
阴石蕨Humata repens (L. F.) Didls

阴石蕨Humata repens (L. F.) Didls


科名:骨碎补科 Davalliaceae

属名:阴石蕨属 Humata

  3.阴石蕨 平卧阴石蕨(中国主要植物图说)
  Humata repens (L. f.) Diels in Engl. u. Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 1 (4): 209. 1899; Cop. Polyp. Philip. 50. 1905 et Fern Fl. Philip. 1: 178. 1958; C. Chr. Ind. Fil. 354. 1905; et in Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 26: 293. 1931; v. A. v. R. Handb. Mal. Ferns 288. 1908; Ogata, Icon. Fil. Jap. 1: Pl. 29. 1928; Wu in Bull. Dept. Biol. Sun Yatsen Univ. No. 3. 100, Pl. 41. 1932; Tagawa in Acta Phytotax. et Geobot. 6: 231. 1937 et Col. Illustr. Jap. Pterid. 67, pl. 21, f. 123. 1959; Tadr. -Blot et C. Chr. in Fl. Indo-Chine 7 (2): 111. 1939; H. Ito, Fil. Jap. Illustr. f. 28. 1944; Holtt. Fl. Mal. 371, f. 216. 1954; 傅书遐, 中国主要植物图说 (蕨类植物门) 55, f. 67. 1957; Ching in Chien et Chun, Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 2: 307, pl. 27, f. 1-5. 1959; Ching et al. in Chun et al., Fl. Hainan. 1: 62, f. 28. 1964; Icon. Corm. Sin. 1: 145, f. 289. 1972; DeVol et T. Y. Yang in H. L. Li et al. Fl. Taiwan 1: 276. 1975; Edie, Ferns Hong Kong 108, f. 46. 1977; Tagawa et Iwatsuki in Fl. Thailand 3 (2): 166. 1985: W. C. Shieh et al. in Fl. Taiwan, sec. ed. 1: 195. 1994. ——Adiantum repens L. f. Suppl. 446. 1781. ——Davallia repens Kuhn, Fil. Deck. 27. 1867; Nooteboom in Acta Phytotax. Sinica 34 (2): 173. 1996, pro parte. ——Davallia pedata Sm. in Mem. Acad. Turin 5: 415. 1793; Hook. Sp. Fil. 1: 154, t. 45A. 1846 et Gard. Ferns t. 7. 1862; Bedd. Ferns S. Ind. t. 12, 1863; Hook. et Bak. Syn, Fil. 89. 1874; Clarke in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2 . Bot. 1: 442. 1880; Matsumura et Hayata, Enum. Pl. Form. 590. 1906; Dunn et Tutch. in Kew Bull. Misc. lnf. Add. Ser. 10: 337. 1912. ——Davallia chrysanthemifolia Hayata, Icon. Pl. Form. 5: 265, f. 97. 1915; Makino et Nemoto, Fl. Jap. 1597. 1925. ——Humata chrysanthemifolia Hayata in Gen. Ind. Fl. Form. 109. 1916; C. Chr. Ind. Fil. Suppl. 2: 19. 1917. ——Humata macrostegia Tagawa in Acta Phytotax. et Geobot. 6: 231. 1937; Ching in Chien et Chun, Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 2: 310. 1959; Pichi-Serm. Ind. Fil. Suppl. 4: 157. 1965.
  植株高10-20厘米。根状茎长而横走,粗2-3毫米,密被鳞片;鳞片披针形,长约5毫米,宽1毫米,红棕色,伏生,盾状着生。叶远生;柄长5-12厘米,棕色或棕禾秆色,疏被鳞片,老则近光滑;叶片三角状卵形,长5-10厘米,基部宽3-5厘米,上部伸长,向先端渐尖,二回羽状深裂;羽片6-10对,无柄,以狭翅相连,基部一对最大,长2-4厘米,宽1-2厘米,近三角形或三角状披针形,钝头,基部楔形,两侧不对称,下延,常略向上弯弓,上部常为钝齿牙状,下部深裂,裂片3-5对,基部下侧一片最长,约1-1. 5厘米,椭圆形,圆钝头,略斜向下,全缘或浅裂;从第二对羽片向上渐缩短,椭圆披针形,斜展或斜向上,边缘浅裂或具不明显的疏缺裂。叶脉上面不见,下面粗而明显,褐棕色或深棕色,羽状。叶革质,干后褐色,两面均光滑或下面沿叶轴偶有少数棕色鳞片。孢子囊群沿叶缘着生,通常仅于羽片上部有3-5对;囊群盖半圆形,棕色,全缘,质厚,基部着生。
  产浙江(普陀山)、江西(龙南、寻乌)、福建(龙岩、连城、南靖)、台湾、广东(高要、惠阳、增城、新丰、乐昌、大埔、饶平、珠江口沿海岛屿)、海南(白沙、保亭、陵水、琼中、乐东)、广西(瑶山、武鸣)、四川(峨眉山、屏山)、贵州(独山、兴仁)、云南(景洪、马关)。生溪边树上或阴处石上,海拔500-1 900米。也分布于日本、印度、斯里兰卡、东南亚、波利尼西亚、澳大利亚至东非的马达加斯加。模式标本产地:日本南部。

