
林大戟Euphorbia lucorum Rupr.

林大戟Euphorbia lucorum Rupr.


科名:大戟科 Euphorbiaceae

属名:大戟属 Euphorbia

  Euphorbia lucorum Rupr. in Maxim. Prim. Fl. Amur. 239. 1859; Boiss. in DC Prod, 15 (2): 120. 1862; Nakai, Fl. Kor. 2: 185. 1911; Prokh. in Kom. Fl. URSS 14: 374. 1949; 东北草本植物志6: 42.图版16: 1-4.1977; J. S. Ma & C. Y. Wu in Collect. Bot. 21: 113. 1992.
  多年生草本,全株光滑无毛。根自基部多分枝或不分枝,呈圆锥状,长10-15厘米,直径6-11毫米,暗褐色。茎单一或数个发自基部,向上直立,高达50-80厘米,直径4-6毫米,顶部多分枝。叶互生,椭圆形或长椭圆形,长3-5厘米,宽1-1.5厘米,先端圆,基部渐狭;侧脉羽状,不明显;近无叶柄;总苞叶常为5枚,近卵形,长1.5-2.2厘米,宽1.0-1.3厘米,先端渐尖或尖,基部圆或近平截;伞幅5;长5.5-6.0 厘米;次级苞叶3枚,棱状卵形或近圆形,长与宽均1.0-1. 2厘米,先端圆或钝,基部近圆,边缘具微细齿;苞叶2枚,同总苞叶,但略小。花序单生二歧聚伞分枝的顶端;总苞钟状,直径约2.5毫米,高约2毫米,边缘4裂,裂片钝圆,有齿或无;腺体4,狭椭圆形,暗褐色。雄花多数,微伸出总苞外;雌花1枚,子房柄明显伸出总苞外;子房除沟外被长瘤;花柱3,近基部合生;柱头2裂。蒴果三棱状球形,长约3.5毫米,直径约4毫米,具3个纵沟,脊上稀疏被瘤至鸡冠状突起,成熟时分裂为3个分果爿。种子近球状,长1.5-2.0毫米,直径约1.5毫米,黄褐色,光亮;种阜盾状,近无柄。花期5-6月,果期6-7月。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 11 (2008)
Euphorbia lucorum  Ruprecht
林大戟   lin da ji
Herbs, perennial, erect, 50-80 cm tall. Rootstock woody, dark brown, 10-15 cm × 6-11 mm thick, with fleshy roots to 8 mm thick, remains of old stems prominent. Stems single or in small clusters, 4-6 mm thick, a little branched toward apex, glabrous or sparsely pilose [or densely white hirsute]; sterile branches absent. Leaves alternate; stipules absent; basal scale-leaves many, overlapping; petiole almost absent; leaf blade elliptic or oblong, sometimes shorter than internodes, (1.5-)3-5(-6) × (0.6-)1-1.5(-2.2) cm, base cuneate, margin entire [or obscurely serrate], apex obtuse; midrib prominent abaxially, lateral veins inconspicuous. Inflorescence a terminal compound pseudumbel, with 2-8 slender, often abortive, pseudumbels from subterminal axils; primary involucral leaves 4-8, ovate, 1.5-2.2(-4.3) × (0.8-)1-1.3(-2.7) cm, margin minutely serrulate, base rounded or broadly cuneate to subtruncate, apex subacute, primary rays [0.3-0.9 cm or] 5.5-6 cm; secondary involucral leaves 3, rhombic-ovate or subrounded, 1-1.2 × 1-1.2 cm; cyathophylls 2, rhombic-ovate, ca. 10 × 9 mm, base ± rounded, apex rounded. Cyathium subsessile; involucre campanulate, ca. 2.5 × 2-3 mm, exterior glabrous, interior sparsely hairy, lobes obtuse-rounded, repand or shallowly emarginate, glabrous; glands 4, dark brown, narrowly transversely elliptic, entire. Bracteoles absent. Male flowers many, slightly exserted from involucre. Female flower: ovary shortly exserted from cup, densely tuberculate; styles connate for less than 1/4 length; style arms shortly 2-lobed, slightly enlarged. Capsule trigonous- globose, ca. 3 × 3-4 mm, longitudinally furrowed, sparsely tuberculate or cristate along angles. Seeds broadly ellipsoid, 1.5-2 × ca. 1.5 mm, yellow-brown [becoming black], shiny; caruncle peltate, yellowish, subsessile. Fl. May-Jun.
Open forests, forest margins, scrub, grasslands. Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, E Nei Mongol [Korea, Russia (Far East)].