
白缘蒲公英Taraxacum platypecidum Diels

白缘蒲公英Taraxacum platypecidum Diels


科名:菊科 Compositae

属名:蒲公英属 Taraxacum

  32. 白缘蒲公英(东北植物检索表) 热河蒲公英,山蒲公英,河北蒲公英 图版8: 8-11
  Taraxacum platypecidum Diels in Fedde, Repert. Beih. 12: 515. 1922; Dahlst. in Act. Hort. Gothob. 2: 146. t. 1, f. 1-3. 1926; Chen in Bull. Fan Mern. Inst. Biol. Bot. 5: 101. 1934; Ling in Contr. Inst. Bot. Nat. Acad. Peip. 3: 201. 1935; Ohwi, Fl. Japan 1237. 1953; 东北植物检索表 442. 1959; Schischk. Fl. URSS, 29: 442. 1964; S. Y. Hu in Quart. Journ. Taiwan Mus. 22: 658. 1969; 内蒙古植物志 6: 291. 图版117. 图4. 1972; 中国高等植物图鉴 4: 679. 图6771. 1975; Kitag. Neo-Lineam. Fl. Mansh. 686. 1979; 黄土高原植物志 5: 484. 图版89. 图5-9. 1989; 辽宁植物志 (下册) 631. 图版281: 7-9. 1992; 太原植物志 2: 712. 图版398. 1992. ——T. albo-marginatum Kitam. in Act. Phytotax. Geobot. 4: 103. 1935.
用    途:全草供药用,功效同蒲公英。
参考文献:Taraxacum platypecidum Diels in Fedde,Repert,Beih.12:515.1922;Dahlst.In Act,Hort.Gothob.2:146.T.1,f·1——3.1926;Chen in Bull.Fan Mere.Inst.Bi01. Bot,5:101.1934;LinginContr.Inst.Bot.Nat,Acad.Peip.3:201.1935;Ohwi, F1.Japan 1237。1953;东北植物检索表442.1959;Schischk.F1.URSS,29:442. 1964;S.Y.HuinQuart.Journ.TaiwanMus.22:658.1969;内蒙古植物志6:291. 图版117.图4.1972;中国高等植物图鉴4:679.图6771.1975;Kitag.Neo-Lineam. F1.Mansh.686.1979;黄土高原植物志5:484.图版89.图5—9.1989;辽宁植物志 (下册)631.图版281:7—9.1992;太原植物志2:712.图版398.1992.——T.Al- bo-marginatum Kitarn.inAct.Phytotax.Geobot,4:103.1935.

《Flora of China》 Vol. 20-21 (2011)
22. Taraxacum platypecidum Diels, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 12: 515. 1922.
白缘蒲公英 bai yuan pu gong ying Taraxacum licentii Soest.
Herbs 12-40 cm tall, robust. Petiole narrow; leaf blade deep green, narrowly oblanceolate, (6-)10-18 × 2-4 cm, arachnoid, margin subentire, dentate, shallowly lobed, or rarely to deeply pinnatisect; lateral lobes 3-5, broadly triangular, recurved; interlobes (when developed) with margin entire. Scapes brownish green, overtopping leaves, white arachnoid but whitish to brownish tomentose below capitulum. Capitulum 4-5 cm wide. Involucre 1-1.3 cm wide, base ± rounded. Outer phyllaries 14-19, subimbricate, ovate-lanceolate to ovate, 8-15 × (2.5-)3-4.5(-6) mm, appressed to loosely so, not distinctly veined, median part blackish green, with a whitish green to whitish 1-2 mm wide border, margin conspicuously densely whitish ciliate and blackish callose below apex (sometimes surface arachnoid in upper ca. 1/3); inner phyllaries 1.5-1.7 cm. Ligules yellow; outer ligules outside striped faintly purplish gray. Stigmas blackish to dark green. Anthers without pollen or polliniferous; pollen grains irregular in size. Achene grayish brown to light brown, (4.5-)5.5 × 1.5-2 mm; body spinulose-squamulose in upper ca. 1/3, tuberculate below, ± abruptly narrowing into a thick subcylindric 1.2-1.4 mm cone; beak ca. 9.5 mm. Pappus yellowish dirty white, 7-9 mm. Fl. summer. Agamosperm.● Subalpine meadow slopes; 1900-3000 m. Gansu, Hebei, Shanxi.
The report of Taraxacum platypecidum for a number of additional provinces and for Korea and Japan (FRPS 80(2): 43 1999; Higher Pl. China 11: 778. 2005) is probably incorrect. However, although not yet seen by the authors among the specimens studied, the species should be looked for in the mountainous provinces adjacent to Hebei and Shanxi.