
深裂蒲公英Taraxacum stenolobum Stschegl.

深裂蒲公英Taraxacum stenolobum Stschegl.

科名:菊科 Compositae

属名:蒲公英属 Taraxacum

  13. 深裂蒲公英(八一农学院学报)图版12:9-10
  Taraxacum stenolobum Stschegl. in Sc. Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 27: 180. 1954; Schischk. Fl. URSS, 29: 496. 1964; Oraz. Fl. Kazak. 9: 481. 1966. et Одув. Казах. и Сед. Азии 129. t. 41. 1975. ——T. obliquum auct. non Dahlst.: Hand. -Mazz. Monogr. Tarax. 116. 1907. p. p.
  多年生草本。根颈部被少量暗褐色残存叶基,叶基腋内有少量褐色弯曲柔毛。叶长圆形或长圆状线形,长6-17厘米,宽8-30毫米,羽状深裂至几乎全裂,顶端裂片长戟形,稀三角形,全缘,先端急尖或渐尖,每侧裂片3-5片,裂片线形或三角状线形,裂片先端急尖,全缘或具齿,倒向、少开展,裂片间有齿或小裂片,疏被蛛丝状毛或无毛,叶基有时显紫红色。花葶1-6,长于叶,高8-35厘米,幼时被绵毛,花时顶端被少量蛛丝状毛,果时几无毛;总苞宽钟状,长9-15毫米;外层总苞片淡绿而常带红紫色,披针状卵圆形至披针形,长6-7毫米,宽1. 5-3毫米,伏贴,具窄膜质边,先端钝或渐尖,无角或具不明显的角,较内层总苞片宽或等宽;内层总苞片绿色,先端钝,无角或具小角,长为外层总苞片的1. 5-2倍;舌状花黄色,花冠无毛,舌片长9-10毫米,宽1-1. 5毫米,基部筒长约3毫米,边缘花舌片背面有紫色条纹,柱头暗黄色。瘦果淡灰褐色,长2. 5-3毫米,具少量纵沟,上部1/3具大量小刺,无小瘤,顶端突然收缩为长0.5-0.8毫米的喙基,喙纤细,长7-10毫米;冠毛白色,长5-6毫米。花果期6-8月。
  产新疆 (青河、阿勒泰、哈巴河、布尔津) 。生于河谷草甸、低山草原。俄罗斯及哈萨克斯坦也有分布。
参考文献:Taraxacum stenolobum Stschegl. In Sc.Bull.Soc.Nat.Mosc.27: 180. 1954; Schischk.F1.URSS,29:496.1964;Oraz,F1.Kazak.9:481.1966.Et OπyB. Ka3ax. H Cpea. A3HH 129. T. 41. 1975.——T. Obliquum auct. Non Dahlst.: Hand.—Mazz.Monogr.Tarax.116.1907.P.P.

《Flora of China》 Vol. 20-21 (2011)
16. Taraxacum scariosum (Tausch) Kirschner & ?tepánek, Preslia. 83: 498. 2011.
深裂蒲公英 shen lie pu gong ying Leontodon scariosus Tausch, Flora 12(Erg?nz. 1): 34. 1829; Taraxacum asiaticum Dahlstedt; T. asiaticum var. lonchophyllum Kitagawa; T. commixtiforme Soest; T. stenolobum Stscheglejew.
Herbs 12-20(-25) cm tall. Petiole usually faintly purplish to purple at base, unwinged; leaf blade mid-green to light green, narrowly oblanceolate, 12-15 × 1.3-2.5 cm, arachnoid, margin deeply dissected; lateral lobes 6-10 pairs, linear, ± patent, sometimes slightly bent upward or downward, often ± wider at base where divided into sharp linear lobules or teeth; interlobes 5-12 × 1.5-2 mm, margin with numerous usually patent linear acute lobules and/or teeth; terminal lobe 3-partite, apical segment linear and apex acute; late summer leaves with broader linear lobes to 8 mm wide. Scapes greenish brown, arachnoid but more densely arachnoid below capitulum. Capitulum 2-3 cm wide. Involucre 0.9-1.1 cm wide, base rounded. Outer phyllaries 14-18, yellowish green to green and usually slightly suffused pinkish, ± imbricate, lanceolate to broadly lanceolate but inner ones more narrowly so, outermost ones 5-7(-8.5) × (1.8-)2.5-2.8 mm and 2/5-3/5 as long as inner ones, appressed, later ± erect, with whitish 0.2-0.3 mm border more distinct in apical part and often pinkish, margin arachnoid ciliate, apex initially ± flat to minutely corniculate but corniculate in later flowering capitula; inner phyllaries 1.2-1.4 cm, apex ± corniculate. Ligules yellow; outer ligules flat, outside striped gray to grayish pink; inner ligules with reddish apical teeth. Stigmas pure yellow to pale grayish yellow. Anthers polliniferous; pollen grains irregular in size. Achene pale grayish straw-colored, 4.2-4.7 × ca. 0.8 mm; body apically subsparsely to ± densely spinulose, ± gradually narrowing into a subcylindric 0.8-1 mm cone; beak 8-9 mm, thin. Pappus white, 6-7 mm. Fl. spring and summer. Agamosperm. 2n = 24.Dry steppe and substeppe habitats, roadsides, dry pastures; 900-3000 m. Hebei, Heilongjiang, Nei Mongol, Shanxi, ?Xinjiang, Xizang [Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia (Altai)].
The report of Taraxacum scariosum (as T. asiaticum) from Xinjiang (FRPS 80(2): 19. 1999) is probable but needs to be confirmed, as do those from Gansu, Hubei, Jilin, Liaoning, Qinghai, Shaanxi, and Sichuan.The name, most often covering this species in the Russian and Chinese literature, Taraxacum stenolobum, was usually used in a very broad concept. The same applies to another frequently used name, T. asiaticum, for which the original material is very heterogeneous and the lectotype represents T. scariosum. We use the oldest epithet in a narrow sense of a single very widespread agamospermous species, within this section distinct in having yellow stigmas, very narrow achenes, narrow appressed outer phyllaries, and short corniculation.