
长白狗舌草Tephroseris phaeantha (Nakai) C. Jeffrey et Y. L. Chen

长白狗舌草Tephroseris phaeantha (Nakai) C. Jeffrey et Y. L. Chen

科名:菊科 Compositae

属名:狗舌草属 Tephroseris

  11. 长白狗舌草 图版33: 7-12
  Tephroseris phaeantha (Nakai) C. Jeffrey et Y. L. Chen in Kew Bull. 39 (2): 279. 1984. ——Senecio fauriei Levl. in, Repert. Sp. Nov. 8: 139. 1910. quoad lectotypum, nom. illegit., non Franch. 1888. ——Senecio phaeantha Nakai in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 31: 110. 1917; Kitag. in Rep. Inst. Sc. Res. Manch. 5(5): 150. 1941; 刘慎谔, 东北检索表 406. 1959. ——Senecio kawakamii Kitam. in Act. Phytotax. Geobot. 6: 270. 1937. ——Senecio birubonensis Kitam. in Acta Phytotax Beolot 6: 270 (1937). ——Senecio integrifolius (L.) Clairv. subsp. fauriei Kitam. in Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 9: 37. 1940, quoad lectotype solum ——Senecio aurantiacus (Hoppe ex Willd.) Less. var. leiocarpa auct. non Boiss: Kitam. in Mem. Coll. Sc. Kyoto Univ. Ser. B. 16: 238. 1942, et S. Y. Hu in Quart. Journ. Taiwan Mus. 21: 35. 1968, p. p. ——Tephroseris birubonensis (Kitam.) B. Nord. in Opera Bot. 44: 44. 1978.
形态特征:多年生草本,根状茎短,具多数纤维状根。茎单生,近葶状,直立,高13叫5厘 米,不分枝,被疏蛛丝状毛及柔毛,花后或多或少脱毛。基生叶少数至数个,莲座状, 具柄,在花期生存,卵状长圆形或椭圆形,长6—13厘米,宽2叫厘米,顶端圆形,基部微心形或截形,稀宽楔形,边缘具不规则深波状锯齿或具小尖头齿,羽状脉,每边 各有侧脉5--7条,纸质,两面被蛛丝状毛及褐色柔毛,稀变无毛;叶柄长2---6(一8) 厘米,被密蛛丝状毛及柔毛,无翅,基部稍扩大;茎叶少数,向上部渐小,下部和中部 叶长圆形,具有翅柄,或披针形,无柄,顶端钝至尖,渐尖,边缘近全缘或具尖头锯 齿,被疏蛛丝状毛及腺状柔毛。头状花序径1.8--2.5厘米,2---6(一8)排成顶生伞形 状伞房状花序;花序梗长1,5--4(---6)厘米,被疏蛛丝状毛及密褐色腺毛,基部具苞 片;总苞钟状,长7—8毫米,宽7--9毫米,无外层苞片;总苞片18--20,披针形, 宽1毫米,顶端渐尖,紫色,上部边缘具腺状缘毛,草质,边缘狭干膜质,外面被疏蛛 丝状毛和褐色短柔毛至无毛。舌状花约13,管部长2.5—3毫米,舌片黄色,长圆形, 长11毫米,宽2--2.5毫米,顶端具3细齿,具4脉。管状花多数,花管黄色,长6.5 毫米,管部长2.5--3毫米,檐部漏斗状,裂片褐紫色,卵状披针形,长1.2毫米, 尖,被乳头状毛。花药线形,长2毫米,基部钝,附片卵状披针形;花柱分枝长1毫 米,顶端头状截形,被乳头状微毛。瘦果圆柱形,长3—3.5毫米,被疏柔毛至近无毛; 冠毛白色,长6毫米。 花期7--8月。
产地分布:产吉林(长白山)。生于多石山坡,海拔2 000--2 500米。朝鲜也有分布(模式)。
参考文献:Tephroseris phaeantha (Nakai)C.Jeffrey et Y. L. Chen in Kew Bull.39(2): 279.1984。——Senecio duriei L6Vl.In,Repert.Sp.Nov.8:139.1910.Quoad lectotypum,nom.illegit.Non Franch.1888.——Senecio phaeantha Nakai in Bot. Mag.TOkyO 31:110,1917;Kitag.In Rep. Inst.Sc.Res.Manch.5(5):150. 194“刘慎谔,东北检索表406.1959.——Seneciokawakamii Kitam。inAct.Phyto· tax.Geobot.6:270,1937.——Senecio bfrubonensis Kitam.In Acta Phytotax Bec)lOt 6:270(1937).——Senecio integrifolius(L.)C1airv.Subsp.Fauriei Kitam.inActa Phytotax.Geobot.9:37.1940,quoadlectotypesOlum Senecioaurantiacus(Hoppe eX Willd.)Less.Var.1eiocar auct. Non Boiss:Kitam. In Mere.Coll. SC. Kyoto Univ.Ser.B.“:238.1942,et S.Y.Hu in Quart.Journ.Twail Mus.21:35. 1968,p.P.——Tephroserisbirubonensis(Kitam.)B.Nord. inOperaBot.44:44. 1978.