《Flora of China》 Vol. 2-3 (2013)
Humata repens  (Linnaeus f.) Small ex Diels Nat. Pflanzenfam. 1(4): 209. 1899.
阴石蕨   yin shi jue
Adiantum repens Linnaeus f., Suppl. Pl. 446. 1782; Davallia chrysanthemifolia Hayata; D. cumingii Hooker; D. lepida C. Presl ex Goldmann; D. pedata Smith; D. repens (Linnaeus f.) Kuhn (1868), nom. cons., not (Bory) Desvaux (1827); D. subalpina Hayata; D. vestita Blume; Humata chrysanthemifolia (Hayata) C. Christensen; H. cumingii (Hooker) Brackenridge; H. kinabaluensis Copeland; H. lepida (C. Presl ex Goldmann) T. Moore; H. macrostegia Tagawa; H. pedata (Smith) J. Smith; H. trifoliata Cavanilles; H. vestita (Blume) T. Moore; Pachypleuria lepida (C. Presl ex Goldmann) C. Presl; P. macrostegia (Tagawa) M. Kato; P. pedata (Smith) C. Presl; P. repens (Linnaeus f.) M. Kato; P. trifoliata (Cavanilles) C. Presl.
Rhizome 0.5-3 mm in diam. (without scales), white waxy under scales. Scales brown or red-brown, with pale border from base to apex or not, narrowed evenly toward apex, not or seldom curling backward, peltate, 2.5-7 × 0.3-1.5 mm, with multiseptate hairs at least when young, or with marginal setae at least in distal part. Stipe adaxially grooved, 0.1-18 cm, glabrous or with few scales; lamina compound (pinnate with pinnatilobed to pinnatifid pinnae, or bipinnate to quadripinnate toward base and in middle part), simple (margin pectinate or pinnatifid), trifoliolate (pinnae ± divided), or pinnate toward base, ovate, deltoid and broadest toward base, 0.6-24 × 0.5-14 cm, glabrous, strongly dimorphic or not or slightly dimorphic. Longest petiolules 0-4 mm; pinnae linear-triangular, narrowly ovate, linear, or ovate to deltoid; longest pinnae 1-10 × 0.6-7 cm; pinnules (if present) of at least larger pinnae anadromous, linear-oblong or narrowly ovate; longest pinnules 5-55 × 5-20 mm; ultimate pinnae (if present) lobed almost to midrib or only shallowly lobed; ultimate segments or lobes obtuse or acute without a tooth. Dimorphic plants: lamina of fertile fronds pinnate with strongly dissected pinnae, bipinnate, or tripinnate toward base and in middle part; longest petiolules of fertile fronds 1-7 mm; pinnae deltoid, linear-triangular, or narrowly ovate, 1-8 × 0.3-2.5 cm; pinnules or pinna lobes deltoid or linear-oblong, 2-35 × 1.5-15 mm; ultimate pinnae linear-oblong; ultimate segments of fertile fronds 1-15 × 0.5-2 mm. Rachises and costae glabrous. Veins in sterile ultimate lobes simple, forked, or pinnate, reaching margin; false veins not present. Sori separate, borne several on a segment, or in much-divided fronds frequently single on a segment, at forking point of veins; indusium attached at broad base and hardly or not at sides, semicircular or ± triangular to rhomboid, wider than long, ± as wide as long, 0.3-1 × 0.3-1.3 mm, upper margin not elongated, truncate or slightly rounded, separated from or even with lamina margin; lamina generally extending into a tooth at both sides or only at outside of a sorus, or not extending into teeth beyond a sorus.
Low or high epiphytic, epilithic on various kinds of rocks, sometimes terrestrial, in very wet to dry sunny places; sea level to 3400 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, S Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam; Africa, Australia, Indian Ocean islands, Pacific islands].
Humata repens is a very variable species. All the forms have in common the same spores, which vary in size because of polyploidy. The H. repens group, and probably the entire Humata clade in Tsutsumi, X. C. Zhang and Kato (Syst. Bot. 33: 44-48. 2008), is as far as we know polyploid and (?entirely) apomictic. Both H. trifoliata and H. vestita belong to this group. While H. trifoliata often is a young stage of H. repens (later in time more developed and more divided leaves may appear on the same rhizome), H. vestita is more recognizable when mature and is probably one of the sterile clones that so often occur within the H. repens group. In Peninsular Malaysia, H. vestita grows at higher elevations than other H. repens, but this has not been observed in China. It seems acceptable to distinguish H. vestita as merely a form of H. repens.