
金毛柯Lithocarpus chrysocomus Chun et Tsiang

金毛柯Lithocarpus chrysocomus Chun et Tsiang


科名:壳斗科 Fagaceae

属名:柯属 Lithocarpus

  32. 金毛柯 黄椆(广东)图版32: 1-4
  Lithocarpus chrysocomus Chun et Tsiang in Journ. Arn. Arb. 28: 321. 1947; A. Camus, Chenes 3: 1155. 1954.
  产湖南南部(宜章)、广东北部(乳源、乐昌等地)、广西东北部(贺县、大苗山等地)。生于海拔600-1 400 米山地杂木林,为常绿阔叶林的主要树种。模式标本采自湖南宜章县。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 4 (1999)
Lithocarpus chrysocomus  Chun & Tsiang
金毛柯   jin mao ke
Lithocarpus chrysocomus var. zhangpingensis Q. F. Zheng.
Trees to 20 m tall; branchlets of current year and rachis of inflorescences densely tawny puberulent and with scurfy scalelike trichomes. Petiole 1-2 cm; leaf blade ovate, oblong, or rarely lanceolate, (6-)8-15 × (1.5-)2.5-5.5 cm, rigidly leathery, abaxially densely covered with lax yellowish brown to reddish brown, scurfy scalelike trichomes, adaxially glabrous, base broadly cuneate and sometimes asymmetric, margin entire, apex acuminate to acute; secondary veins 9-13 on each side of midvein; tertiary veins abaxially not visible. Male inflorescences solitary in axils of leaves or in paniculate clusters, usually androgynous. Female inflorescences in clusters of ca. 3. Infructescences less than 5 cm; developed cupules 2-6. Cupule subglobose, 2-2.5 cm in diam., enclosing most of nut, wall 1-1.5 mm thick; bracts imbricate, triangular, puberulent and with rust-colored scalelike trichomes when young, apex subulate and spreading. Nut subglobose but broadest apically, 1.7-1.8 × 1.2-2 cm, densely covered with tawny, appressed minute hairs, wall ca. 1 mm thick; scar covering ca. 1/3 of nut, convex. Fl. Jun-Aug, fr. Aug-Oct of following year.
* Broad-leaved evergreen and mixed mesophytic forests, often a dominant species of broad-leaved evergreen forest; 600-1400 m. N Guangdong, NE Guangxi, S Hunan (Yizhang Xian)