
毛蕊老鹳草Geranium platyanthum Duthie

毛蕊老鹳草Geranium platyanthum Duthie

科名:牻牛儿苗科 Geraniaceae

属名:老鹳草属 Geranium

  16. 毛蕊老鹳草(东北植物检索表)图版11:1-5
  Geranium platyanthum Duthie in Gard. Chron. ser. 3. 39: 52. 1906; Yeo in Edinb. Journ. Bot. 49 (2): 196. 1992.——Geranium eriostemon Fisch. ex DC. Prodr. 1: 641. 1824, (non poir. 1811); R. Knuth. in Engl. Pflanzenr. Heft 53. 4 (129): 121. 1912; Bobr. in Schisch. et Bobr. Fl. URSS 14: 22. 1949; Ohwi. Fl. Jap. 702. 1956; 中国高等植物图鉴2: 520 图 2770. 1972; 东北草本植物志 6: 9. 1977; Kitag. Lineam. Fl. Mansh. 417. 1979; 内蒙古植物志3: 6. 1979; 秦岭植物志3: 124. 1981; 四川植物志9: 30. 1989; 横断山区维管植物1:1027. 1993.
  内蒙古和黄土高原的标本花瓣明显反折,但亦有花瓣开展而不反折的。本种近似陕西老鹳草G. shensianum R. Knuth,其主要区别在于本种叶裂片短而宽,分裂深度达叶片中部或稍过之,全株被密长糙毛。分布区也有区别,本种分布于东北亚至华北,并延伸到四川西北部。而后者为秦岭西部和毗邻四川的特有种。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 11 (2008)
Geranium platyanthum  Duthie
毛蕊老鹳草   mao rui lao guan cao
Geranium eriostemon Fischer ex Candolle (1824), not Poiret (1812).
Perennials. Rootstock ± horizontal, 6-11 mm in diam., not tuberculate, with thickened roots along rootstock. Stem 29-66 cm tall, erect, not rooting at nodes, with 0.6-1.5 mm patent nonglandular trichomes and usually 0.4-1 mm patent glandular trichomes. Stipules lanceolate, distinct. Leaves 1(or 2) alternate but opposite at inflorescence; petiole with 0.4-1.7 mm patent nonglandular trichomes and usually 0.5-1.2 mm patent glandular trichomes; leaf blade 4.8-13 cm, palmately cleft, ratio of main sinus/middle segment length = 0.6-0.75(-0.78), pilose with ± appressed nonglandular trichomes; segments 5, rhombic, (1-)1.7-2.3(-3.4) cm wide at base, 6-23-lobed in distal half, ratio of second sinus/middle segment length = 0.08-0.18. Cymules solitary or in aggregates at apex of each branch, 2-flowered; peduncle (0-)1.6-5.4 cm. Pedicel 2.8-16.8 mm, with 0.3-1.4 mm patent to retrorse nonglandular trichomes and 0.3-1.1 mm patent glandular trichomes; bracteoles linear- lanceolate. Sepals 6.4-10.8 mm, mucro 0.4-1.6 mm, ratio of mucro/sepal length = 0.06-0.19, outside with 0.2-1.2 mm antrorse appressed nonglandular trichomes and 0.5-1.8 mm patent glandular trichomes, inside glabrous. Petals purplish or white, (1-)1.2-1.9 cm, erect to patent, outside basally with trichomes, inside glabrous, margin basally ciliate, apex rounded. Staminal filaments purplish, lanceolate, abaxially pilose and proximal half ciliate, trichomes 2-3 mm; anthers bluish, 2.3-2.9 mm. Nectaries 5, hemispheric, glabrous. Stigma greenish to dull red. Fruit 2.8-4 cm, erect when immature; mericarps smooth, with a basal callus, with 0.1-1.4 mm ± patent nonglandular trichomes and 0.6-0.9 mm patent glandular trichomes; rostrum 2.3-3.4 cm, with a 4.8-9.8 mm narrowed apex; stigmatic remains 2.1-2.6 mm. Seeds 2.6-3.2 mm. Fl. Jun-Jul, fr. Aug-Sep. 2n = 28.
Forests, scrub, meadows; 1000-2700 m. S Gansu, Hebei, Heilongjiang, W Hubei, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Ningxia, E Qinghai, Shanxi, Sichuan [Korea, Mongolia, E Russia].
In Geranium platyanthum, the presence of glandular trichomes is almost constant along the whole plant. Geranium reinii Franchet & Savatier is a species endemic to Japan that is quite similar to G. platyanthum but with leaves slightly more divided.

【出处】 《高原中草药治疗手册》
【拼音名】 Máo Ruǐ Lǎo Guàn Cǎo
【来源】 为槐牛儿苗科植物毛蕊老鹳草全草。8~9月采收,洗去泥沙,晒干备用。
【原形态】 多年生草本,高30~80厘米。根状茎粗短。茎直立,向上分枝,有倒生白毛。叶互生,肾状五角形,直径5~10厘米,掌状5中裂或略深,裂片菱状卵形,宽3~5厘米,边缘有羽状缺刻或粗牙齿,上面有长伏毛,下面脉上疏生长柔毛;基生叶有长柄,长2~3倍于叶片,密生长硬毛,茎生叶的柄短,预部的无柄;托叶离生,长三角形,膜质。聚伞花序顶生,花序柄2~3枚,出自1对叶状苞片腋间,顶端各有2~4花;花柄长约1.5厘米,有密腺毛,在果期直立;萼片5,卵状椭圆形,长约1厘米,有密腺毛;花瓣5,淡蓝紫色,长约1.5厘米;雄蕊10;子房5室,被毛,花柱有毛,先端5裂,花后伸长。蒴果长约3厘米,有微毛。花期7~8月。果期8~9月。
【生境分布】 生于湿润林缘、灌丛中。分布辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、内蒙古、河北、山西、河南、陕西、甘肃、宁夏、湖北、四川等地。
【性味】 微辛,微温。
【归经】 入肝、脾经。
【功能主治】 疏风通络,强筋健骨。治风寒湿痹,关节疼痛,肌肤麻木,肠炎,痢疾。
【用法用量】 内服:煎汤,0.5~1两;研末或浸酒。
【附方】 ①治筋骨疼痛,瘫痪:毛蕊老鹳草、当归、秦艽,白芍、麻黄。炖肉服。
【摘录】 《中国辞典》