
橡胶草Taraxacum kok-saghyz Rodin

橡胶草Taraxacum kok-saghyz Rodin


科名:菊科 Compositae

属名:蒲公英属 Taraxacum

  Taraxacum kok-saghyz Rodin in Act. Inst. Bot. Acad. Sc. URSS Ser. I. Fasc. 1. 187. f. 1-10. 1933; Schischk. Fl. URSS, 29: 491. 1964; Oraz. Fl. Kazak. 9: 479. 1966. et Одув. Казах. и Сед. Азии 70. t. 17, f. 4. 1975; S. Y. Hu in Quart. Journ. Taiwan Mus. 22: 655. 1969; 中国高等植物图鉴4: 680. 图 6773. 1975; 黄土高原植物志5: 486. 1989. ——T. brevicorniculatum V. Korol. in Not. Syst. Herb. Inst. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS 8 (6) : 93 . 1940; Schischk. l. c. 29: 492. 1964; Oraz. l. c. 9: 479. 1966. et Иллюс. опр. раст. Казах. 2: 455. 1972.
  多年生草本。根颈部被黑褐色残存叶基,其腋间有丰富的褐色皱曲毛。叶狭倒卵形或倒披针形,长4.5-5厘米,宽6-17毫米,不分裂、全缘或具波状齿,先端钝或急尖,有时主脉显红色。花葶1-3,高7-24厘米,长于叶,有时带紫红色,顶端被疏松的蛛丝状毛;头状花序直径25-30毫米;总苞钟状,长8-11毫米,总苞片浅绿色,先端常带紫红色,具较长而尖的角;外层总苞片披针状卵圆形至披针形,长4-5毫米,宽1.5-2毫米,伏贴,具白色膜质边缘,等宽或稍宽于内层总苞片;内层总苞片长为外层总苞片的1.5-2.5倍;舌状花黄色,花冠喉部及舌片下部的外面疏生短柔毛,舌片长约7毫米,宽约1毫米,基部筒长约5毫米,边缘花舌片背面有紫色条纹,柱头黄色。瘦果淡褐色,长 (2-) 2.5-3.5毫米,上部1/3-1/2有多数小刺,其余部分具小瘤状突起或无瘤状突起,喙基长1-1.8毫米,喙长5-6毫米。冠毛白色,长4-5毫米。花果期5-7月。2n=16,24,32,
  产新疆 (伊宁) 。生于河漫滩草甸、盐碱化草甸、农田水渠边。哈萨克斯坦及欧洲也有。
用    途:根含乳汁,可提取橡胶,用于制造一般橡胶制品。
参考文献:Taraxacum kok-saghyz Rodin in Act.Inst.Eot.Acad.Sc.URSS Ser.I.Fasc.1. 187.F.1——10.1933;Schischk.F1.URSS,29:491.1964;Oraz.F1.Kazak.9:479. 1966,et OπyB.Ka3ax.H Cpeπ Asm4 70.T.17,f·4.1975;S.Y.Hu in Quart.Journ. TaiwanMus.22:655.1969;中国高等植物图鉴4:680.图6773.1975;黄土高原植 物志 5:486.1989.——T.Brevicorniculatum V.Korol,in Not.Syst.Herb.Inst. Bot,Acad.Sci.URSS 8(6):93.1940;Schischk.1.C.29:492.1964;Oraz.1.C.9: 479.1966.Et Hππnoc.Oπp,pact.Ka3ax 2:455.1972.

《Flora of China》 Vol. 20-21 (2011)
91. Taraxacum koksaghyz Rodin, Trudy Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., Ser. 1, Fl. Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 1: 187. 1933.
橡胶草 xiang jiao cao
Herbs 4-15 cm tall. Petiole pale green, winged; leaf blade light glaucous grayish green with a light green to rarely pinkish midvein, narrowly oblanceolate to broadly oblanceolate, 3-7(-10) × 1.2-3 cm, ± fleshy, very sparsely arachnoid to glabrous, undivided, margin remotely denticulate to regularly pinnatilobed to pinnatifid; lateral lobes 2 or 3(-5) pairs, broadly triangular, patent to subrecurved, proximal margin ± straight and entire, distal margin convex and entire, apex obtuse to subacute; interlobes not spotted, broad, margin entire; terminal lobe usually triangular, margin entire, apex subobtuse. Scapes light green or pinkish, ± overtopping leaves, arachnoid. Capitulum 2-3 cm wide. Involucre 5-8 mm wide, base obconic-rounded. Outer phyllaries 8-13, light green sometimes distally suffused purplish, not imbricate, linear-lanceolate to narrowly ovate, outermost ones 5.5-7 × (1-)1.2-2.2(-2.5) mm and 1/2-4/5 as long as inner ones but sometimes equaling them, loosely appressed to erect, border whitish light green or ± membranous and 0.1-0.3 mm wide, margin sparsely ciliate to glabrous, apex with a 2.5-4 mm horn of perpendicular to erect position; inner phyllaries 8-12 mm, apex with a thin 1-2 mm horn. Ligules light yellow; outer ligules flat, outside not striped or faintly striped purplish; inner ligules with yellow teeth at apex. Stigmas pure yellow. Anthers polliniferous; pollen grains regular in size. Achene light grayish straw-colored brown, 2.8-3.8 × 0.7-0.9 mm; body ± densely spinulose above, subgradually narrowing into a subcylindric (0.5-)0.7-1 mm cone, spinules usually irregularly bent upward and not squamulose; beak 3-4.5 mm. Pappus ± white, 3.5-4.5 mm. Fl. late spring and early summer. Sexual. 2n = 16.Medium-moist subsaline pastures with Achnatherum splendens, path margins, riverbanks; 1600-2000 m. W Xinjiang [Kazakhstan].