
阔叶杜鹃Rhododendron platyphyllum Franch. ex Balf. F. et W. W. Smith

阔叶杜鹃Rhododendron platyphyllum Franch. ex Balf. F. et W. W. Smith


科名:杜鹃花科 Ericaceae

属名:杜鹃属 Rhododendron

  155. 阔叶杜鹃(中国高等植物图鉴)
  Rhododendron platyphyllum Franch. ex Balf. f. et W. W. Smith in Not. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 9: 259. 1916; Hutch. in Stevenson, Spec. Rhodod. 214. 1930; Cowan et David-ian in R. H. S. Rhodod. Year Book, 2: 73. 1947; 中国高等植物图鉴3: 759. 1974; Diavidian, Rhodod. Spec. 1: 60. 1982;云南植物志4: 531. 图版150, 9-11. 1986. ——R. cephalanthum Franch. var. platyphyllum Franch. ex Diels in Not. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 7: 211. 1912, nom. nud. ——R. cephalanthum Franch. subsp. platy-phyllum (Franch. ex Balf. f. et W. W. Smith) Cullen in Not. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 37: 327. Fig. 4ba, p. 21. 1979.
  产云南西北部、中部及西部。生于开阔草坡、岩崖、高山灌丛或竹丛中,海拔3 000-4 500米。模式标本采自大理(苍山)。
形态特征:常绿小灌木,直立或半匍匐状,高0.15---1.5米,分枝短。小枝密被鳞片,无毛。叶芽鳞宿存,较大,宽卵形、倒卵形或近圆形,具小突尖头。叶革质,宽椭圆形、长圆状卵形或卵形,长3—5厘米,宽2—2.8厘米,顶端圆或钝并凹陷,基部楔形或圆钝,上面暗绿色,有光泽,无鳞片,具深网纹,下面密被鳞片,鳞片褐色或暗棕褐色,有长短不一柄而成多层;叶柄长3—6毫米,被鳞片。花序顶生,6—10花密集成头状,花芽鳞宿存;花梗长3—5毫米,被鳞片,花萼大,5深裂;长(3--)5—7毫米,裂片长圆形或椭圆形,外面被鳞片,边缘被长睫毛;花冠狭管状漏斗形,长约1.8--2厘米,白色,乳白色、粉色,罕蔷薇色或带黄色,肉质,外面无鳞片和毛,花管长13—14毫米,长于裂片,内面喉部被髯毛;雄蕊5(--8)枚,内藏于花管,花丝基部被毛;子房长约1毫米,被鳞片,花柱短,约与子房等长,光滑。蒴果卵圆形,长约3毫米,密被鳞片,被包于宿萼内。 花期5--6月。果期7—8月。
参考文献:Rhododendron platyphyllum Franch.Ex Ball.F.Et W.W.Smith in Not.Bot.Card.Edinb.9:259.1916;Hutch.In Stevenson,Spec.Rhodod.214.1930;Cowmle(David—ian in K.H.S.Rhodod.Year Book,2:73. 1947;中国高等植物图鉴3:759.1974;Diavidian,Rhodod.Spec. 1:60. 1982;云南植物志4:531. 图版150.9—11.1986.——R.cephalanthum Franch.Var.Platyphyllum Franch.Ex Diels in Not.Bot.Gard.Edinb.7:211.1912,Bom.Nud.---R.Cephalanthum Franch.Subsp.Platy—phyllum (Franch.Ex Balf.F.Et W.W.Smith)Cullen in Not.Bot.Gard.Edinb.37:327.Fig.4ba,p.21.1979.
亚组概述:Subsect.Baileya Sleurner in Bot.Jahrb.74:531. 1949.——Ser.Lepidotum sensu Hutch.In Stevenson,Spec.Rhodod.437.1930,pro parte---Ser.Lepidotum subser.Baileyi Davidian,Rhodod.Spec.1:218.1982.常绿小灌木。叶下面密被鳞片,鳞片一式大小,片状,相重叠,边缘有细钝齿。花 序顶生,短总状,有花5—10(--18)朵;花梗细长,长于花冠;花冠辐状;雄蕊10, 花丝被毛;子房5室,密被鳞片,花柱短而粗,强度弯弓。蒴果小,种子无翅、被不明 显的鳍纹。 亚组的模式种:辐花杜鹃Rhododendron baileyi Balf.F. 本亚组仅1种,产东喜马拉雅山区。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 14 (2005)
Rhododendron platyphyllum  (Franchet ex Diels) I. B. Balfour & W. W. Smith
阔叶杜鹃   kuo ye du juan
Erect or semiprostrate shrubs, 0.15–1.5 m tall; branchlets short, scaly; bud scales persistent, large, broadly ovate or rounded. Petiole 3–6 mm, scaly; leaf blade aromatic, broadly elliptic, oblong-ovate or ovate, 0.3–0.5 × 0.2–0.3 cm; base rounded or cuneate; apex obtuse or rounded, rarely emarginate; abaxial surface scales overlapping, arranged in 2–3 tiers, unequal, brown, dark brown, or rust-colored; adaxial surface dark green, shiny, glabrous. Inflorescence 6–10-flowered. Pedicel 0.3–0.5 cm, scaly; calyx lobes (3–)5–7 mm, oblong or elliptic, persisting to enclose mature capsule, scaly, margin ciliate; corolla narrowly tubular-funnelform, white, creamy white or pink, rarely yellowish or rose, 1.8–2 cm, tube 13–14 mm, outer surface glabrous, inner surface densely pilose; stamens 5(–8), included in corolla tube, filaments slightly puberulous towards base; ovary ca. 1 mm, scaly; style as long as ovary, glabrous. Capsule ovoid, ca. 3 mm, densely scaly. Fl. May–Jun, fr. Jul–Aug.
Bamboo brakes, among rocks in open alpine pastures, cliffs, ledges; 3000–4500 m. C and NW Yunnan.
This taxon is treated as a subspecies of Rhododendron cephalanthum by some authors.