
白花蒲公英Taraxacum leucanthum (Ledeb.) Ledeb.

白花蒲公英Taraxacum leucanthum (Ledeb.) Ledeb.


科名:菊科 Compositae

属名:蒲公英属 Taraxacum

  Taraxacum leucanthum (Ledeb.) Ledeb. Fl. Ross. 2: 815. 1846. p. p.; Hand.-Mazz. Monogr. Tarax. 29. t. 1, f. 8. 1907; Schischk. Fl. URSS, 29: 540. 1963. p. p. excl. syn. T. asiaticum Dahlst. et T. cuspidatum Dahlst.; V. Soest in Wentia 10: 7. 1963; S. Y. Hu in Quart. Journ. Taiwan Mus. 22: 655. 1969. excl. Pl. Mongolia; 西藏植物志4: 935. 1985. p. p.——Leontodonm leucanthum Ledeb. lcon. Pl. Fl. Ross. 2: 12. t. 132, 1830 et Fl. Alt. 4: 154. 1833. p. p. ——Taraxacum bicolor DC. Prodr. 7 (1): 148. 1838. p. p. ——T. dissectum auct. non Ledeb.: Hand. -Mazz. l. c. 47. 1907. p. p. et Symb. Sin. 7: 1179. 1936.
  多年生矮小草本。根颈部被大量黑褐色残存叶基叶线状披针形,近全缘至具浅裂,少有为半裂,具很小的小齿,长(2-) 3-5 (-8)厘米,宽2-5毫米,两面无毛。花葶1至数个,长2-6厘米,无毛或在顶端疏被蛛丝状柔毛;头状花序直径25-30毫米;总苞长9-13毫米,总苞片干后变淡墨绿色或墨绿色,先端具小角或增厚;外层总苞片卵状披针形,稍宽于至约等宽于内层总苞片,具宽的膜质边缘;舌状花通常白色,稀淡黄色,边缘花舌片背面有暗色条纹,柱头干时黑色。瘦果倒卵状长圆形,枯麦秆黄色至淡褐色或灰褐色,长4毫米,上部1/4具小刺,顶端逐渐收缩为长0.5-1.2毫米的喙基,喙较粗壮,长3-6毫米。冠毛长4-5毫米,带淡红色或稀为污白色。花果期6-8月。
  产甘肃西部(阿克塞)、青海、新疆、西藏等省区。生于海拔2 500-6 000米,山坡湿润草地、沟谷、河滩草地以及沼泽草甸处。印度西北部、伊朗、巴基斯坦、俄罗斯等国也有分布。模式标本产阿尔泰山区。
  白花蒲公英种的界限争议较多。《苏联植物志》将亚洲蒲公英T. asiaticum Dahlst.和T. cuspidatum Dahlst. 2种归在白花蒲公英中。尽管上述2种有时花为白色,但该2种外层总苞片先端有明显的突起或小角,瘦果喙纤细,与白花蒲公英具明显的区别,因而恢复亚洲蒲公英种,并将T. cuspidatum Dahlst.归在亚洲蒲公英内;另外《西藏植物志》将粉绿蒲公英T. dealbatum Hand. -Mazz., T. kawaguchii Kitam., T. staticifolium V. Soest及T. bhutanicum V. Soest 4种归在白花蒲公英中。此4种舌状花均为黄色,且瘦果顶端喙纤细等特点,不应归在白花蒲公英中,除粉绿蒲公英恢复原名外,后3种均归在小花蒲公英T. parvulum DC.中。
参考文献:Taraxacum leucanthum (Ledeb.)Ledeb.F1.Ross.2:815.1846.P.P.;Hand.- Mazz.Monogr.Tarsx.29.T. 1,f·8.1907;Schischk.F1.URSS,29:540.1963.P. P.Excl.Syn.T. Asiaticum Dahlst. Et T.Cuspidatum Dahlst;V.Soest in Wentia 10: 7.1963;S.Y.Hu in Quart.Journ.Taiwan Mus. 22:655. 1969. Excl. P1. Mongo1ia; 西藏植物志4:935. 1985.P.P.——Leontodonm leucanthum Ledeb. Icon. P1.F1. Ross.2:12.T.132,1830 et F1.Alt.4:154.1833.P.P.——Taramacum bicolor DC.Prodr.7(1):148.1838.P.P.——T.Dissectum auct.Non Ledeb.:Hand. —Mazz.1.C.47.1907.P.P.Et Symb.Sin.7:1179.1936.

《Flora of China》 Vol. 20-21 (2011)
2. Taraxacum albiflos Kirschner & ?tepánek, Fl. China. 20-21: 274. 2011.
白花蒲公英 bai hua pu gong ying Type: China. Xinjiang: "Turkestania sinensis: in montibus K’un-lun [昆仑山], Keng-shewar, in paludosis ad Aktjok," 27 Jun 1932, N. Ambolt, S. Hedin Expedition 5849b (holotype, S; isotype, S).Plantae agamospermae foliis linearibus integris vel denticulatis, scapis superne dense araneosis, phyllariis involucralibus exterioribus 11 ad 14, adpressis, aterrimis, ovatis vel ovato-lanceolatis, parte mediana obscure nigrescenti-viridi, marginibus pallidis non evolutis, ligulis exterioribus albis, extus stria atro-rosea notatis, interioribus pallide lutescentibus, antheris polline carentibus, stigmatibus extus nigricantibus.
Herbs to 10 cm tall, slender, perennial. Leaves mid-green but pale green at base, linear, 5-9 × 0.3-0.4 cm, almost glabrous, margin entire, remotely denticulate, or rarely remotely shallowly sublobulate, apex obtuse. Scapes brownish green, to 8 cm, ± equaling leaves, sparsely arachnoid at base but densely arachnoid below capitulum. Capitulum 1.5-3 cm wide. Involucre 5-7 mm wide, base rounded. Outer phyllaries 11-14, black but median part often blackish green, subimbricate, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 3.5-5.5 × 1.6-2.5 mm, appressed, without a paler border, margin not ciliate, apex acute, pale pinkish, and often with small black horn or ± flat; inner phyllaries blackish, narrowly linear, 0.9-1.2 cm, apex corniculate. Outer ligules white or very pale yellowish white but outside striped blackish pink, flat; inner ligules pale yellowish with blackish apical teeth. Anthers without pollen. Stigmas abaxially blackish, adaxially gray, black pubescent. Achene unknown. Agamosperm.● Wet subsaline meadows; ca. 3800 m. S Xinjiang.
Taraxacum albiflos is distinct in having a blackish involucre, whitish ligules, linear leaves, and anthers without pollen. In T. sect. Leucantha, T. albiflos can be compared with T. candidatum. The latter has green, pale-bordered outer phyllaries and a very sparsely arachnoid scape. Outside of T. sect. Leucantha, T. albiflos is similar to T. staticifolium of T. sect. Tibetana. Taraxacum staticifolium has flat (not corniculate), narrower, and not tightly appressed outer phyllaries with a ciliate margin and also ± yellow ligules.