《Flora of China》 Vol. 20-21 (2011)
11. Tephroseris phaeantha (Nakai) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen, Kew Bull. 39: 279. 1984.
长白狗舌草 chang bai gou she cao Senecio phaeanthus Nakai, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 31: 110. 1917; S. birubonensis Kitamura; S. fauriei H. Léveillé (1910), not S. fauriae Franchet (1888); S. integrifolius (Linnaeus) Clairville subsp. fauriei Kitamura; Tephroseris birubonensis (Kitamura) B. Nordenstam.
Herbs, rhizomatous. Stem solitary, erect, subscapiform, 13-45 cm tall, simple, sparsely arachnoid and pubescent, ± glabrescent after anthesis. Radical leaves few to several, present at anthesis, rosulate; petiole 2-6(-8) cm, densely arachnoid and pubescent, not winged, basally slightly expanded; blade ovate-oblong or elliptic, 6-13 × 2-4 cm, papery, both surfaces arachnoid and fulvous pubescent, somewhat glabrescent, pinnately veined, lateral veins 10-14, obscure, margin irregularly sinuate-serrate or dentate with mucronulate teeth, apex rounded. Stem leaves few, progressively smaller upward; lower and median oblong, with winged petioles or sessile, lanceolate, sparsely arachnoid, glandular pubescent, margin subentire or mucronulate-serrate, apex obtuse to acute or acuminate. Capitula 1.8-2.5 cm in diam., 2-6(-8) arranged in terminal umbelliform corymbs; peduncles 1.5-4(-6) cm, sparsely arachnoid, densely glandular with fulvous hairs, basally bracteate, not bracteolate. Involucres campanulate, 7-8 × 7-9 mm, not calyculate; phyllaries 18-20, lanceolate, ca. 1 mm wide, herbaceous, purple and glandular ciliate at margin in upper part, sparsely arachnoid and fulvous puberulent to glabrescent, margin narrowly scarious, apically acute-acuminate. Ray florets ca. 13; corolla tube 2.5-3 mm; lamina yellow, oblong, ca. 11 × 2-2.5 mm, 4-veined, apically 3-denticulate. Disk florets many; corolla yellow, with fuscous-purplish lobes, ca. 6.5 mm, with 2.5-3 mm tube and funnelform limb; lobes ovate-lanceolate, ca. 1.2 mm, apically acute, papillose. Anthers ca. 2 mm, basally obtuse, appendages ovate-lanceolate. Style branches ca. 1 mm. Achenes cylindric, 3-3.5 mm, sparsely pubescent to subglabrous. Pappus white, ca. 6 mm. Fl. Jul-Aug.Rocky montane slopes; 2000-2500 m. Jilin (Changbai Shan) [Korea].