345. pl. 68. 1975;中国高等植物图鉴5: 51. 图6931. 1976;秦岭植物志1(1): 93, 图74. 1976; 台湾植物志5: 452. 1978; 内蒙古植物志7: 60, 图版23.图9-14. 1983. ——Glyceria aquatica Honda in Monogr. Poac. Jap. 62. 1930. ——Glyceria formosensis Ohwi in Acta Phytotax. et Geobot. 2: 164. 1933. ——Glyceria ussuriensis Kom. in Fl. URSS 2: 460. 1934. ——Glyceria leptolepis Ohwi var. formosensis(Ohwi)Ohwi in Acta Phytotax. et Geobot. 6: 151. 1937. ——Glyceria leptolepis Ohwi var. laxior Keng in Sinensia 11: 40. 1940, syn. nov.
  多年生,有时具根茎。秆单生,直立或基部斜倚,坚硬,高80-110厘米,径5-8毫米,具13-16节。叶鞘光滑无毛,闭合几达鞘口,具横脉,长于或上部者稍短于节间;叶舌质厚,较硬,长0.3-1毫米,顶端圆形;叶片质较厚而硬,扁平或边缘内卷,长达30厘米,宽5-10毫米,具横脉,下面光滑,上面与边缘粗糙。圆锥花序大型,密集或疏松开展,长15-20厘米,每节具2-3分枝;主枝粗壮,长达12厘米,上部粗糙,基部光滑;小穗卵形或长圆形,绿色,成熟后变黄褐色,含4-7小花,长6-8毫米,宽2-3毫米;颖透明膜质,顶端钝圆或截平,具1脉,第一颖卵形,长1.5-2毫米,第二颖卵状长圆形,长2-2.5毫米;外稃草质,顶端狭膜质,尖或稍钝,具7脉;第一外稃长3-3.5毫米;内秤等于或稍长于外稃,顶端微凹,脊上粗糙,不具狭翼;雄蕊2,花药长0.6-0.7毫米。颖果红棕色,倒卵形,长约1.5毫米。花果期6-9月,染色体2n=20(Sokolovskaya et Probatova 1973b)。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 22 (2006)
Glyceria leptolepis  Ohwi
假鼠妇草   jia shu fu cao
Glyceria ussuriensis Komarov.
Perennial, rhizomatous; rhizomes long, thick. Culms robust, hard, 80–110 cm tall, 5–8 mm in diam. Leaf sheaths not prominently keeled, lower sheaths scabrid, with transverse veinlets; leaf blades flat or margins inrolled, firm, up to 40 cm × 5–12 mm, abaxial surface smooth, adaxial surface scabrid, transverse veinlets present, apex abruptly acute; ligule 0.3–1 mm. Panicle ovate in outline, 15–25 cm, exserted, spikelets many; branches 2 or 3 per node, ascending, scabrid. Spikelets elliptic to ovate-oblong, 6–8 mm, florets 4–7, pale green, yellowish brown at maturity; glumes ovate-oblong, membranous, 1-veined, lower glume 1.5–2 mm, upper glume 1.8–2.5 mm, apex obtuse; lemmas lanceolate-oblong, thinly herbaceous, 3–3.5 mm, minutely granular, 7-veined, veins finely scabrid, margins and apex membranous, apex subacute; palea as long as or slightly longer than lemma, keels wingless, scaberulous, apex emarginate. Stamens 2, anthers 0.6–0.8 mm. Fl. and fr. Jul–Sep. 2n = 20.
Swampy forests, watersides of streams, lakes, ditches. Anhui, Gansu, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Nei Mongol, Shaanxi, Shandong, Taiwan, Zhejiang [Japan, Korea, Russia (Ussuri)].
Species nos. 6–10 belong to Glyceria sect. Hydropoa Dumortier, characterized by a strongly rhizomatous habit, rounded leaf sheaths, large panicle with many spikelets, short, laterally compressed spikelets, and wingless palea keels.

Glyceria formosensis Ohwi (Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 2: 164. 1933) was placed in synonymy under G. leptolepis in Taiwanese literature, but it is excluded from that species by its soft habit, scabrid panicle branches, and especially by the presence of 3 stamens. While clearly a member of G. sect. Hydropoa, it has not been possible to assign it to another species. It is apparently known only from the type gathering.